I can take small amounts of sarcasm in doses but I do find its not something that translates of the net. If someone is a bit overly sarcastic though it will usually provoke a response.

I find some sarcasm a bit mean. Its meant to demean in some way way but in a humourous way. When you are the only one left laughing...guess who looks like the asshole.

I have a little voice. Its sort of like the struggle between the angel and the devil inside of me. When I start to slip and my vices/faults start to get the best of me the angel kicks in and scolds me. When I'm getting stressed out, my little voice tells me to calm down and breath....take a step back if necessary than refocus.

I don't know if stuff like that can be explained by type and even if so I think it would be speculation. I know I'm very visual. I might 'get' a lot but I'm also pre-occupied by the possibilities and sometimes might see the possible negative impacts of a person's actions and it can make me downright tense sometimes. I think that might be why sarcasm doesn't go over that well with me.