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Thread: Positive qualities of SLEs/ESTps

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    Default Positive qualities of SLEs/ESTps

    Ok, well I have had a few evil ESTps who've crossed my path causing me problems because of their own selfishness and what I see is a lack of empthathy towards others.

    Now, I'm well aware that there must be good ESTps out there. To help curb my bitterness towards them, can someone talk about their good qualities that an NT can appreciate.

    Many are of their good qualities so far that I hear people talk about are not really ones I value a whole lot. So it would be helpful to hear some of their good qualities I would value.

    I'm starting to find myself stereotyping ESTps as bad people. But that screws up my whole personalities are balanced theory so there must be a really wonderful side to them that I'm just missing.

    So vent your positive ESTp experiences here...

  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I know an ESTp which is really healthy, and which conicidentally has a really high IQ - around 150-160.

    He does everything really fast, he can invent jokes at an amazing rate, but his jokes are never rude, only a bit cynical sometimes. He's really fair, likes sports. He dislikes school though, even if he understands everything in a zap. Sometimes boastful, but he doesn't take himself too seriously. Great guy.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Oh I'm so glad to hear that! So he is actually able to sit down and do his own work and doesn't pawn stuff off on to others?

  4. #4
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    Oh I'm so glad to hear that! So he is actually able to sit down and do his own work and doesn't pawn stuff off on to others?
    Yes he dislikes to ask favours. Moreover, he is usually faster than the greatest majority of people (we used to compete on who was faster at doing assignments), therefore there is not much use at pawning other people his stuff.
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    Hmm I do that quite a bit actually. Are you sure he's not an ENTp? We can look like ESTps at first glance.

    I'm not saying an ESTp can't be like this. Just the ones I know seem to have this almost like tunnel vision when they have a task to complete. They end up missing a lot of details which are actually important in their rush to get the task done so even if it does get done, its not quality work.

    When working with ENTjs I think I make them a little nervous at times because I look so scattered but they can't argue with the results. I'm actually very efficient and a bit of a perfectionist at times which I find that the ENTjs actually appreciated.

    But throw an ESTp in the mix with the ENTp/ENTj and we felt like we were completely sabotaged. We would set up certain structures to ensure efficiency, the ESTps I worked with kind of just disregarded that structure completely. ENTps may seem to disregard rules but its important to realize its ONLY rules that are unnecessary. We have a very healthy appreciation for rules which are necessary.

    I just found that everything that the ESTp would do to ease the situation would actually make it worse (even with ENTjs). For example, they might be really rude and think...oh I'll just buy the person gifts and then all will be well. Both ENTjs and ENTps appreciate competance far more than gifts. The gifts would probably have no real affect on us. (the only major problem I had working with an ENTj is that in their need to control their surroundings they would sometimes institute rules which were necessary only to ease that need but not really necessary for the functioning of the office).

    I usually will complete tasks much faster than the all the ESTps I know because there seems to be a lack of planning and forethought in their rush to get things on the go. I will actually sit and make a plan of attack prior to doing a project which saves me oodles of times in the long run. For the most part, this just annoyed the ESTps I worked with. They just wanted to jump right in. Ofcourse catastrophe would often ensue but they were pretty good at blaming everything else but their methods for that catastrophe.

    I also find them more passive aggressive than other types I have met. I actually find that's one of the tools they use to motivate those around them. That's something I can't say I personally do. I will instead find reasons that apply to the individual to motivate i.e. if I wanted to put in a new system and ENTj didn't want, I might appeal to their perfectionist side and tell them this new system will be a safety net to prevent mistakes and make things run more efficiently.

  6. #6
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I'm sure he was ESTp, it's just that he was really intelligent!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  7. #7


    ESTps are especially gifted at assessing a (concrete, observable) situation. They know exactly what needs to be done and will unthinkingly do it. They also have a knack for overlooking structure and the normal pathways, but this can lead to positive (and often fast) results. It's also a positive thing in general, as they clear the path for others. Kind of like a bush fire...

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    Estp's are very tough and do well both in acute crises and long term chronically stressful situations. They get the job done, especially if you don't micromanage their process. They're fun and irreverent. They're practical. They make good leaders in uncertain times.

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    ESTp people are fun to hang out with if they are in a good mood. You can also talk about interesting things with them as long as you don't let them hog the choice of the topic. They are willing to do anything and are not resistant. Also, ENFp and ESTp's can have a lot of fun together and have the funniest mixed humor by blending their creative ideas together and making it happen.

    *Note: Never lend money to an ESTp*

    Then again never lend money to anyone who has T and P together, okay that's a generalization, but their not as quick to pay you back or actually pack you back.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  10. #10


    My ESTp friend when ever he goes through a rough time he does what I call "play the sad song." Like he wants people to give him hand outs. But its annoying. He will mope around, and say things, and put it on his away message on AIM, like "I wonder if this hurt inside me will burrow deep into my soul and turn into cancer." I think it really is emotional manipulation and he wants people to feel sorry for him. He did that before back when we were in high school about prom. He played the sad tune about prom. So my folks ended up paying his way to prom and rented a suit for him. It was all just a ploy though, so he could go on a job interview a few days later and use the suit. My mother picked this up early on when she asked him, after prom, did he return the suit yet. He did not. Basicly, he used the suit to go on a job interview and returned it late, and my folks got stuck with the late bill.

  11. #11
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    ESTps are good and fun company in purely social situations. I don't think they're "bad" people, the problem is that their PoLR does not let them realize when they're being "bad". If you do point out to them that they're being bad - "bad, bad ESTp!" - that often does the trick, however briefly.

    At work, they're good to have on your side in crisis situations because then they're good in improvising and acting quickly and decisively - but only if they feel their own skin is at risk: if they can, they'll prefer to take the easy path of avoiding responsibilty and let you take all the blame if you fail (but somehow they will claim credit if you succeed).
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    ESTps are good and fun company in purely social situations. I don't think they're "bad" people, the problem is that their PoLR does not let them realize when they're being "bad". If you do point out to them that they're being bad - "bad, bad ESTp!" - that often does the trick, however briefly.
    That's really funny...

    If you're feeling hurt because of something they did, they are very quick to try to remedy the situation once you point it out to them. hidden agenda...

    Anyway, my point is that ESTps are more considerate of others than they might seem. The vast majority of them don't go out of their way to hurt people, they just have trouble seeing the consequences of their actions at times.

  13. #13


    my daddy is ESTp and he is nice lol

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    ESTps are good and fun company in purely social situations. I don't think they're "bad" people, the problem is that their PoLR does not let them realize when they're being "bad". If you do point out to them that they're being bad - "bad, bad ESTp!" - that often does the trick, however briefly.

    Oh, I'm getting tired just thinking about having an ESTp around. Actually, I find Herzy cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly_G
    ESTps are good and fun company in purely social situations. I don't think they're "bad" people, the problem is that their PoLR does not let them realize when they're being "bad". If you do point out to them that they're being bad - "bad, bad ESTp!" - that often does the trick, however briefly.

    Oh, I'm getting tired just thinking about having an ESTp around. Actually, I find Herzy cool.
    I used to think there were "good types" and "bad types" for me. But the more people I met of the different types, the more I realized that it couldn't be type alone that makes people "good" or "bad" from another person's perspective. It's something deeper, fundamental, almost instinctual: an inner will to like some people and dislike others, a fundamental of trust vs. distrust. ...It doesn't seem to me that anything can truely surmount these divisions....

    So I don't think type has to do with "good" or "bad" people. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and when we see someone getting strong in a way that we think is wrong, we become their critics, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    I used to think there were "good types" and "bad types" for me. But the more people I met of the different types, the more I realized that it couldn't be type alone that makes people "good" or "bad" from another person's perspective. It's something deeper, fundamental, almost instinctual: an inner will to like some people and dislike others, a fundamental of trust vs. distrust. ...It doesn't seem to me that anything can truely surmount these divisions....

    So I don't think type has to do with "good" or "bad" people. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and when we see someone getting strong in a way that we think is wrong, we become their critics, right?
    I've waffled back and forth on this a few times. I still really don't have answer. My own personal belief is that there is balance in the universe. So even if there was a 'bad' type then they were there for a good purpose.

    Alot has to do on the extremeness of the person too. I might put up with something from one person because I see so much other value in them. I really struggle with this with some types. In particular, the ESTp.

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