It seems to me like Fe-valuing types have better control over their emotions and are less internally emotional than Fi-valuing types. Fi-valuing types seem more likely to explode. EIE-Ni is always in control, but they do let out their anger if they want to and they have amazing control over their muscles when they do so. And ILE-Ti is also always in control, especially if a psychopath but some do act like they're angry to get their way. And even if an ILE-Ti is aware that they're angry, they don't stay angry for long because they just start the process of getting rid of who or what makes them angry and they're optimistic that they'll have success so they don't stay angry for long.

All the ESI-Fi I know reflexively, involuntarily explode (they're just tense and feel more pressure internally than any other type so it just gets to the point where it comes out reflexively and it's never expressed humorously or beautifully). ESI-Se are calmer and more in control (I had one ESI-Se friend growing up who lost control a little bit once but he was pretty calm) and they can express their anger in popular, artistic ways that come across as humorous or creative (or both) unlike the Fi-subtype.

4 SLE-Ti friends I grew up with seemed to have at least moderate control of their anger, but all three were quite irritable and critical... probably due to a combination of not always getting what they wanted (and not smart enough to find a way to get their way unlike ILE-Ti), and two had drug and alcohol problems and one had aspergers' syndrome which is weird because one of the two who had drug and alcohol problems had social skills that were second-to-none and varied changeable interests.