Why are we putting JuJu down so hard?


lol man look around this forum. I get my posts moved because of the theories I present.

And if you read the posts, JuJu makes personal attacks whereas we do not.

@Jrxtes: Te/Fi comes off as rigid and unflexible to me. Se/Ni does not come off as rigid and unflexible.

Radical changes of plan? Seems too far removed as a behavioral triat to be attributed to any one element. I'm sure Se-ers radically alter plans all the time. In fact I know ones who do.

Implementing a system? Te-ers are pretty good at and oriented towards organizing objects into something orderly and "working". Thats what Te-ers do that drives me up the wall. An insistence on micromanagement and an inability to sense the energetic alterations that interest me far more.

And Te's ask me lots of questions I find repetitive. They are focusing on demonstrable, concrete movements and they need related qualifications to know whats going on. This annoys me because I'm busy interpreting latent Fe movements so I view Te as superfluous, uninteresting, and painfully unnecessary.