Could you say which Reinin dichotomies give the right result for your type?

The descriptions are below. The ones that are bold are the ones which should be your result.

In my case this is what I noticed:

Correct: Farsighted, Obstinate, Democratic, Negativist, Declaring
To vague: Dynamic, Tactical, Decisive, Serious, Constructivist
Contradicting: Process


Carefree types

Go by "wait and see" strategy, do not overplan ahead, and rely on their own ability to be successful in tactics. Have very sensitive senses and things like a dentist appointment are perceived with dread. They are always frank and direct, stating conclusions or making a point forcefully at the very start and then, if necessary, explaining their positioning. They have keen eye for detail and are better at noticing small things than larger counterparts.

Farsighted types

Try to always foresee how things might develop and try to take all the possible precautionary measures to prevent or, alternatively, channel things in the right direction. Very often make long introductions with speech before conveying the main point or bringing the person talked to to a point of agreement, etc. Can tolerate physical discomfort for significant amounts of time and can be oblivious to low threshholds of pain, sound, size of details, etc.

Yielding types

Protects resources: resources are taken for granted, whereas interests are adapted to them.
Does not like discovering others wanting own resources, and if a goal is not very clearly attainable, they go for "smarter" options.
Do not experience unnatural discomfort lending/borrowing money/material posessions, but prefer to keep ideas that they have to themselves, being a little bit more private.
Do not like conflict, avoid direct confrontations, yield to others for a turn, act courteous, and give high priority to interests of others.
Prefer smaller groups of people, do not like loud sounds, and are very attentive to details in people's attitudes and emotions.

Obstinate types

Protects interests : interests are taken for granted, whereas resources are adapted to them.
Own goals views as depending on careful planning and luck, leaving things that cannot be done now to times when things look better, keep on going to their aims or stick to their views no matter what, are stubborn, and hate others planning their time for them with alien interests.
Freely shares all of the information that they have seen, gathered or concluded, but are extremely protective when it comes to their personal possessions.
When in proximity to others, judge by how others hold themselves physical superiority/status-wise, often have trouble giving way, like to be in large groups and tolerate loud sounds pretty well/may not hear small audial details as well though, require significant expression on your behalf in order to notice changes in your humor as well as how you feel about things and people.


More inclined to say how stages A, B and C are
More inclined to talk of properties and structures of reality
Perception of reality is more like 8 frames per second (Talanov)


More inclined to say how stage A leads to stage B, and how stage B leads to stage C
More inclined to talk of movements and interactions of reality
Perception of reality is more like 64 frames per second (Talanov)


Construct informational pairs (sort of the +/- thing, when each element is sort of tainted with another) such as Te bw Si, Ti bw Se, Te bw Ne, Ti bw Ni, Fe bw Ni, Fi bw Ne, Fe bw Se, and Fi bw Si.
Inclined to perceive and define themselves, and others, through groups they belong to; however, such groups are perceived and defined by the Aristocrats themselves, not necessarily accepting those groupings as defined by others or by social conventions.
Their initial attitude to another person is influenced by their attitude to the group they see the person as belonging to.
Tend to attribute common qualities to members of their circles of contacts, and define such circles by those same qualities.
Inclined to use expressions that generalize group features.
In collective hierarchical structures (as in work, organizations, etc) inclined to pay little attention to a person's official position in that structure.
Example: in beta, feeling energized by identification with a group, as in a team within a company, sports team, and the like; and seeing others foremost through the prism of the other teams they belong to. In delta, the teams are usually more individual, like a group of friends. In addition, it's important to note that members of delta stress the unique individuality of each person, but they are still aristocrats by this dichotomy.
Typical phrases: "someone like that", "that type of person", "the man on the street", "some sort of X"


Construct informational pairs (sort of the +/- thing, when each element is sort of tainted with another) such as Te bw Ni, Ti bw Ne, Te bw Se, Ti bw Si, Fe bw Si, Fi bw Se, Fe bw Ne, and Fi bw Ni.
Perceive and define themselves, and others, primarily through individual/personal qualities: interesting, pleasant, unpleasant, good-looking, etc, not in connection to any group they may belong to.
Form their relationships/attitudes toward other persons based on the latter's own individual characteristics, not with base on their relationships to groups of any kind, nor on their relationships to representatives of such groups.
Not inclined to perceive their acquaintances as representatives of a certain "circle of contacts" that supposedly possesses qualities inherent to people of that circle.
Not inclined to use expressions that generalize group features.
In collective hierarchical structures (as in work, organizations, etc), inclined to take much consideration of a person's official position in that structure.
Example: an individual building up his circle of personal connections, within an organization, that totally bypassses or ignores the organization's formal structure, but not with that circle being perceived as any kind of group or unit by any of the persons involved.

Tactical types

Focus on methods, and manipulate them, with goals unsettled.
Goals are defined by, and modified to fit methods.
Prefers to expand options. Doesn't like to have too few of them.

Strategic types

Focus on goals, and manipulate them, with methods unsettled.
Methods are defined by, and modified to fit goals.
Prefers to defend goals. Doesn't like to be forced to deviate from them.


Constructivists try to get into the right mindset for an activity and it takes time for them to get from one mindset to another. When they are at home, they are mentally prepared for anything that could happen at home and when they are at work, they switch over to work-mentality. They can get overwhelmed by emotions because once they get into an emotional state, they stay in that emotional state for a long time. Constructivists avoid emotional contact with others and they don't think it's necessary to adjust to the conversation emotionally. They use automatic polite responses and customs, like starting with "how are you?" or offering their guests coffee or tea. Practical conversation (talking "business") is easier for them. They like to repeat emotional states - rereading books, watching movies that they have already seen and revisiting places they liked. They avoid movies, situations and people who give them a negative mindset, because they have a difficult time getting rid of that mindset. Constructivists use emotional anchors (carefully chosen music, books, movies) to keep or strengthen their internal emotional state.


Emotivists try to enter the emotional atmosphere of the conversation and they try to keep the emotion in the conversation positive. They can talk about various things they have no interest in or do not believe in simply for the sake of maintaining a "positive spirit". Talking business is more difficult and the conversation topic can wander off into emotional exchange. They try to get new experiences and new emotions, which is why they travel to new places and rarely watch movies they have already seen. In emotivists calls for action/requests are not critically estimated and because of it they can get overwhelmed by them. After getting into a theme they stay in that mode of operation for a prolonged period of time and have difficulty switching, "disconnecting" (and because of it try to avoid unpleasant requests).


More inclined to optimize already functional systems of things and processes.
"This glass is half-full", "We have already collected $438,000 for that project"
Usually more complimenting than reprimanding.
Socially and intellectually more trusting.
Explains what things are (irrationals) or should be (rationals).


More inclined to solve problems in systems of things and processes.
"This glass is half-empty", "We need $62,000 for that project"
Usually more reprimanding than complimenting.
Socially and intellectually more mistrusting.
Explains what things are not (irrationals) or should not be (rationals).


Natural state is relaxed
On work, usually prefers satisfying working conditions to salary and other rewards


Natural state is mobilised
On work, usually prefers salary and other rewards to satisfying working conditions


types are all Alpha and Beta types, namely, LII, ESE, SEI, ILE, LSI, EIE, IEI, SLE.


types are all Gamma and Delta types, namely, ESI, LIE, ILI, SEE, EII, LSE, SLI, IEE.


Prefer to finish the entire process till the end before doing something else.
Do things sequentially, from the beginning to the end.
Immersed to a process and tends to single-tasking.
Focus between the beginning and the end of processes.
More inclined to read texts on books or computer from beginning to the end.
Socially more inclined to large groups.


Use words such as "start", "end", "result" very quite often, and can have many things running in parallel and managing them quite ok.
Do things randomly, seemingly doing them from the end to the beginning.
Detached from processes and tends to multitasking.
Focus on the beginning and the end of processes.
More inclined to read texts on books or computer randomly, maybe reading random paragraphs or chapters.
Socially more inclined to small groups or intimate conversations.


Tendency to dialogue.
Much of what an asker says seems more question-like, even statements.
Always, as the other person talks, affirm the receipt of information with yeah, mhm, etc.
Can talk to an audience as a whole very well.
Starts talking at times expecting someone to get interested and start paying attention.
Has a tendency to interrupt and feels comfortable pausing half way on the speech and with "questions allowed all the time" way, returning to what was said if necessary later.
Quite often asks a non-rhetorical question and answers it himself.
Often just asks questions to fill in time, without serious need to actually find the information asked.


Tendency to monologue.
Much of what an declarer says seems more statement-like, even questions.
Listens attentively and silently to others' speeches to return a long speech.
Finds it easier to talk to one person at a time.
Before starting to talk, first ascertains that attention is grabbed.
Is very patient with others' speeches in terms of letting finish.
Prefers to finish the speech before letting others talk, likes closure and that their point was conveyed.
Questions are often either rhetorical or only strictly motivated by serious need for certain information.