Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
Oh I see. But if 50% of people said there was a 1:1 correlation between their socionics type and their MBTI type, and 50% said there wasn't, it wouldn't mean that there was no correlation whatsoever between the two systems, would it? INTJs and INTps share at least some similarities for example.
If 50% of people said there was a 1:1 correlation between their socionics type and their MBTI type, and 50% said there wasn't, given that types are equally distributed(are they?), it would mean that there is a pretty strong correlation between the two systems. Why is that so? Well, we have 16 types, if equally distributed - than every type - 6.25% of socion. If there is no correlation between the two than one would expect for example that all MBTI ESTPs and other types would be approximatelly equally distributed along the socionics types(that meaninig 6.25% of MBTI ESTPs would be socionics ESTps, ILIs, IEIs etc.). But if 50% of ESTPs are SLEs, than, that's a good one correlation.