Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
I categorize human interactions and make judgements and references back and forth to the knowledge
I'm glad you agree with me in this respect.

Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
This is where I completely agree with the OP

“To me Fi doesn't seem like feeling at all. But rather it is an analysis of certain characteristics of people, well this is how it predominantly comes across anyway... there are also other ways. So yeh, I think Fi has pretty much nothing to do with feeling. To me it is totally a thinking function. ”
Perhaps you need to, like I had to, discover the true source of these value judgments inside of your body. Perhaps you have not yet descended down into the deep dark dungeons of your emotional life, where both the Goddess and Devil inside of you can be found. The true places where the value judgments originate, are not in the conscious parts of your brains. Sometimes they are not even in the brain at all.