INFJ Arrogance
I thought it would be nice to hear other opinions about this topic, but I have come to think there is a lot of truth to this comment that appeared anonymously on this site ages ago: are funny, bright and career savvy. ISFjs were rated as type with the highest rated I.Q scores at socionics site.
ISFjs are not always submissive.
ISFjs may get angry and argue unlike INFjs; INFjs have a I am superier to you way about them , they are quietly forceful and rid themselves of negative people by withdrawing from them without much fuss. INFjs are surprisingly the worst enemies to have, they will destroy you quietly and are unforgiving but look like they are not up to anything. ISFjs are more forgiving and friendly.
Family members but not friends or strangers can treat ISFjs very very badly . ISFj i knew used to love saying family right or wrong
-INFJs have an I am superior to you way about them.
I know I do. Many other INFJs do come across this way. In my opinion it is partly simply about having a healthy self-respect, one should not be sorry for one's existence. On the other hand, many people can find it bloody annoying. I understand them, and I would not like to hurt anyone, but I do not intend to change my manners, it is just part of the way I am. Another explanation that comes to mind is that kind of half-consciously people tend to behave according to the Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do to you. I patronize others, because I do not mind being politely patronized myself. Kind of explains why the dual of INFJ is ESTj too...
-INFjs are surprisingly the worst enemies to have, they will destroy you quietly and are unforgiving but look like they are not up to anything.
Even this rings kind of true. Unfortunately. Perhaps because Fi is the base function, I do perceive insults often quite painfully, yet because of weak sensing hesitate to express my feelings, and unlike the sensory ISFjs cannot easily forget and move on because the past is present in ways that cannot be denied. Words once uttered cannot be taken back - and interesting enough once again if one looks at the dual description: In anger ESTjs may shout, throw or break things, often recalling their victims past failures.
Any thoughts, my fellow INFJs. And what about ISFJs, do you agree with the original anonymous comment?