Quote Originally Posted by Gulanzon View Post
Si role

I stink therefore I am. Constant problems with hygiene because it's a chore and I can't really be bothered.

I'm also not a natural cook. (Against Si having globality dimension (being Base function).)

Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
Gul, this is just getting sad.

I'll be frank, I do not have the best hygiene at times, but I suppose that comes with the territory of being a teenage guy eh. I don't comb my hair ever and my clothes don't match.

I cannot cook well either, even though I have cooked food before.
In contrast:
• I am very, very clean.
• I dress well. My clothes match.
• I am an excellent cook (and so is my SLE father and LSI sister).

So what, does that make me “more Si” than the supposed Si-leadings? No. Now could we please stop associating strong and/or valued Si with these traits?

I value hygiene and a good meal. I like clothes that are coordinated well. I enjoy men that don't dress like jackasses. I love music and comfortable beds.

Simultaneously: I have bed-head 90% of the time because it looks best that way. I hate guys that put effort into their appearances (i.e., don't fucking style your hair—at all, stubble is nice so don't get anal over it, please don't take longer than I do to get ready because it's weird, etc.). I like caffeine and other stimulants. I can (and often do) go two to three days without eating, drinking, or sleeping. I hate calming down. I hate being uncomfortable for the sake of looking good. I hate people who try too hard to maintain a look.

And I would argue that none of this has anything to do with weak or strong Si.

P.S. If you burn toast it means you're incompetent, not Si PoLR.