yeah I agree w/ a lot of the points made here. I do think every quadra wants to improve in their own way. It's possible that Beta is the most interested in rapidly "charging ahead" towards that change.

I wonder if Delta might need to sort of warm up to someone first, and feel sort of confidant-ish with them in order to be comfortable working together? I do have an ENFp client (and we established that feeling quickly), but I've known ESTj friends for example who asked me about this stuff only after becoming really good friends. I wonder if Deltas would be more open to hiring someone to do the things Betas do well? Like Se-focused things? There was an ESTp trainer at my gym who offered to teach me to box and I was SO excited! I had Rocky music playing in my mind.

Of my two new clients this week, one is of course a Beta! lol. I think an ENFj. Wanted to get started at 7am on a Monday! Total attitude of commitment, which I must say I admire. The whole "I will do and commit to anything to make this possible." The energy ENFjs have is amazing but I notice they need clarity on where to direct their energy in a focused way. They want someone to tell them the right way (like an ISTj would), but it's important they listen to their own opinions first and clarify what they really want.

So I do really enjoy working w/ Betas in this capacity, which is of course very different from being best friends or something. The structure of it makes it work so much better. INFps are also fun because they can come across as unconfident at times, but they're not. Because when you point out what's working well for them (or their strengths) they quickly spring into action. Also if they get pushed down by something it can really motivate them and they show this very fiery side that can motivate them for some time (much longer than it would motivate me!).

The way these things come across I think is very subjective. For instance, ESTps do have an aura of "I'm right" and "I know" just like ISTjs do. But I guess you need that to put Se into practice. However, ESTps in particular are quick to admit they might not know all the answers and do seem very open to other perspectives. Often they'd ask me for a different approach, and say they didn't want their ego to take over and prevent them from growing. But it of course depends on the ESTp. I did have one I had to stop working with who would start yelling (usually just upset about his past failures, but would direct it at me = scary).

I think this aura of "I'm right" can be intimidating to Deltas, and seem like they think they have it all figured out. That doesn't mean they do, or think they do, just that us Deltas perceive it that way. I think Betas also assume we think we have it all figured out (also not true), but we project that somehow.

It's true that what Deltas feel is "freedom" is what Betas feel is the opposite. And vice versa. Deltas feel free when we're in close psychological distance to others who understand our Fi-outlook of being polite by not imposing our feelings/views on others. So we need to maintain our "polite" thoughtful behavior to give others space to be themselves (so they can be free too). Where as Betas don't feel that is "polite" but controlling. What we see as polite they see as limiting (and vice versa). They feel free by breaking those rules that we put in place in order to help others feel free.

So I think when we see a thread like "Betas are the best!" Deltas cringe, thinking Betas really mean that absolutely. And Deltas think "No, you aren't -- no one is the best! How silly and arrogant!" When I think what they really mean in Delta language is "Betas are such a great quadra! I'm so happy to be a Beta! yay!" But Betas would never write that.