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Thread: Enneagram Type: 4w3 vs 4w5 wing differences

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    High Priestess glam's Avatar
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    Default Enneagram Type: 4w3 vs 4w5 wing differences

    tell me about them: their similarities/differences, ways to tell them apart, typical behaviors, your experiences with them, how an E4 could go about deciding which one they are, links to good descriptions, anything like that

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    I am fairly read up on the enneagram. The enneagram basically dictates your behavior. Socionics is the tool, enneagram is how the tool is used. It's separate. So don't think that the two are linked.

    This is a great site for the enneagram. The descriptions are to the point and very good. Here is the type 4 description to start off with-

    From there at the top you'll see that you can access other type's profiles. Also a little bit below that you will see something called "Diagrams", be sure to check those out too, those basically say what "loops" the said enneagram type can get in.

    As a 4w3 or 4w5, you will have mostly type 4 traits but also relate to some type 3 or 5 traits. They don't have to be all of the 5 or 3 traits, but just some. It's also possible to have balanced wings, but that doesn't happen too often and you usually lean toward one wing or the other.

    Good luck, ask me anything in a PM you want to about enneagram if you're confused. Cheers.

    EDIT: I also noticed you use AIM, so feel free to message me over that if you're confused as well.
    SEE-Fi 9w8 sx/sp

  3. #3
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    hmm well 4w5's like Starfall come across to me as sorta enigmatic. Like Bjork too. They are kinda artsy, withdrawn, and imo timid. Like supposedly its a very strange minded type. lol i think of the band Tool for some reason.

    4w3's seem more outwards. More there to make a stand and impress upon people. Like I'm different so there and everyone can suck it! (jk)

    yeah im no help lol
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  4. #4
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    4w3s are much more outwardly and "other" directed in the way they carry themselves, while 4w5s go inward.

    Think of it this way, there's the core 4 fixation of envy and ruing over shame from abandonment. Then the wing is what they "do" with that fixation. So the 4w3 will take that envy and shame and create thie external persona that seeks validation of the image.

    Just imagine blending 4 and 3 energies, vs 4 and 5 energies.

    Enneagram 3s are "other directed" and seek to conform to an ideal image that others have deemed worthy and aggressively pursue living out this image. They have what Claudio Naranjo calls, a "marketing orientation" - picture those salesmen that try to promote hard enough at you so that you'll buy what they have. This is what the enneagram 3 does in the way it seeks to "sell" it's image to people, thus the "assertive" disposition.

    So 4w3s are 4s that have the influence of what I just described with the 3 and the focus on outward presentation and other-directed images.

    With 4w5s, there's the influence of the withdrawn 5 tendency to detach and go inward, to observe things, and be hesitant to actively engage.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    tell me about them: their similarities/differences, ways to tell them apart, typical behaviors, your experiences with them, how an E4 could go about deciding which one they are, links to good descriptions, anything like that
    Whether this method is right or wrong (most likely a gradient in between but at least 25% closer to right) I've always seen 4w5 as being related to INFp-Ni subtype - and likewise 4w3 to INFp-Fe subtype

  6. #6


    Both 4s are elitist and proud of being such because they have special insight into people and things that the "common man" doesn't...and so aren't disgustingly ordinary like they are.

    4w3 is called the "aristocrat" by riso and hudson and due to the w3 are better at masking their inferiority complex.

    4w5 is more like a "stigmata 4"...more of a mythologizing of their personal tragedy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MellowMarcello View Post
    Both 4s are elitist and proud of being such because they have special insight into people and things that the "common man" doesn't...and so aren't disgustingly ordinary like they are.

    4w3 is called the "aristocrat" by riso and hudson and due to the w3 are better at masking their inferiority complex.

    4w5 is more like a "stigmata 4"...more of a mythologizing of their personal tragedy.
    no, you idiot: 4w3s are basically like 5w6 sp/sx; the problem solver.

    4w5s, by contrast, are basically like 5w6 sp/sx.

  8. #8
    pluie's Avatar
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    ok, i'm pretty sure i'm a 4w3, but lately i've been really brushing up on my 5 wing i think... reading all sorts of shit, trying to learn more about my history and becoming self-educated and what-not. i've considered that maybe i just don't have a dominant wing... or perhaps i'm just developing.

    but anyway, the differences i have seen... are 1) that, yes, in comparison to my 4w5 wing pal, i am much more outwardly focused... but only in the sense that i care more what people think of me, and care a lot more about the impressions i make on people when interacting with them. also, 2) i think i'm a lot more idealistic... he seems to really take things the way they are... which i can't really stand lol. i even thought he might be 5w4, but i think that he isn't because even though he takes somewhat of a cynical and logical perspective on life, he still is... quite a dreamer like myself. in this i mean, that even though we come to some sort of "philosophical" conclusions about life, and even though we've been a very depressive, analytical, detached road in our lives... (a phase so to speak)... we still choose to believe in things that dont logically make sense. we're still both passionately inclined, and like to imagine the wondrous things in life are truly real... all the time... and that they can't be taken apart or broken down in to meaningless bits of reason. so in this way, i'm sure we're both 4s. but... i have much more trouble accepting the "truths" that he does.

    For example, (not to bring up another topic...but...) he thinks the idea of believing in a god is extremely extremely foolish, and delusional, and wrong... degrading to yourself i suppose. i have my own views on that.. (which i won't get into here..) and am not so.. "black or white" on the issue. i choose to be more open-minded in that area. i also enjoy studying things that are not really proven... the unreal...the strange, the fantastical... and instead of looking at them cynically and objectively and logically... i embrace them with high hopes. these things i talk of are basically anything metaphysical or fantastical.

    he sort of... laughs at these things. he distracts him self with video games, and puzzle games...while i love puzzle games and mind games as well, i don't have nearly as much patience for them. i'd much rather call an old friend up, or get to know a guy and see if he's flirt-worthy. i'd much rather go out and party or something... or just go have fun.

    so, overall... he's basically more practical and sort of...subjective than i. he just accepts ideas such as human beings just in truth being cold hard robotic stones if you "think hard enough about it"... but decides to set this aside in his mind and just... live. me... well... i consider this view, but i still chase high hopes of other philosophical truths... putting pieces to gether... possibly even deluding myself in the process of putting the pieces together of how the world works, and how people think and act and really truly are... i put the pieces together in an idealistic way that makes it so that the way people want things to be... can be rationalized so that it really is the way things are.

    my 4w5 pal just takes the facts, takes the logic, takes what he sees as it is, and doesn't stress himself out trying to make the ideals be true in his mind.

    i think in a way that is sort of like a 3... because a 3 would be more inclined to make things seem the way they *want* them to be... more idealistically...more emotionally. while a 5 sort of is like the "scientist". of course this isn't exactly what they are, but to me-- it's a good symbol.

    i hope that made some sense. just sort of went on and on, trying to clarify what i mean.
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    I think 4w3s are more...I don't want to say volatile because we the connotation, but that's it. They're less stable, more willing to take risks. It's like they have the 4s need for individuality and self-identity, but the three wing gives them a bite; like they have something to prove to the world about themselves.
    A 4w5 would be more content doing their own thing, whatever.

    <3 4w3. But both the 4w3s I got this impression from were sx, so ymmv

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    Default 4-5 wing?

    I just took an enneagram test and it said I'm most likely a 4-5 socionics, I'm apparently an fe-iei. Is this strange? What I mean is, it seems to me that, at a glance, 4-3 is probably closer to an I wrong to think this? Do the two (socionics and enneagram) just measure totally different things? Am I just a weirdo? Thanks in advance guys.

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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    4 is very common for IEI, and you, specifically, absolutely must have 5 somewhere as far as I'm concerned
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    I actually took another more in depth test and it said I had "balanced wings"...whatever that means...I thought you had to have wings?! eh...all this stuff is confusing

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    Arete GuavaDrunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sar View Post
    I actually took another more in depth test and it said I had "balanced wings"...whatever that means...I thought you had to have wings?! eh...all this stuff is confusing
    Wings aren't mandatory. You are your type and the wings are just ways of describing how your type may be affected by its neighbours. If you have balanced wings then the neighbours have equal affect, whatever its strength.
    Reason is a whore.

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    Average 4w5’s are devoted to cultivation of a personal worldview, often by philosophical or artistic means. They are more likely than the 4w3’s to be reclusive and out-of-touch with the greater social world, and to compensate they adopt unconventional/eccentric ways of life. They can be purposefully obscure and enigmatic in their expressions, then have an elitist and contemptuous view of those who failed to understand them. They tend to withdraw for prolonged periods under stress which can leave them further isolated. As a result, they are prone to hallucinatory states and total alienation...............Fe-iei... Loves to be in the centre of attention and dramatize proceedings, possesses a sense of humour. They easily manipulate by intonation and voice; can work successfully as a journalist --- They easily succeed in enticing the person they talk to. Outwardly they can appear extravagant; frequently takes a bohemian and bright form....this all seems so contradictory!

  16. #16
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sar View Post
    Average 4w5’s are devoted to cultivation of a personal worldview, often by philosophical or artistic means. They are more likely than the 4w3’s to be reclusive and out-of-touch with the greater social world, and to compensate they adopt unconventional/eccentric ways of life. They can be purposefully obscure and enigmatic in their expressions, then have an elitist and contemptuous view of those who failed to understand them. They tend to withdraw for prolonged periods under stress which can leave them further isolated. As a result, they are prone to hallucinatory states and total alienation...............Fe-iei... Loves to be in the centre of attention and dramatize proceedings, possesses a sense of humour. They easily manipulate by intonation and voice; can work successfully as a journalist --- They easily succeed in enticing the person they talk to. Outwardly they can appear extravagant; frequently takes a bohemian and bright form....this all seems so contradictory!
    It isnt. There are many Fe- IEIs out there, there used to be some more on this forum but they disappeared.

    Let me ask you this: If the descriptions are contradictory then why do you idenify with both of them?

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    "It isnt. There are many Fe- IEIs out there, there used to be some more on this forum but they disappeared. " were any of them 4w5? ... and to your second question...solid point. definitely made me think

  18. #18
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sar View Post
    were any of them 4w5? ...
    Yea thats what I meant, sorry, they were 4W5 and Fe-IEI.

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    Default 4w3 and 4w5s

    Any observed differences between 4w3s and 4w5s? Detailed, if possible I'm so confused.

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    The 3-wing adds a busier element to the 4's emotionalism and agenda of uniqueness. They are more likely than the 4w5 to go out there to get the approval for their fantasies. Very dramatic, very much attracted by all things elitist that promise recognition for their manner of being different. Artist archetype.

    The 5-wing creates a double-reclusive person. 4 and 5 withdraw to distinguish themselves and observe society from an outside standpoint. 4w5 is the ultimate "individualist" with a knack of in-depth knowledge. Less dramatic but more on the depressed/ uber dreamy side esp when unhealthy. THE person to live in their head.

  21. #21
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    4w3 is more competitive and envious
    not elitist, elitist is soc related

    4w5 is more like.. wilting
    is not more depressed/dreamy than 4w3

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    4w3 is more competitive and envious
    not elitist, elitist is soc related

    4w5 is more like.. wilting
    is not more depressed/dreamy than 4w3
    Competitive and envious yes, elitism is the 4's general trap and that doesn't extend to instincts.

    4w5 has more cerebral detachment than the 4w3 and is removed from the immediate, hence double withdrawal. The 3-wing gives more "can-do" attitude which resolves the dilemma of being stuck in one's imagination (4) and head (5), lending more identity focus instead. Depression means past focus (it's opposite to anxiety which is future focus, see E6/E7) --> melancholy and analytical combination of 4w5 magnifies this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Competitive and envious yes, elitism is the 4's general trap and that doesn't extend to instincts.

    4w5 has more cerebral detachment than the 4w3 and is removed from the immediate, hence double withdrawal. The 3-wing gives more "can-do" attitude which resolves the dilemma of being stuck in one's imagination (4) and head (5), lending more identity focus instead. Depression means past focus (it's opposite to anxiety which is future focus, see E6/E7) --> melancholy and analytical combination of 4w5 magnifies this.
    I don't think 3-wing automatically makes you have a "can-do" attitude, it depends on tritype. I know 4w3s who have 9 fix and they can be like helpess little infants. In certain cases I can be like that myself.
    Btw, look at Marilyn Manson, a 4w5 with a can-do attitude.

    Explain how you mean that 4s are elitists.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    I don't think 3-wing automatically makes you have a "can-do" attitude, it depends on tritype. I know 4w3s who have 9 fix and they can be like helpess little infants. In certain cases I can be like that myself.
    Btw, look at Marilyn Manson, a 4w5 with a can-do attitude.

    Explain how you mean that 4s are elitists.
    Yes, since the 3-wing is more prone to desintegrate. But the core drive of 3 is still achieving - a wing's purpose is to help, in that case the 4. So it will happen in one health level way or another.

    Read the second table. The elite is comprised of someone/people who stand(s) out and who is/are different from the rest, somewhat above, remote from the mainstream. If that's not what E4 is about!

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    Well as an 4w5... I'm more interested in more "intellectual" topics like science, technology and politics than the average 4, but not like a 5 that have more depth and are obsessed with acquiring any knowledge. Just the things that would interest me. My second type would be a 5.

    I'm not really good at "art" or creative stuff, but maybe that's just my lack of talent. But it doesn't really bother me if I'm not good at those things. I'd rather just think about things intellectually. But I do like art.

    Not competitive at all, don't care much for success or spotlight.

    Although I'm a very emotional person, I'm not really emotional around people like the average 4, but that could also be because I'm a social subtype.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    4w3 - Seeking Identity and Image

    • LifeExplore

      Fours with a 3 wing can sometimes seem like Sevens. May be outgoing, have a sense of humor and style. Prize being both creative and effective in the world. Both intuitive and ambitious; may have good imaginations, often talented. Some are colorful, fancy dressers, make a distinct impression. Self-knowledge combines well with social and organizational skills. When more entranced, often have a public/private split. Could conceal feelings in public then go home to loneliness. Or they could enjoy their work and be dissatisfied in love. Tendency towards melodrama and flamboyance; true feelings can often be hidden. Competitive, sneaky, aware of how they look. Some have bad taste. May be fickle in love, drawn to romantic images that they have projected onto others. Could have a dull spouse, then fantasize about glamorous strangers. Achievements can be tainted by jealousy, revenge, or a desire to prove the crowd wrong.

    4w5 - Seeking Identity and Knowledge

    • LifeExplore

      Healthy side of this wing brings a withdrawn, complex creativity. May be somewhat intellectual but have exceptional depth of feeling and insight. Very much their own person; original and idiosyncratic. Have a spiritual and aesthetic openness. Will find multiple levels of meaning to most events. May have a strong need and ability to pour themselves into artistic creations. Loners; can seem enigmatic and hard to read. Externally reserved and internally resonant. When they open up it can be sudden and total. When entranced or defensive, Fours with a 5 wing can easily feel alienated and depressed. Many have a sense of not belonging, of being from another planet. Can get lost in their own process, drown in their own ocean. Whiny - tend to ruminate and relive past experience. Prone to the emotion of shame. Air of sullen, withdrawn disappointment. May live within a private mythology of pain and loss. Can get deeply morbid and fall in love with death.

    I personally relate to 4w5 much more than 4w3. I am sx first though and I can be competitive and overly jealous/possessive sometimes. I was going to bold what I related to in 4w5 but it would have been the whole thing minus the prone to shame. I feel it like anyone but I can push past it. I don't wallow in shame. I can be rather shameless at times and get away with it. I relate to some of 4w3 too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    4w3 - Seeking Identity and Image

    • LifeExplore

      Fours with a 3 wing can sometimes seem like Sevens. May be outgoing, have a sense of humor and style. Prize being both creative and effective in the world. Both intuitive and ambitious; may have good imaginations, often talented. Some are colorful, fancy dressers, make a distinct impression. Self-knowledge combines well with social and organizational skills. When more entranced, often have a public/private split. Could conceal feelings in public then go home to loneliness. Or they could enjoy their work and be dissatisfied in love. Tendency towards melodrama and flamboyance; true feelings can often be hidden. Competitive, sneaky, aware of how they look. Some have bad taste. May be fickle in love, drawn to romantic images that they have projected onto others. Could have a dull spouse, then fantasize about glamorous strangers. Achievements can be tainted by jealousy, revenge, or a desire to prove the crowd wrong.

    4w5 - Seeking Identity and Knowledge

    • LifeExplore

      Healthy side of this wing brings a withdrawn, complex creativity. May be somewhat intellectual but have exceptional depth of feeling and insight. Very much their own person; original and idiosyncratic. Have a spiritual and aesthetic openness. Will find multiple levels of meaning to most events. May have a strong need and ability to pour themselves into artistic creations. Loners; can seem enigmatic and hard to read. Externally reserved and internally resonant. When they open up it can be sudden and total. When entranced or defensive, Fours with a 5 wing can easily feel alienated and depressed. Many have a sense of not belonging, of being from another planet. Can get lost in their own process, drown in their own ocean. Whiny - tend to ruminate and relive past experience. Prone to the emotion of shame. Air of sullen, withdrawn disappointment. May live within a private mythology of pain and loss. Can get deeply morbid and fall in love with death.

    I personally relate to 4w5 much more than 4w3. I am sx first though and I can be competitive and overly jealous/possessive sometimes. I was going to bold what I related to in 4w5 but it would have been the whole thing minus the prone to shame. I feel it like anyone but I can push past it. I don't wallow in shame. I can be rather shameless at times and get away with it. I relate to some of 4w3 too.
    Any description that says 4w3 are outgoing makes me cringe -_-

    Are you sure you don't have any shame? I used to think I didn't either but I feel shame over my identity, sometimes going into moods where I realize nothing about me means anything and is pointless. I could take things and make them into *me* but that's inauthentic. For example. I would feel extreme guilt over acting inauthentic because im triple reactive too. I have this inner dilemma when I'm attracted to someone I want to be what they find attractive to pull them in but I also would feel extreme shame over being something I'm not.

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    The part about the dilemma when you find yourself attracted to someone is spot on! I mostly try to be what they would find attractive, eg type them then try and find out what they like in a girl and do that or act like their dual then feel guilty or not deserving later on because it's like living a lie. Is that a 4w3 tendency?

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Any description that says 4w3 are outgoing makes me cringe -_-

    Are you sure you don't have any shame? I used to think I didn't either but I feel shame over my identity, sometimes going into moods where I realize nothing about me means anything and is pointless. I could take things and make them into *me* but that's inauthentic. For example. I would feel extreme guilt over acting inauthentic because im triple reactive too. I have this inner dilemma when I'm attracted to someone I want to be what they find attractive to pull them in but I also would feel extreme shame over being something I'm not.
    I have average shame without guilt, I guess. I kind of refuse to feel guilt and live in a way where I have nothing to feel guilty about now. My worst bout of guilt was a couple years ago and it almost ate me up inside. If I drink too much and get out of control I can wake up feeling dread and shame to face people. I don't really drink anymore. I suppose I had issues of shame over things I had no control over as a child which I don't want to talk about here. I worked through those in therapy. I relate to competition in sx 4 more. I don't think I experience envy in the same way other 4s might. I can be extremely jealous though and it can make me lose control of myself under certain circumstances. I feel I have more self control now than I ever have. I know my triggers and I deal with them.

    I can spend long periods of time where I do not communicate with anyone. I have done days of silence which do not bother me. My friends and family do not usually disturb me when I go into my soft mode.

    Sexual Fours

    In the Sexual Four subtype, the inner motivation is envy, and its manifestation as competition. These Fours don't feel consciously envious so much as they feel competitive as a way of muting the pain associated with envy. If they can compete against another person they perceive as having more than they do and win, they can feel better about themselves.

    Sexual Fours believe it's good to be the best. Most people want to present a good image to others, but Sexual Fours don't care very much about image management or being liked. For them, it's better to be superior. They are highly competitive, and their intense focus on competition takes the form of actively striving to show that they are the best.

    People with this subtype tend to have an “all or nothing” belief related to success: if success is not all theirs, they are left with nothing. This pattern leads to excesses related to their efforts to achieve success, and it also generates feelings of hate.

    Sexual Fours are usually arrogant, despite having an underlying sense of inferiority. In the face of the pain of feeling misunderstood, an arrogant attitude is adopted as overcompensation- a means of being recognized. These Fours like being part of “chosen” group, and they can be very elitist. They may refuse to feel indebted to anyone, and they may have the sense that they have the exclusive right to feel offended by the lack of consideration of others. Any criticism or reproach is seen as an affront or disqualification.

    Envious anger dominates the expression of this subtype's unconscious instinctual impulses. Sexual Fours' deeper instinctual motivation is about a refusal to suffer the pain brought about by envy, and a need to reduce suffering by projecting the responsibility for meeting their needs onto others and minimizing others' accomplishments in comparison with their own.

    Sexual Fours “make others suffer” because they feel that they have been made to suffer and so need some sort of compensation. They may seek to hurt or punish others as an unconscious way of repudiating or minimizing their own pain. Naranjo observes that this tendency of this Four can be summed up by the phrase, “Hurt people hurt people.” Externalizing pain helps them ease their inner sense of inferiority. Their relationship to suffering can thus best be understood as a refusal to suffer. This gets expressed as an active insistence on their needs being validated and met. (They want with anger.) More shameless than shameful, Sexual Fours are vocal about expressing their needs; they rebel against any shame connected to their desires. This subtype follows the life philosophy that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

    When others experience Sexual Fours as demanding, this can lead to a pattern of rejection and anger: Sexual Fours get mad when others don't meet their needs, but their demanding nature causes people to avoid or reject them, and then they get angry about being rejected. This type can thus get trapped in a vicious cycle when rejection leads to protest and protest leads to rejection.

    The Sexual Four is more assertive and angrier than the other subtypes. Naranjo refers to this Four as the “mad Four” as opposed to the “sad” (Social) Four. These Fours can be very outspoken with their anger because expression of anger is their way of defending against painful feelings. When they unconsciously turn their pain into anger, they don't have to feel their pain anymore.

    These Fours may even seek to hurt or punish others as a way of repudiating or minimizing their underlying pain. They feel justified in pointing to others as the source of their deprivation or frustration, which serves as both a distraction from their own role in their suffering and a plea for help and understanding.

    Naranjo says that this Four subtype can be the angriest personality among the Enneagram types. They may express envious anger as a way to establish or assert power when they feel inferior at a deeper level, which can be a way to manipulate situations to their advantage. (This kind of anger was the impulse between the French revolution: “I envy the rich, so I'll organize a revolution.”) And Sexual Fours can be very impulsive. They want things immediately and have little tolerance for frustration.

    Naranjo calls this type “Competition,” and Ichazo called it “Hate.” While this type can be both hateful and competitive, it is important to remember that the competition and hate expressed by this Four represents a deeper need to project their sense of suffering and inadequacy outward. The painful sense of envy felt by the Sexual Four can motivate a wishing with anger, or a sense of “Ive got to get what I need, both to convince myself that my needs aren't shameful, and to feel better about myself with respect to others.” Their competitiveness and anger is a compensation for and a defense against the hurt they feel underneath.

    These Fours like and need emotional intensity. Without intensity, everything can seem unbearably dull and boring. When Sexual Fours want somebody's love, they can be very direct about asking for what they need, or can become “extraordinary”- make themselves seem special and attractive and superior- in an effort to attract it. In line with their natural intensity (fueled by both their heart-based emotional temperament and their sexual instinct), these individuals tend to be more present and available in relationships because they don't deny or avoid many of the factors that can inhibit others relationally, like anger, neediness, competitiveness, arrogance, and having to be liked all the time. However, at times it may prove difficult for them to maintain a loving attitude because they confuse sweetness and benevolence with being false or insincere.

    Sexual Fours are most likely to be confused with Type Eights or Sexual Twos. Like Eights, they have easier access to anger than most types, but they differ from Eights in the wider range of emotions they regularly feel. Naranjo points out that Eights often don't need to get angry, whereas this Four frequently feels misunderstood or envious, so they may show anger more often. They can also look like Sexual “Aggressive-Seductive” Twos (because both types can be aggressive and seductive in relationships) but the Sexual Two is more oriented toward pleasing others.

    Roger, a Sexual Four, speaks:

    "The all-too-cumbersome online tests often report I am an Eight or a Three, but I know full well that I am a Sexual Four. My greatest friend in the world, my Type Five elder sister, once leaned over at an Enneagram workshop and underlined the word “hostility” in a description of the Sexual Four with her finger and told me, “You need to work on that.” I had to listen to her feedback because she has known me my entire life and so must be a reliable reporter. Of course, I had a finger to offer her regarding the work I thought she might have yet to address in her own life.

    Instead of feeling anything vulnerable in my personal life, I will often go to anger. Instead of experiencing myself as ordinary or less-than in my professional life, I will often go to competition, aggression, or even hostility. I don't relate to the descriptions of the over-sensitive, complaining (Social) Four: I go after my enemies or perceived adversaries who I feel threatened by directly rather than hanging out too long in discomfort. I also go after my objects of desire directly, and there are many. It may seem Threeish and Eightish that I need to be on top professional and personally. But although I pride myself on being direct and honest rather than nice, I know I am not an Eight because my Focus of Attention and my Achilles Heel is definitely Envy; it invigorates me to go after what I want (or take down the person who got what I didn't get). I know I am not a Three because I take more pride in being one-of-a-kind than in being successful. I own that I can come across as arrogant and even hostile if I feel threatened. This has not always served me well in either personal or professional relationships and this kind of response saddens me. Luckily, I have learned the value of staying with the softer feelings, experiencing my vulnerability, being with a great partner, and being one amongst many."

    Specific Work For The Sexual Four on the Path from Vice to Virtue

    Sexual fours can travel the path from envy to equanimity by strengthening their ability to be with their own suffering without needing to externalize it or project it onto others. If you are a Sexual Four, you can grow by seeing all your emotions as equally valuable and important, whether you are feeling envious and angry or sad and vulnerable. Your tender feelings are as important to consider as your competitive impulses. For you, equanimity means recognizing the value of who you are, even if you aren’t the best or superior to anyone else. No one has to prove themselves to be the best to be worthy- we are all inherently good enough. Allow yourself to see your anger, frustration, and impatience as important clues to deeper feelings of pain that you might be experiencing or relegating to unconsciousness. By allowing yourself to experience all your feelings and remembering they are all important reflections of the emotional truth of who you are, you can develop more compassion for yourself and others and allow yourself to be more open to receiving love and acceptance from the people around you.
    Last edited by Aylen; 02-07-2017 at 10:08 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Following are some examples...



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    Eh, E4s are elitist, at least they're elitist about their aestheticism.

    Actually I've been thinking, the aesthetic elitism might be low dimensionality Si.
    Last edited by Singu; 02-04-2017 at 12:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Eh, E4s are elitist, at least they're elitist about their aestheticism.

    Actually I've been thinking, the aesthetic elitism might be low dimensionality Si.
    Explain this

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    Does knowing your wing actually matter? The enneagram system gives you plenty of material to work with even with only one basic type.
    Reason is a whore.

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    I know that, but I just need to know I need peace of mind. Also, clarity on who EXACTLY I am.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    Okay I'm sorry to post a thread on this subject AGAIN, but I'm seriously confused as to whether I'm 4w3 or 4w5.
    It's possible to have flavors of both wings attached to your type, you don't have to embrace one and fully drop the other. Which would make you 4ww35 or 4ww53 haha. Enneagram doesn't tunnel you into as set of a fixed model as Socionics, as we all possess aspects of the different types, some more central to our specific modality of being than others.

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    IME what it boils down to, is how creative energies are channeled. The whole 4w3 effete aristocrat and 4w5 iconoclast stereotype always struck me as silly, even when I self-typed as the latter. Where I see the difference, is that 4w3s are more compelled to find an outlet for the projections involved in what they internalize, whereas 4w5s more easily inhabit the space this process gives rise to, and construct in kind.

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    I could be a mistyped 1 or 3.

    4w3s are more achievement-oriented than 4w5s.

    4w5s might seem more "morbid."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    It's hard for me to decide between 4w3 and 4w5 for myself. I always test as 4w5, but something about 4w3 makes much more sense. Maybe I'm a clear split between the two.
    What makes you unsure? Talk to me, maybe I can help. My brother is EII 4w5 and I dated an IEI 4w5 for two years. OTOH, I have a friend who is IEE 4w3 and a coworker who is EII 4w3. IMO the differences between the two are noticeable.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Maybe you'll have a better idea after chatting with me a little more. It'd be nice to hear your input btw. I'm not so great with enneagram...
    That's fair. I've lurked long enough to have read some of your posts, but I haven't chatted with you very much.

    I will add something I thought about in the car, though. One of the ways I differentiate between the two types is by paying attention to how they try to protect their identities. 4w5s, in my experience, try to safeguard theirs by only revealing choice information to a few people, generally facts that are relevant to how they see themselves. 4w3s, on the other hand, protect their identities by showing themselves off in the best light. They SHOW relevant information rather than withhold contrary information, usually expressing themselves more openly than privately, though they can still be self-conscious and shy. Hope that makes sense.
    someday the grapes will be wine
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