So I was on the Socionics workshop and found this in Niffweed's type thread re: his feelings towards those who supposedly 'take action' and use

Quote Originally Posted by niff
all of these are very hard to identify with. my answer needs to be tweaked a bit -- it's easy for me to see why people would be motivated and driven towards a particular goal. what i felt would be the perfect answer to this question, for me, is "how can some people be so good at getting things done in the real world?" i've sometimes taken the mindset that making any type of real change or doing things with external resources is impossible and a waste of time.

one example that sticks out in my mind somewhat is a class project from 7th grade or so in which we were directed to interview somebody and construct an oral history about some socially relevant topic. most people interviewed family relatives or relatively uninteresting choices. some people ended up interviewing people that were somewhat more notable; i basically asked myself, "how did those people manage to get interviews with them? how would they do that?"

obviously, the answer is mostly in one of initiative; the process of actually picking up the phone and asking some notable person for an interview is not a difficult one. but that type of life initiative was something i never brought myself to understand.
And then there was glamourama's reply

Quote Originally Posted by glam
hmm, I identify with that description perfectly (niffweed's quote). the lack of initiative to do even such "simple" things, combined with wondering "how do they do that?" about those who don't seem to have such a problem rings very true for me. what makes you think his Se is unvalued?
Reading that, I was led to wonder b/c my boyfriend is an Ni-IEI... what would make an Ni Ixxp type actually TAKE initiative and how does that compare to what is necessary for an LIE or an EIE ?

The reason I ask this is because my boyfriend needs a lot of pressure to do what appears to me to be extremely simple tasks - just like picking up a phone and calling someone like in the anecdote by niff !!! I am shocked and amazed at how difficult this seems to be for Ni Ixxps and wonder if it is similar all around or what?

It's actually quite frustrating because I tend to set my mind to something and just DO IT and take the necessary steps to achieve any certain goal... whereas I have to pressure my Ni Ixxp friends to do any small task.

Funny thing is -- and here's the crux of the topic right here -- it seems to ANNOY them when I do the pressure thing and tell them what to do. Don't they like that stuff!? I mean, eventually they all come around to doing what I ask them to, but they are sometimes seemingly grumpy and unhappy about it. Even if it's for their own good, jeez. And boyfriend in particular gets really pissy when I keep telling him to take action in certain things which really makes me question (NOT HIS TYPE! HE IS IEI-Ni FOR SURE) how exactly an SEE or an SLE would do this in a nicer way so as to actually take care of it?

Wait... do they just do it themselves FOR their dual? LOL

Thing is, I just 'do' things as well when I realize noone else is taking action, but come ON, there has got to be a less tedious way than the constant pressure for the Ni Ixxp to occasionally take action for themselves too!