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Thread: INFjs and ENFps, how do you show your interest in someone?

  1. #41

    Default LOL

    I'm an ENFP woman and I use to do this before I was married. If I liked a guy, I would play hard to get but if he played hard to get I would chase him even more. However, As a ENFP sagittarius, I tend to flirt period. So if this girl is coming up with an excuse as why not to hang out she is probably not into you. I was usually up for anything, always wanting to hang out and meet new people when I was single. If I got intimidated, I might put up a front like you are saying. If she thinks you are really good looking, she might not know how to act around you and is nervous or distant, "playing it cool". However, I have had guy friends who liked me and even though I loved being around them, I never wanted to tell them, "Hey, I don't like you". So she might be flirting to be nice because ENFP's are extremely social.

  2. #42
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Okay so condition X is fulfilled aka "I like you".

    Step I: Eh, I charm that guy or gal's pants off first. And then! Peeling my façade away, surprise!! I shockingly confront the person with how I am deep down: insane but smooth! Most likely I will use the most bizarre ways of getting the person's attention to see how the reaction is. That way, I can gauge how they are interested in return.

    Step II: First I get physically close. Then I praise (=say what I like/get excited about) the person for their good qualities and actions, encourage them, ask a lot of questions since I want to determine how their character and life is like. Job, aspirations, hobbies, family. Especially once I get concerned about the person's hardships I am clearly interested.

    Cuddles attract me I am very touchy.

  3. #43
    scio's Avatar
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    I agree with everything @Chae said. Lol it's a trust thing to display my inner chaos.
    I will say though I'm trying to reveal that side of myself faster and faster bc it cuts out people that can't handle how awesome I am
    I would say that for me, I am guarded based on my own shame and I want to conquer that. The more open I am the better I feel because I realize that I am a good person and have every right to show all of myself without caution or feeling too chaotic.
    I will add that I flirt with everyone; I could flirt with a door.
    If I like the person I get shy and more serious. It may not be easy to see to be honest as it is subtle.
    I make sure it is not obvious in case my feelings change later on. But I focus on giving them useful advice and noticeably like a pseudo-caregiver. It's 100% true for me in that I demonstrate that I will caution them if something sounds risky etc. I become much less carefree in general and zero in on the person intensely so I feel like I'm being attentive.
    "Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced" -James Baldwin

  4. #44
    Saoirse's Avatar
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    A big relationship/friendship milestone for me is when you text the person about random stuff happening in your day, stuff you're excited about, stuff that's annoying you, random thoughts that occur to you, everything, without worrying if you're bothering the other person. I consider quite a few people to be close friends, yet I've achieved this milestone with a small subset of them, and sustained it with even fewer.

    Another big milestone for me is breaking the touch barrier. I don't touch people willy-nilly, so if I touch you intentionally, either: (1) we are already very close, or (2) I'm interested in becoming close to you, either platonically or romantically. If we're not already close, it will just be something like a touch on the arm when I'm emphasizing a point in our conversation or when you say something funny, or punching your arm when you tease me. Perhaps too subtle. Greeting/parting hugs don't really count as they might just be dictated by the norms of how we know each other--hence not really under my control.

    A sufficient but not necessary condition for knowing I think you're attractive is if I am extremely startled if you unexpectedly touch me, like on the shoulder to get my attention or something. There was this guy who had been flirting w me for a while, but one day, he did that and I practically jumped out of my seat, and he hasn't flirted w me since. Sigh. I'm so awkward!

    Personally I could ask anyone a lot of personal/even intimate questions to get to know them; it's just how I make conversation and not a sign of particular interest from me.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by scio View Post
    I will add that I flirt with everyone; I could flirt with a door.

    and here i am with an eii recently telling me im a player
    eiis can be somewhat anal about dont show interest unless you are able to be serious about it
    and honestly i don't mind that

    eiis are definitely the type that most interprets things the way i really want to , even though i've mostly adapted to a world that is very alien to how most eiis are
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    I don't. I only initiate when I'm certain the feelings are reciprocated.

    I was a mega dork when I was younger, though, a giggly, blushing, nervous wreck who'd try to hide my emotional reactions under a million layers of excuses

  7. #47
    schwiftyrickty's Avatar
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    I don't understand playing hard to get. I don't do it and I don't appreciate it when it's done to me, and I will not participate. If you want me to chase you, you're going to be waiting a long time because I'll have already moved on lol. If I am interested, I will respond immediately and I don't try to be cool. I lay it all out pretty quickly. I prefer a woman to do the same.

  8. #48
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    I get quite stiff around someone if I am attracted to them; I desperately want to mantain self control lol

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