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Thread: Is lying type related?

  1. #1
    intjguy's Avatar
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    Default Is lying type related?

    This esfp girl keeps lying to get me in the sack.

    This estj guy lies (for reasons I don't know).

    Why do people bullshit?
    In no way should one act contrary to the great future you have before you.

  2. #2


    Everyone lies, those that claim that they don't lie, lie the most.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  3. #3
    The man with the plan MasterfulMischief's Avatar
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    A better question would be: is posting threads in the wrong forum type related?

  4. #4
    The man with the plan MasterfulMischief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    lying itself probably isn't type-related, but how they lie may be.
    Or what they lie about, and how effective they are at it.

    I wonder if the types that are better liars lie more as a result?

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    I was a child who made up a lot of things and was accused of lying all the time. I didn't really see it as lying, I was just turning everything into a tall tale or something... it's not that I didn't know what "really happened" I just would keep elaborating on it and making more things up. It was really spontaneous for the most part. And actually I don't think it even makes sense to have referred to it as lying. I think it was a loosely centered imagination. It's no different than why children believe in the tooth fairy or why I thought a cherry tree was growing inside my stomach because I swallowed a cherry pit. Or that I thought some of my dreams were really happening. None of these things are lying. It's just the adult mind is often so "organized" it can lose the capacity for free and non-centered thought. Which is why it's important to not "grow up" and why the people who say life shouldn't be taken too seriously are right.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    I was a child who made up a lot of things and was accused of lying all the time. I didn't really see it as lying, I was just turning everything into a tall tale or something... it's not that I didn't know what "really happened" I just would keep elaborating on it and making more things up. It was really spontaneous for the most part. And actually I don't think it even makes sense to have referred to it as lying. I think it was a loosely centered imagination. It's no different than why children believe in the tooth fairy or why I thought a cherry tree was growing inside my stomach because I swallowed a cherry pit. Or that I thought some of my dreams were really happening. None of these things are lying. It's just the adult mind is often so "organized" it can lose the capacity for free and non-centered thought. Which is why it's important to not "grow up" and why the people who say life shouldn't be taken too seriously are right.
    Yeah I was similar, except that I never got caught, and people didn't accuse me of lying. Usually it was that I thought of something that would be cool, then I just told like it was real. But I didn't make them sound unrealistic. So the stories were like stuff that just as well might have happened.

    For example one story that I told once that I had been at my cousins, and he had this cool game that I played there. But it had not happened, I just thought it would be cool if there was a game like that.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    For example one story that I told once that I had been at my cousins, and he had this cool game that I played there. But it had not happened, I just thought it would be cool if there was a game like that.
    I did this sort of thing too. Most accusations about lying game from my dad. He thought I was "a liar."

  8. #8
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterfulMischief View Post
    Or what they lie about, and how effective they are at it.
    I'm believable when I lie, mainly because I have a reputation as a truthful person. I only lie about things that are obviously rediculous. There is a tortoise in Alaska that lives off of the fingertips of aliens that come to visit Area 51 and get lost.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Yeah I was similar, except that I never got caught, and people didn't accuse me of lying. Usually it was that I thought of something that would be cool, then I just told like it was real. But I didn't make them sound unrealistic. So the stories were like stuff that just as well might have happened.

    For example one story that I told once that I had been at my cousins, and he had this cool game that I played there. But it had not happened, I just thought it would be cool if there was a game like that.
    same. although as i got older I started lying to cover up my lack of life experience... that's another story though.

  10. #10
    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterfulMischief View Post
    Or what they lie about, and how effective they are at it.

    I wonder if the types that are better liars lie more as a result?
    I think all the types lie but every type does it for different reasons...
    ESFps, ESTps, ENTps lie a lot and are good liars...

    I remember once I took a bottle of juice to school and told everyone that I mixed it with vodka...but I didn't... Later everyone who drank it started telling me that they got drunk.. imagine their reactions when I told them that there wasn't any alcohol in it

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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    I think all the types lie but every type does it for different reasons...
    ESFps, ESTps, ENTps lie a lot and are good liars...

    I remember once I took a bottle of juice to school and told everyone that I mixed it with vodka...but I didn't... Later everyone who drank it started telling me that they got drunk.. imagine their reactions when I told them that there wasn't any alcohol in it
    thats freakin awesome lol. i wanna do that now.

    i'll bet ENFj and ESFj are pretty good liars too... due to the strong Fe. the awareness of emotional/facial expression, etc... they know how to monitor the way they say things. at least that's my understanding of Fe. so far.

    please, anyone, correct me if i'm wrong. i'm still learning.
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    Quote Originally Posted by pluie View Post
    thats freakin awesome lol. i wanna do that now.

    i'll bet ENFj and ESFj are pretty good liars too... due to the strong Fe. the awareness of emotional/facial expression, etc... they know how to monitor the way they say things. at least that's my understanding of Fe. so far.

    please, anyone, correct me if i'm wrong. i'm still learning.
    I agree. I find both will say contradictory things to different types of people. I'm sorry, but unless I know either of them well I get the impression they're fake. But I'm Ti leading so, yeh, I tend to find LSIs/LIIs more sincere.

  13. #13
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    Ive actually never told a lie that i can remember! Nah im actually lying when i say that. I have been known by my friends as a prolific lier but only about stupid things. I can quite easily pull off joke lies. When it comes to real ones though im quite a terrible lier. I lied 20 mins ago about how much my new car cost to some people (i cut off a grand or so) because everyone keeps telling me i was going to pay too much for it. I did it fairly seamlessly but there was a moment of momentary thought the first time i said it that i recon a really tuned in person could have noticed. I would agree ENFj's are very sneaky at picking up lies. You slip up around them they will probablly notice. I could be lying about all this though.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  14. #14
    The man with the plan MasterfulMischief's Avatar
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    I don't lie very often....

    Did you believe me?

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    I think ILEs lie all the time, even if they don't mean to. It's not so much a factual lie, as in this happened, but a lie about what's logical. Hmm... it must be a tendency of creative .

  16. #16
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    i dont lie often
    The end is nigh

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    i try not to lie, just....artfully manage to obscure the truth.
    EII; E6(w5)

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  18. #18


    I don't give a shit enough about most things in order to lie. And I think liars have it catch up with them, so it is pointless in the long term.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    I think ILEs lie all the time, even if they don't mean to. It's not so much a factual lie, as in this happened, but a lie about what's logical. Hmm... it must be a tendency of creative .
    maybe that's just you?

    I avoid lying when possible.

    What's really weird is when my duals lie to my face about something I know to be 100% accurate. It's freaky.
    6w7 sx/sp (low level of confidence)

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    When I was younger and in school, people would ask me about random stuff since I was in the 'smart' crowd. At some point I just started making it a game where I'd give them completely plausible, completely bullshit answers. Never did that if they were doing a paper or anything, just trivia-esque things. I think I mostly wanted them to stop asking me to list a bunch of facts for them crossed with trying to enjoy myself a little.

    Part of that isn't so much lying since I do think I have a tendency to let how I'm feeling color a lot of what I learn anyway. I was really bad when it came to history. Fuck facts, I wanted to turn it into storytime!

    Aside from facts, I think with people I don't know well at all I can tend to be disingenuous about how I'm feeling at the moment. Now that makes me feel like a sell out.
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I was really bad when it came to history. Fuck facts, I wanted to turn it into storytime!
    that seems consistent with Fe ego types IME.
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

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