I'm EXTREMELY curious as to what types you guys all think they look like. I have my educated guesses.


From the far left -- the dad, sister, sister's husband, me, boyfriend.

Sister and mother.

Sister, dad, mom.

Okay so some more information, random anecdotes I know about them that might mean a lot but also might mean nothing at all :

The Father
* Lover of music, plays guitar, piano.
* Seems the introvert in the marriage; also more laid back and energy is much lower.
* Buys random things that he is interested in like the keyboard to play, a book of the funniest things ever said, etc.
* Job has something to do with computers
* Laughs a lot and gets along very well with his wife and son-in-law

The Mother
* Very outgoing, extremely friendly and kind, loving, welcoming.
* Really good cook, seems to care about being a good hostess and making everybody feel comfortable
* Cares about style, clothes somewhat (at least more than my mom lol)
* High energy level, always talking

The Sister
* Seems introverted, not sure if she's laid back or rigid (Ixxj or Ixxp or anything else?)
* Seems to respond well to ? But perhaps not in her ego -- like she requires someone else to do it... ?
* Very good relationship with husband (son-in-law); I thought they could be duals? But perhaps not, b/c I have an idea about him that wouldn't make sense if they were duals.
* Likes Harry Potter? lol
* Studied culinary stuff in college
* Apparently boyfriend said her and him do not really 'know' eachother all that well on any deeper level but hey, that could be any bro & sis - they do get along though.

Sister's Husband
* EXTREMELY gregarious and talkative; always cracking jokes and I mean, ALWAYS! Very funny guy.
* Is an excellent salesman @ Future Shop and always gets us discounts, etc. Makes a lot of money selling stuff! =P
* Seems to know quite a lot about technology, etc.
* Obviously valuing, imo. I personally think he's an SLE and actually my and my boyfriend's dual! BF says nah lol ... but what does he know? I felt very 'normal' with this guy when I met him, felt he was average... Perhaps ILE? But I dunno.

OVERALL; when we are all together, it seems very Alpha/Beta to me, TONS of everywhere and very warm atmosphere. Everyone gets along really well...

What do you guys think?