I think this might be Te polr, but I hate filling out any kind of form. It makes me so frustrated and overwhelmed to the point I want to cry. It's like my brain suddenly stops working when it sees all those questions and I don't know what the questions mean, I end up reading them multiple times and I just can't get it. I end up finding literally anything else to do. Just the thought of it fills me with dread.

Also, I have a problem when working with other people. If I've done something and they try to tell me that I should do it this or that way, or I didn't follow the right steps, I can feel myself getting irritated. Because as far as I'm concerned, it works. Or if I'm doing something and it's taking way longer and somebody tries to tell me how to do it shorter as if they know better than me lol I'll get really snappy about it even when I know they're right. I do get childish and stubborn about it.