Just checking with the female caregivers in alpha, what is your position on being chased? I mean, i am all for the guy giving chase, but i met this and I think we are doing really well but she has had some bad experiences in her past and she says she has trust issues with men generally. I am typically bad at this stuff, but it sky rockets with this girl. She is remarkably forward which makes me think we are on track to something, but there is always that little something that makes me second guess myself. Guess the whole point of this rant is, female SFs, do you want to be chased? There is always this feeling I get from ESEs like they want to be looked at and lusted over (all girls want this, but it is a sensual brand with alpha that is difficult to describe) which I think is very attractive, and she is definitely pushing my buttons in that department, but I have no idea what she wants... I don't want to come over too strong and scare her away (LII saying this about ESE, who would have thought it?)