Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
Fi doesn't judge the object like Fe does, so it's not about the emotions, motivation, and intentions of a person. It's about the broad picture of humanity, the field of ethics, where humanity is one large intention and there are no objects separate from it. All of the objects, the people, are in ideal working together, and Fe unvaluing comes from an Fe valuer trying to separate themselves or an object from the Fi big picture of ethics. So there are emotions that spring from Fi, however Fi does not see how they pose of any merit to the larger picture. You can see how this idea of Fe separation, ethics out of context to pure information, makes Fi analysis uncomfortable, for the variable is still being thought of as undefined, and it can not be defined by self.
I like this. I don't understand the last sentence though.

I would add something to this though. I think Fi can take a person and separate them from the broad picture of humanity. Relating everything to this broad picture and the formation of ethics is just one aspect of Fi.

A person can be separated from this big picture however it is still not the objective emotions of the person that are assessed. As you said. In this context Fi could asses ,like I said in the original post, the attraction and repulsion between that person and objects, other persons, beliefs etc. Basically; what the person would like/dislike.

Then on an even smaller context it could asses different aspects of the same person and the repulsion and attraction between them.

Basically I think that Fi can get small scale, but it always deals with relationships of attraction and repulsion.

Like you said I also think this works well on the large scale. ie, taking into account all of humanity.

Perhaps it could be said that it cannot just take one aspect, as Fe does, and look at it on it's own, without relating it to anything else.

To clarify further; Fi Looks big picture but the scale can be small (e.g. the entire person becomes the big picture in a small scale context). Where as Fe looks little picture but the scale can be large.