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Thread: He's Just Not That Into You

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  1. #1
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Thumbs up He's Just Not That Into You

    He's Just Not That Into You (2009)

    This movie is so alpha
    The saddest ESFj


  2. #2
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    Do you mind if I move this into the Alpha movies thread? It'll bump the thread up so it won't get lost. I don't want to step on your toes, I just thought it would be a good place to put it. It's 100% ok to say "No, I really don't want it there"
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  3. #3
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I don't really see this as Alpha.

    The message in these sort of self-help movies is typically not Alpha. Finding yourself, self-enlightenment, these aren't worth endeavors. Unattainable, unrealistic and nihilistic. There's more to life in enjoying a ice cream sundae.

    The only thing worth having in life is the objective connections between us, the world, our fellow human beings. This movie just turns it into personal self-help masturbation.


  4. #4
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I don't really see this as Alpha.

    The message in these sort of self-help movies is typically not Alpha. Finding yourself, self-enlightenment, these aren't worth endeavors. Unattainable, unrealistic and nihilistic. There's more to life in enjoying a ice cream sundae.

    The only thing worth having in life is the objective connections between us, the world, our fellow human beings. This movie just turns it into personal self-help masturbation.

    Well I saw it as poking fun at social norms. Alpha.
    The movie doesn't even really have an "ending" exactly, the ending is another beginning. Sounds pretty alpha.
    Yes you can move it to the alpha movie thread.
    The saddest ESFj


  5. #5
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    Well I saw it as poking fun at social norms. Alpha.
    The movie doesn't even really have an "ending" exactly, the ending is another beginning. Sounds pretty alpha.
    Yes you can move it to the alpha movie thread.
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    In many ways the helping women movement has gone out of hand.

    More women are attracted to self-help movements that ironically tell them there is nothing wrong with them and that they can do it, and that they are innately loved and beautiful, but they are asking for help/purchasing the material in the first place, so obviously- they do think there is something innately wrong with them still. It's just more fuel for the problem and it's really not doing anything for the core issue, which is why all this stuff is still so popular. Why improving the rights/lives of women and gay men is still so 'cute' and important to people and an instant money-maker. It resonates, but it's actually a pretty sad thing that it does resonate, you know?

    If you look at the objective evidence in the world. Who do we trust with the world's power? Who? There isn't any doubt in my mind. We trust Straight Males. We trust them, the most historically and objectively violent, oppressive, mean-spirited group of people.... we still entrust them with the power. (The writer of this book was surprise surprise, a straight man) We give all sorts of excuses and rationalizations and 'just becauses' in our human mind on why this still happens. Even the owner of this forum is a straight male. *shrug* I'm not whining or complaining, and I'm not even mad or upset at the fact. I accept it naturally just like everybody else does. I respect and even like Gilly. And I don't want Gilly to feel guilty either, and nor am I 'starting shit.' I'm just asking you to observe the real world and what it actually is, not what we want it to be in our ideals; in our little stories and our Buffy fiction and our video games and books, but look at the real reality and what we actually deeply think. Is it because straight men innately kick ass better, and are just superior to everything ? Does it have some sort of socially beneficial reason? Well that's what we all still debate about.

    But the women power movement and gay power movement won't rest or go away, not until both women and gay guys simply stop with the aw-shuckiness of questioning and doubting ourselves at every little fucking step, thinking there's always something inner about ourselves that we have to transform, some sort of ideal we have to latch onto- and simply show their capabilities just like everything else. But that is just confounding and confusing the problem (because straight guys feel those exact same things too! They somehow are like us, but always know better than us- and everybody just assumes that this is true), and proving that the 'straight male psyche' is always right by the innate default of their rightness that seemed to just be this self-evident thing that perpetuated out of this grand social essence nobody can name, but everybody seems to feel. It's vastly interesting to me. Would a truly matriarchal society, one with no real homophobia to speak of, of complete interdependence and cooperation- could that really hold water, or would it completely just feed off itself in a torment-y storm of self-hatred, with no straight male ruler to watch and direct over us all? It's interesting isn't it. It should make you think. It should light a fire under your ass, no matter who you are.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.
    So, are you still going to say Amelie is Beta?


    Also, your worldview is not applicable for Alpha SFs.
    Last edited by male; 06-18-2009 at 11:56 AM.

  8. #8
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    back on topic
    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    This is meaningless.

    "poking fun"? Alpha usually are pretty good about following social norms except where we replace them with our own because they're not just stupid, but downright oppressive.
    **spoiler alert**
    That's what the movie was about. Ben Affleck hated marriage and wasn't willing to do it until Jenifer Aniston said she didn't care about marriage anymore. (I hope I didn't spoil the movie for anyone) Scarlet Johansen ended her relationship with the cheater and now since she's no longer burdened with a relationship (against Fi) now she can go be a singer like she really wanted to. Even the guy that cheated on his wife isn't really portrayed as a "bad" guy exactly. It was just indecisiveness on his part. Now that he is free from the burden of Fi he can pursue his dreams or whatever it is he wants. Everyone has a happy ending! Even the cheater! How alpha is that?

    And saying that alphas can follow social norms says nothing about alpha values.

    You know what happens at the end? You die. Relationships don't end, they die. You know what failed relations are to alpha? A waste of time. You don't live forever, there are no second chances, new beginnings or any of that fantasy.

    We are not mature about this, we are constantly disappointed, by others, society, parents, ourselves, thus our majestic tantrums.
    I honestly don't know what to make of this. This whole "do or die" philosophy doesn't sound alpha. It sounds similar to a rant I've heard from an IEI friend of mine.
    But hey I could be wrong.
    The saddest ESFj


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