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Thread: Introverted Ethics Fi not like emotions or feelings

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  1. #9
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    The F elements deal with affect, as in influences.
    In terms of "ethics vs logics", F seems to be treated as a combination of Ethos + Pathos.

    Logos, Ethos, and Pathos are methods of persuasions.
    Logos methods attempt to appeal to the intellect and includes such things as symbolic logic, mathematical logic, and formal logic.
    Ethos methods refers to the trustworthiness of the speaker/writer.
    Some of the ways of gaining trust of those you are attempting to persuade is to
    * establish yourself as an authority figure on the topic (assuming the audience respects "authority")
    * establish yourself as knowledgeable on the topic
    * demonstrate respect for the audience's ideas and values
    * know your audience's preferences
    * know your audience well enough to know what kinds of things they trust or distrust

    * know the kind of language to use with your audience
    Pathos methods deal with sympathy and empathy. Giving someone a logical reason why to do something doesn't get that internal energy moving inside them that would prompt them into motion. But touching a nerve of theirs helps to compel them into action.

    Ethos and Pathos both utilize awareness of the audience's emotional potential and values (among other things) as a way to influence their audience. Their both aimed at attempting to produce a mental or emotional effect, to act upon a person's emotions, to recognize what influences the audience.

    The OP is a good example of what I mean.
    The OP said,
    * "[Fi] is an analysis of certain characteristics of people"
    * "Fi "says" to me "based on what I have previously seen in this person he/she will likely have this, this, and that on his/her wall. Will behave like this in this situation and that in that situation. He/she will like this but not that.... etc."

    Each of those examples deals with awareness of what influences the person, knowing the person's values ("will likely have this, this, and that"; "will like this but not that"), and what influences their behaviors and actions (which is a combination of their values + the nerve that prompts them into motion).

    As an aside note: Even "Ethics" as is commonly referred to on this forum deals with values, and rules and principles of behavior. (The problem comes when "morals" are referred to instead of ethics. Morals deals with "correctness" of behavior, character, and conduct. Attempting to persuade an audience of 'correct' behavior is one possible goal of ethos/pathos persuasion attempts, but it is not the only possible goal.)
    Last edited by anndelise; 06-25-2009 at 02:01 PM.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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