Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
Quote Originally Posted by BlendieOfIndie
I also have a bad problem with spilling things on myself. I have gotten better in recent years, but... yeah it still happens. I used to think that purposely spilling something on myself would clear me of spills for the rest of the day... i didn't ever do it on purpose though.
Same here. Can't understand how people are able to wear white clothes.

Now I am slightly confused... Not all seem to be oblivious to the surrounding world. Erkki knows more about the MBTI system and he thinks that this trait is common among NTs. What would that mean in socionics?
It's exactly the same. All NTs have got the sensing functions in weak places.
Both - and ? On many tests, I am on the border of ISTj. Doesn't that mean that my sensing functions are stronger?
Maybe, I have noticed that I am a lot less of a klutz than I once was. I think the only problem with me now is that I still, from time to time, bang my shoulder on the edge of the walls. Then again, maybe I just learned to be more careful when I am doing certain things because my memory revives all the painful possibilities during those times. I guess I still haven't learn to stop the shoulder thing because I don't do it often enough to make an impact on my memory. Hmm. Maybe this is a manifestation improved Si?? I don't know.