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Thread: He's Just Not That Into You

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    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Thumbs up He's Just Not That Into You

    He's Just Not That Into You (2009)

    This movie is so alpha
    The saddest ESFj


  2. #2
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    Do you mind if I move this into the Alpha movies thread? It'll bump the thread up so it won't get lost. I don't want to step on your toes, I just thought it would be a good place to put it. It's 100% ok to say "No, I really don't want it there"
    7w8 so/sp

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I don't really see this as Alpha.

    The message in these sort of self-help movies is typically not Alpha. Finding yourself, self-enlightenment, these aren't worth endeavors. Unattainable, unrealistic and nihilistic. There's more to life in enjoying a ice cream sundae.

    The only thing worth having in life is the objective connections between us, the world, our fellow human beings. This movie just turns it into personal self-help masturbation.


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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't really see this as Alpha.

    The message in these sort of self-help movies is typically not Alpha. Finding yourself, self-enlightenment, these aren't worth endeavors. Unattainable, unrealistic and nihilistic. There's more to life in enjoying a ice cream sundae.

    The only thing worth having in life is the objective connections between us, the world, our fellow human beings. This movie just turns it into personal self-help masturbation.

    Well I saw it as poking fun at social norms. Alpha.
    The movie doesn't even really have an "ending" exactly, the ending is another beginning. Sounds pretty alpha.
    Yes you can move it to the alpha movie thread.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    Well I saw it as poking fun at social norms. Alpha.
    The movie doesn't even really have an "ending" exactly, the ending is another beginning. Sounds pretty alpha.
    Yes you can move it to the alpha movie thread.
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    In many ways the helping women movement has gone out of hand.

    More women are attracted to self-help movements that ironically tell them there is nothing wrong with them and that they can do it, and that they are innately loved and beautiful, but they are asking for help/purchasing the material in the first place, so obviously- they do think there is something innately wrong with them still. It's just more fuel for the problem and it's really not doing anything for the core issue, which is why all this stuff is still so popular. Why improving the rights/lives of women and gay men is still so 'cute' and important to people and an instant money-maker. It resonates, but it's actually a pretty sad thing that it does resonate, you know?

    If you look at the objective evidence in the world. Who do we trust with the world's power? Who? There isn't any doubt in my mind. We trust Straight Males. We trust them, the most historically and objectively violent, oppressive, mean-spirited group of people.... we still entrust them with the power. (The writer of this book was surprise surprise, a straight man) We give all sorts of excuses and rationalizations and 'just becauses' in our human mind on why this still happens. Even the owner of this forum is a straight male. *shrug* I'm not whining or complaining, and I'm not even mad or upset at the fact. I accept it naturally just like everybody else does. I respect and even like Gilly. And I don't want Gilly to feel guilty either, and nor am I 'starting shit.' I'm just asking you to observe the real world and what it actually is, not what we want it to be in our ideals; in our little stories and our Buffy fiction and our video games and books, but look at the real reality and what we actually deeply think. Is it because straight men innately kick ass better, and are just superior to everything ? Does it have some sort of socially beneficial reason? Well that's what we all still debate about.

    But the women power movement and gay power movement won't rest or go away, not until both women and gay guys simply stop with the aw-shuckiness of questioning and doubting ourselves at every little fucking step, thinking there's always something inner about ourselves that we have to transform, some sort of ideal we have to latch onto- and simply show their capabilities just like everything else. But that is just confounding and confusing the problem (because straight guys feel those exact same things too! They somehow are like us, but always know better than us- and everybody just assumes that this is true), and proving that the 'straight male psyche' is always right by the innate default of their rightness that seemed to just be this self-evident thing that perpetuated out of this grand social essence nobody can name, but everybody seems to feel. It's vastly interesting to me. Would a truly matriarchal society, one with no real homophobia to speak of, of complete interdependence and cooperation- could that really hold water, or would it completely just feed off itself in a torment-y storm of self-hatred, with no straight male ruler to watch and direct over us all? It's interesting isn't it. It should make you think. It should light a fire under your ass, no matter who you are.

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    well, i dont think women are the problem. There's nothing wrong with promoting self help, nor is there anything wrong with spreading the idea to do so. So what--there are always going to be people who don't use information the best way possible. We spend so much time on this site discussing and sharing information--when someone could read all of it and flip it into an unhealthy direction. Like if someone were to read their duality descriptions and believe that everyone they met was their dual--it could happen to anyone.

    What's the real problem? Not enough men are pushed in the self help direction. Women are working so hard to fix themselves, but what have men done to fix themselves? A realtionship is only as strong as it's weakest person...if the male population feels like it's women that's the problem just because of all the self help that is promoted for them--they need to wake up and smell the coffee! The problem is not enough is done to promote self help in men. All this crap in the media about going out there to play the field and never needing to settle down is bull crap.

    Women should keep promoting the self help and keep it coming! Men needa start catching up...

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.
    So, are you still going to say Amelie is Beta?


    Also, your worldview is not applicable for Alpha SFs.
    Last edited by male; 06-18-2009 at 11:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gulanzon View Post
    So, are you still going to say Amelie is Beta?

    Also, your worldview is not applicable for Alpha SFs.
    Still can't let it go can you? Who's view is not compatible with what? Is it mine or is it yours.

    Now I'm going to speak from my super-ego.

    Go away, you mental cockroach. Don't ever speak about me or with me again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3RainbowSprinkles View Post
    well, i dont think women are the problem. There's nothing wrong with promoting self help, nor is there anything wrong with spreading the idea to do so. So what--there are always going to be people who don't use information the best way possible. We spend so much time on this site discussing and sharing information--when someone could read all of it and flip it into an unhealthy direction. Like if someone were to read their duality descriptions and believe that everyone they met was their dual--it could happen to anyone.

    What's the real problem? Not enough men are pushed in the self help direction. Women are working so hard to fix themselves, but what have men done to fix themselves? A realtionship is only as strong as it's weakest person...if the male population feels like it's women that's the problem just because of all the self help that is promoted for them--they need to wake up and smell the coffee! The problem is not enough is done to promote self help in men. All this crap in the media about going out there to play the field and never needing to settle down is bull crap.

    Women should keep promoting the self help and keep it coming! Men needa start catching up...
    A Delta promoting self-help, it's like the stereotype has come to life.

    Women are working so hard to fix themselves? Why even waste the time? Like if it ain't broke, why fix it? I think there's a lot of women who don't even think they're broke, they have a pretty sensible view on life. Some men aren't in the market for a fix-her-upper, they want a reliable, maintainable fun ride with good accessories. Not like a full rebuild but you know, some fuzzy dice, maybe a bit of bling, wash and wax on the weekend, maybe the heated leather seats.

    If your opinion is that men are broke because women are, then keep looking for broken men, because I'm sure you'll find a few stalled out there. But there's a lot of men and women driving past just fine and even if they also stall every so often, they know they don't have to know how to fix everything, there's always someone in the neighborhood, just drop it off and take a cruise.

    I prefer things like socionics, duality, because it's not so much like fixing oneself, but fixing each other.

    Not just self-help but other-help.
    Last edited by mu4; 06-18-2009 at 02:25 PM.

  11. #11


    Wait, what?

    Why can't we have a normal discussion like rational human beings?

    Anyway, my ESE friend seems never to have permanent ex-es, and I know I tend to cling to relationships that will never even begin, so, you know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gulanzon View Post
    Wait, what?

    Why can't we have a normal discussion like rational human beings?

    Anyway, my ESE friend seems never to have permanent ex-es, and I know I tend to cling to relationships that will never even begin, so, you know.
    Maybe because you spend your time calling me Beta or otherwise, and holding a grudge against me because I made fun of a movie you like.

    Making posts like...
    "[SRS] Are they in our Quadra?"
    "[SRS] Allie Quadra"

    I don't want discussions with people who hold a fixation on this sort of pettiness.

    Yea, go play the sensitive hurt soul, but it's your own actions that make you a nuisance and undesirable company.

  13. #13


    What grudge? Also, I thought you were being serious.

    I get mad at you because you act like an asshole troll.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Gulanzon View Post
    Anyway, my ESE friend seems never to have permanent ex-es, and I know I tend to cling to relationships that will never even begin, so, you know.
    My SEI ex is like that, clinging to our relationship like a barnacle. Our relationship barely started before I threw the brakes on, yet it's been 2 years and he still tries to start it up again. It's nuts. I would just stop being friends with him, but I enjoy his company too much and he's the only person I know who can beat me at Mario Kart, lol.
    7w8 so/sp

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    back on topic
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.
    **spoiler alert**
    That's what the movie was about. Ben Affleck hated marriage and wasn't willing to do it until Jenifer Aniston said she didn't care about marriage anymore. (I hope I didn't spoil the movie for anyone) Scarlet Johansen ended her relationship with the cheater and now since she's no longer burdened with a relationship (against Fi) now she can go be a singer like she really wanted to. Even the guy that cheated on his wife isn't really portrayed as a "bad" guy exactly. It was just indecisiveness on his part. Now that he is free from the burden of Fi he can pursue his dreams or whatever it is he wants. Everyone has a happy ending! Even the cheater! How alpha is that?

    And saying that alphas can follow social norms says nothing about alpha values.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.
    I honestly don't know what to make of this. This whole "do or die" philosophy doesn't sound alpha. It sounds similar to a rant I've heard from an IEI friend of mine.
    But hey I could be wrong.
    The saddest ESFj


  16. #16


    I don't mean to snub your movie or say anything about it's alphaness, but this is the sort of movie that I'd avoid like the plague just from seeing it's previews and reading it's synopsis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    I don't mean to snub your movie or say anything about it's alphaness, but this is the sort of movie that I'd avoid like the plague just from seeing it's previews and reading it's synopsis.
    My topic has been shat on by The BG. No one will post here again :frown:
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    back on topic

    **spoiler alert**
    That's what the movie was about. Ben Affleck hated marriage and wasn't willing to do it until Jenifer Aniston said she didn't care about marriage anymore. (I hope I didn't spoil the movie for anyone) Scarlet Johansen ended her relationship with the cheater and now since she's no longer burdened with a relationship (against Fi) now she can go be a singer like she really wanted to. Even the guy that cheated on his wife isn't really portrayed as a "bad" guy exactly. It was just indecisiveness on his part. Now that he is free from the burden of Fi he can pursue his dreams or whatever it is he wants. Everyone has a happy ending! Even the cheater! How alpha is that?

    And saying that alphas can follow social norms says nothing about alpha values.
    How mature, but really not alpha. Alphas tend to stay overlong in some relationships, and end not some relationships prematurely. When there is cheating on our soulmates and tell it to them in letters, yet somehow they remain together thru thick and thin. Our relations are not rational, often not happy, but our get togethers are delightful. All the confidence in beginning and break relations in this film and you still think Alpha?

    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    I honestly don't know what to make of this. This whole "do or die" philosophy doesn't sound alpha. It sounds similar to a rant I've heard from an IEI friend of mine.
    But hey I could be wrong.
    There is nothing do or die in my words, it's merely loss, regret, disappointment. Even if you do, you will still die, so do or do not, what is the difference? What matters is interest, and delight, but when this does not occur, there is sometimes screaming and yelling.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    My topic has been shat on by The BG. No one will post here again :frown:

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    I think that movie was defs Alfa... well Fe over Fi fore sure. I think mostly alfa with a bit of beta and a bit of delta. But predominately Alfa. There is almost no Fi in it. The characters are drawn in a total Fe over Fi way. Movies srong in Fi set the characters up differently to how that movie did I think. Really I could not see much Fi anywhere. Well I could could see some I suppose but it was mostly superficial Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo View Post
    I think that movie was defs Alfa... well Fe over Fi fore sure. I think mostly alfa with a bit of beta and a bit of delta. But predominately Alfa. There is almost no Fi in it. The characters are drawn in a total Fe over Fi way. Movies srong in Fi set the characters up differently to how that movie did I think. Really I could not see much Fi anywhere. Well I could could see some I suppose but it was mostly superficial Fi.
    I commend you on putting sentences together in a grammatically correct fashion, but what is Fi and what is Fe again?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    How mature, but really not alpha. Alphas tend to stay overlong in some relationships, and end not some relationships prematurely. When there is cheating on our soulmates and tell it to them in letters, yet somehow they remain together thru thick and thin. Our relations are not rational, often not happy, but our get togethers are delightful. All the confidence in beginning and break relations in this film and you still think Alpha?
    There was NO confidence in relationships in this movie. The movie was about how difficult and confusing relationships are. None of the characters had any confidence in their relationships.

    **more spoilers**
    The one crazy girl could never tell if a guy was or was not into her. She had to be given a set of rules to live by.
    The cheating guy stayed in his marriage for too long. He wasn't sure if he wanted to get out or not.
    The guy that was against marriage was clearly against Fi in doing so. Even when she broke up with him because of it, he stood by his ideas because they were more important than the relationship. What is marriage, other than a public declaration of Fi? He said marriage was fake and unnecessary. (now of course he broke down in the end and married her, but come on it's a romantic movie)

    There is nothing do or die in my words, it's merely loss, regret, disappointment. Even if you do, you will still die, so do or do not, what is the difference? What matters is interest, and delight, but when this does not occur, there is sometimes screaming and yelling.
    ok now I think you're just messing with me. None of this has to do with alpha. I really don't think you know what alpha relationships are about. They aren't about loss or regret, they aren't about getting angry or yelling at each other, relationships are supposed to be FUN, not some race against the clock, or who is more interesting. Neither are we constantly being disappointed
    Yes, I know you've been a lot more active on this forum than I, but I can't identify with anything you've said about alpha relationships.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.
    On second look, this is probably the most beta thing I have Ever heard. It's very romantic and everything, it's just not alpha.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    There was NO confidence in relationships in this movie. The movie was about how difficult and confusing relationships are. None of the characters had any confidence in their relationships.

    **more spoilers**
    The one crazy girl could never tell if a guy was or was not into her. She had to be given a set of rules to live by.
    The cheating guy stayed in his marriage for too long. He wasn't sure if he wanted to get out or not.
    The guy that was against marriage was clearly against Fi in doing so. Even when she broke up with him because of it, he stood by his ideas because they were more important than the relationship. What is marriage, other than a public declaration of Fi? He said marriage was fake and unnecessary. (now of course he broke down in the end and married her, but come on it's a romantic movie)
    Um? What does the characters personal feelings, confusion and ideas have to do with the "message" of the movie? The movie is a mature look on relationships.

    Alpha, being child-like view relationships magically, like that of parent and child. It's confusing and difficult because it's not perfect, and when that illusion is disturbed, there is some crisis. But first love, one love, pure love, lost love, these are Alpha concepts of relationships, so like The Princess Bride is more like a Alpha movie, then this piece of shit.

    Where one has a desire for perfection there is a lack of confidence, where one is strong, one is willing to accept and overcome many troubles. First recognize this fact.

    Alpha have no confidence in overcoming many troubles in relationships and this movie has too many such events.

    All the trouble in this movie and a happy ending? No, the logical conclusion should be a miserable one.

    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    ok now I think you're just messing with me. None of this has to do with alpha. I really don't think you know what alpha relationships are about. They aren't about loss or regret, they aren't about getting angry or yelling at each other, relationships are supposed to be FUN, not some race against the clock, or who is more interesting. Neither are we constantly being disappointed
    Yes, I know you've been a lot more active on this forum than I, but I can't identify with anything you've said about alpha relationships.

    On second look, this is probably the most beta thing I have Ever heard. It's very romantic and everything, it's just not alpha.
    Hah, really, so fast to go "personal" with me. So I'm not alpha huh? Yea, I've heard it before, whatever you know.

    Anyways, what I've said about Alpha relationships is not what I've said about relationships, Alpha relationships typically need to be quite harmonious, but reality is often not the case.

    You should go back to the first post, and the original criticism, because that applies to the movie. The rest is because you constantly misinterpret my words and I have to correct them. Also you make other assertions that I do not believe to be true and I criticize those.

    When I speak of screaming and yelling, perhaps this is at the universe, not at others. Do not some scream at the sky or the ocean because ones heart is disturbed, yet you inject such imaginary beings into my words.

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    There is nothing do or die in my words, it's merely loss, regret, disappointment. Even if you do, you will still die, so do or do not, what is the difference? What matters is interest, and delight, but when this does not occur, there is sometimes screaming and yelling.
    Of course this has nothing to do with alpha relationships, this has to do with your mis-understanding of my words.

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.
    And these are the words you misunderstand, yet again. The truth belongs to us all. I don't think you understand what I'm saying, but there is no reason to attack me personally or slander me, because that is a mark of philistines.
    Last edited by mu4; 06-20-2009 at 02:48 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha movie
    A beautiful young woman named Buttercup (Robin Wright) lives on a farm in the fictional country of Florin. She delights in ordering the farm hand Westley (Cary Elwes) to perform chores for her. Westley's only answer is "As you wish." Eventually Buttercup realizes he really means "I love you", and she admits her love for him. Westley soon leaves to seek his fortune so that they can marry. She receives word that Westley's ship was attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who is very notorious for leaving no victim alive. Five years later, believing Westley to be dead, Buttercup reluctantly gets engaged to Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon), heir to the throne of Florin.
    Yea, this is more like a Alpha movie.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post

    Of course this has nothing to do with alpha relationships, this has to do with your mis-understanding of my words.
    Yea, that's pretty much it. I can't tell when you're giving your personal views on relationships, or alpha values. God forbid someone actually stay on topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Alpha have no confidence in overcoming many troubles in relationships and this movie has too many such events.
    Please give one example.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    Yea, that's pretty much it. I can't tell when you're giving your personal views on relationships, or alpha values. God forbid someone actually stay on topic.

    Please give one example.
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    All the trouble in this movie and a happy ending? No, the logical conclusion should be a miserable one.
    I really didn't see it that way. No one seemed miserable in the end. Who in the movie are you referring to?
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Alpha, being child-like view relationships magically, like that of parent and child. It's confusing and difficult because it's not perfect, and when that illusion is disturbed, there is some crisis. But first love, one love, pure love, lost love, these are Alpha concepts of relationships, so like The Princess Bride is more like a Alpha movie, then this piece of shit.

    All the trouble in this movie and a happy ending? No, the logical conclusion should be a miserable one.
    You basically just answered yourself here. The magical ending. The "exception" to the rule... typical Alfa by what you wrote in your first paragraph quoted above.

    The relations played out in a way which was unbelievable, which I think demonstrates undervalued Fi. The Fi character judgments I thought were fairly shallow. And the characters were not believable to me, I think because they were written without a strong focus on Fi... The move is totally Fe>Fi in my opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo View Post
    You basically just answered yourself here. The magical ending. The "exception" to the rule... typical Alfa by what you wrote in your first paragraph quoted above.

    The relations played out in a way which was unbelievable, which I think demonstrates undervalued Fi. The Fi character judgments I thought were fairly shallow. And the characters were not believable to me, I think because they were written without a strong focus on Fi... The move is totally Fe>Fi in my opinion.
    No. The relationships are totally believable. There are people in the world that act like this every day. Make and break relationships, screw around, this is mundane banality that happens on the new, on Jerry Springer, whatever. These are not exceptions to the rule, as a rule these sort of things happen all the time.

    If you want something unbelievable, go for true love.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    Please give one example.
    I don't like this movie so I'm going to talk about what I do like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Movie
    Buttercup: You mock my pain.
    Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    No. The relationships are totally believable. There are people in the world that act like this every day. Make and break relationships, screw around, this is mundane banality that happens on the new, on Jerry Springer, whatever.
    While these kind of relationships and people do exist, I think the way it was portrayed in the movie was unbelievable. I really don't think the characters are very believable, which for me indicates weak Fi. For example; the girl who is super clingy, that is not a "real" person. Someone who behaves with this much confidence here, does not behave like a dependent cling girl there. From the way she acted she just shouldn't have been a dependent clingy girl. The character just did not add up. The personality statics of her and some of the other characters were very undervalued when making this film.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    These are not exceptions to the rule, as a rule these sort of things happen all the time.

    If you want something unbelievable, go for true love.
    It sounds to me that you disliked this movie so much that you did not even bother to watch the end. The "rules" in the movie were sensible; if a guy doesn't seem like he likes you then he doesn't like you, if a guy doesn't ring you within a month then you two will probably not end up getting married, etc. The movie sets up all these rules and then in the end all the characters/relationships are "exceptions" to the rule, and magical fairy tail love is proclaimed! hehe

  32. #32

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    PS. Man that was an annoying ending!

  33. #33
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo View Post
    It sounds to me that you disliked this movie so much that you did not even bother to watch the end. The "rules" in the movie were sensible; if a guy doesn't seem like he likes you then he doesn't like you, if a guy doesn't ring you within a month then you two will probably not end up getting married, etc. The movie sets up all these rules and then in the end all the characters/relationships are "exceptions" to the rule, and magical fairy tail love is proclaimed! hehe
    If you make a rule, you should follow it. Not merely pay homage to it.

    If it's a bad rule, you shouldn't bother making it.

    True love is a simple rule, perfect, no deception or betrayal or anything like that.

    But totally unbelievable.

    The movie should have followed the rules, and shown the consequences of their actions. It should have been more causal. People making stupid rules, not following them, this is banal stuff you see every day.

    True love, that's once in a century or so.

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    Consensus: The movie wasn't crash hot.

  35. #35
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo View Post
    Consensus: The movie wasn't crash hot.
    yea the ending wasn't very believable.
    "you are my exception"
    The saddest ESFj


  36. #36
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't like this movie so I'm going to talk about what I do like.
    I think that's what you've been doing this whole time.
    The saddest ESFj


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