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Thread: School of Associative Socionics: "Butterfly" model of a human psyche

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    Default School of Associative Socionics: "Butterfly" model of a human psyche

    I started to translate my artical. I will be posting translations here bit by bit. If something will not make any sense, please, let me know:

    1. (10/06/09)

    “The timid flying of butterflies - is not disorderly, unguided wandering in air, but result of the totality of the set of aerodynamic mechanisms… if for engineers sometimes succeeds in understanding, how these mechanisms work, then will occur revolution in the aeronautics”.

    “Association, in psychology - connection, which appears under specific conditions between two or more mental formations (sensations, perceptions, ideas the like); the basic concept of associative psychology… Term is introduced by J. Lock. (1698)”


    Associative model reflects the dynamics of psychic energy: obvious and hidden motions of human soul, which accompany the information metabolism and are expressed in the general energy of organism, in the temperament, in the mood changes, in the subjective preferences and the mental states.The term “psychic energy” means “a special form of reality of the universe… The energy, about which into one voice talked the healers of all times and nations, which they consciously used, helping their patients, which, until now is not recognized by the academicians and professors only because psychic energy is not possible to touch or register by any kind of instrument, if the individual can not perceive it himself. It is possible tough on the subjective level to develop the capability for perception of this energy and its generations, and only in the personal experience to be convinced of existence of this reality “ In the academic circles the term of psycho-energy is used as regards to the “information- energy field of a living organism” for explaining the number of the parapsychic phenomena of human psyche (3). It is possible to say that by psychic energy is implied in the science the certain interrelation of information and energy in the psyche of man. And this is not by chance.The energy in ezoteriks is also considered in the natural connection with the information. Thus, for instance, “the study of Living Ethics asserts that the human organism in accordance with its physiological and psychological state is capable to emit outside and to receive from the environment the information- energy flows of special kind, which carry information and transmitting power “influences” to another person or to the surrounding objects”. From the socionics’ perspective each person possesses one of sixteen types of information metabolism. If we consider information and energy as something mutually-connected and one-piece, then it is possible to assume that man is also a carrier and the spokesman of psychic energy of the specific type.
    The question is: what types of psychic energy (TPE) of man are considered the associative model?
    The model “Butterfly” refers to the dynamic structure of psyche on the basis of the compensation between the qualitatively different types of psychic energy, which are associated with four components of the structure of the personality: with the blocks Ego, Id, Superego, Superid. In order to understand what is understood under the names of blocks, let us be turned to the theories of the personality of S. Freud and C. Young. Let us examine first the blocks Ego, Id, and Superego, which are the components of the structure of personality in S. Freud's theory.
    Last edited by Olga; 11-19-2009 at 01:07 PM.
    School of Associative socionics:

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