Probably not, by the way the socionics definitions work. Se is organizing people right? I have no problems being organized, and would actually welcome it, given that it was done in a good way. I've had someone do this to me in a rough, drill sargent style way, which was fine as well, but I'd prefer it be done gently. I'm more likely to hang out with the guy who doesn't critique your every move, but it's fine if you do it for business reasons.

People being judgy is also fine, given it's within reason. I had a guy who was incredibly angry at people who didn't do their work, and he was at the point where he wanted to get into a fight with this guy who was on his phone the entire time we were at work. Completely understandable.

What I can't stand is people who are overly negative and critical for no purpose. There's people I know who just sit around and complain, and then 5 days later, they're still sitting around and complaining. I'll wait along side you and listen to your problems because it's the right thing to do, but I'm not exerting any effort to get you out of your state of emotional turmoil. My example is person A owes person B a ton of money. I'm not saying how much. My suggestion is to lawyer up. 5 years later, they haven't gotten their money. I'm not repeating my suggestion.