ok this is what happened: i just posted a thread prior to this one regarding taste in music, because i forgot what i REALLY wanted to ask about.

and that was depression.

If you have an SiFe versus and NiFe, would either be likely to disregard their physical health almost completely by taking pills, hanging out with anyone mindlessly, and sort of going numb?, Which would be more likely to have funky sleep patterns, due to insomnia, or just a lack of care for what is going on in their life? (Maybe insomnia is not type related. Therefore anyone is susceptible to it.)

I have a feeling it would be more likely for an Ni to, simply because even if an Si is depressed, it would be their natural inclination to try to maintain balance within their own physical "world," correct? It would be more difficult for an Ni to be aware of/deal with depression in the physical aspect, resulting in over-sleeping/under-sleeping, not eating, loss of appetite, throwing up blood... side effects of emotional/personal instability.

Perhaps my interpretation of NiFe and SiFe are not fully honed, but I hope I'm at least close, and that if I AM off, you will bear with me.

Any clarifications on what I am getting at/trying to ask about needed? I'd be glad to clarify!