Quote Originally Posted by pluie View Post
yeah, i've often wondered about that too...

it goes that EIEs tend to hold in a lot more, i think... but uh.. they don't explode. i believe they are pretty good at holding in stuff.

but umm... I think the Fe creative explosion thing is common-ish-- at least for undeveloped IEIs. or unhealthy and really stressed out ones?

it could possibly be not type-related as well though, but i think sometimes the intensity of the emotion is just too intense so they're like

"fuck everything" and they express it. rashly.

i've done that a few times (at my current age level)--but only with those i trust to see me vulnerable, and then other times i've just held it in...but usually.. eventually, i have to get it out of my system and share it with a friend, but i dont explode, unless i think they're being dumb... or immature or inconsiderate. (i do not use "dumb" in the conventional way in this context.) usually i can just share whats bothering me with a very close friend, in a calm but expressive manner that lets me release a lot of stress. however, usually i try not to because i don't like being dependent on others to release stress. i like to be able to cope independently.

to support what i said about not being as developed or w/e; yeah-- when i was younger, i'd explode almost always when i was in a negative emotional state. but i've matured and pretty much internalize my emotions and deal with it on my own the way you say you do. (or at least i try to..... )

i've spoken with IEIs who just let it all out without regard to the effect they'll have on me, or to what they are actually saying... they're probably the 4s or maybe even 6s (disclaimer: it's a fuckin joke. not a legit generalisation.)

and then there's the 4 so's (most likely) or very possibly the 9s... or even just the 5 wing esp if social probably makes a difference... they are usually very peaceful and internalize things nicely. they're just "chill" all the time, and fun to be with and joke with easily. not so intense.

i think thats an intimate thign as well... by intimate i mean "sx" on the enneagram... the need for the ups and downs. i know i do that shit naturally... but like i said, i've grown.

so i'm not really sure what factor determines whether or not IEIs most often express what is most bothering them or if they just internalize it and let it pass or cope in whatever-else way.

i'll say the idealistic and "politically correct" thing, i think...
Whether a person explodes or not varies from one individual to the next-- regardless of type! xD

(el oh el)
yeah i think everyone has those times.

i1m trying to figure out which type i am, which is why i asked that question.

i have it narrowed down to:

not sure tho, i think im more of a chilled out type so they may rule out the ENFp (but chilled/relax state could also not be a factor in types)