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Thread: When people tell you to "take it easy"

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    Haikus Sirena's Avatar
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    Default When people tell you to "take it easy"

    I HATE it when people tell me to "take it easy"!!! I mean, what the hell. It feels so condescending. Like yeah sure there she goes again blowing things out of proportion and acting all dramatic! How about they start giving a shit. But no, of course it's always some silly, irrational hormonal phase I'm going through. Not to be taken too seriously. Thank you god of all the heavens I have people around me to "help" me in the attempt to morph into a "normal" plastic person who has no real depth of feeling, but wears a permanent smile plastered on their face! The worst part is that they TOTALLY miss what I was trying to convey and dismiss it as some stupid little rant.

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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Punch them in the chest AS SOON as they say it and they'll think twice before saying it.

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    Then when they think twice punch them for even contemplating.

    People should mind their own business.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I HATE it when people tell me to "take it easy"!!! I mean, what the hell. It feels so condescending. Like yeah sure there she goes again blowing things out of proportion and acting all dramatic! How about they start giving a shit. But no, of course it's always some silly, irrational hormonal phase I'm going through. Not to be taken too seriously. Thank you god of all the heavens I have people around me to "help" me in the attempt to morph into a "normal" plastic person who has no real depth of feeling, but wears a permanent smile plastered on their face! The worst part is that they TOTALLY miss what I was trying to convey and dismiss it as some stupid little rant.
    I think you should get off your soap box and stfu. Why should other people be expected to be subjected to your temper tantrums when they don't want to?

    I hardly see temper tantrums as depth of feeling, unless you deeply feel immature and selfish.

    Didn't your last ESTp boyfriend get pissed off with you about this (I'm sure you mentioned it in the threads you made when he dumped you), if so maybe this isn't just type related.

    You should grow up a little and stop expecting people to pander to you in a way that you think suits you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I HATE it when people tell me to "take it easy"!!! I mean, what the hell. It feels so condescending. Like yeah sure there she goes again blowing things out of proportion and acting all dramatic! How about they start giving a shit. But no, of course it's always some silly, irrational hormonal phase I'm going through. Not to be taken too seriously. Thank you god of all the heavens I have people around me to "help" me in the attempt to morph into a "normal" plastic person who has no real depth of feeling, but wears a permanent smile plastered on their face! The worst part is that they TOTALLY miss what I was trying to convey and dismiss it as some stupid little rant.
    To be perfectly honest with you, I often say something along the lines of "take of easy" to people who are visibly upset or worked up. I don't say it to be condescending or dismissive, but instead because personally I'm not sure how to deal with someone who is reacting like that. When I'm upset I get deadly calm and serious and "overly logical" (lol). Anyway, I just wanted to share my experiences from the other side of the spectrum to offer some insight into what I believe you are calling a "normal plastic person who has no real depth of feeling," because that isn't always the case. People just have different modes of coping when upset or worked up.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I HATE it when people tell me to "take it easy"!!! I mean, what the hell. It feels so condescending. Like yeah sure there she goes again blowing things out of proportion and acting all dramatic! How about they start giving a shit. But no, of course it's always some silly, irrational hormonal phase I'm going through. Not to be taken too seriously. Thank you god of all the heavens I have people around me to "help" me in the attempt to morph into a "normal" plastic person who has no real depth of feeling, but wears a permanent smile plastered on their face! The worst part is that they TOTALLY miss what I was trying to convey and dismiss it as some stupid little rant.
    Hey, take it easy mon.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    A few months ago I woke up after having a dream about my-girlfriend that left me with a horrible feeling. I felt terrible, even though I was conscious it was a dream. I decided to walk to the local shop to grab some food. On the way down I was thinking hard about what happened. Suddenly, a tall Rastafarian walks past me and says "Eh, man, it can't be that bad".

    If it had been a year ago I would have probably told him to mind him own business before returning to enigmatic elitism. Instead, I looked at him and said "You're probably right, dude". My day instantly became superb.

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    Instead of trying to calm people down with the intent of getting them back to a reasonable perspective, I'm wondering if I shouldn't start feeding their emotions instead.

    If I can't induce heart-attacks and nervous breakdowns, I may at least be able to influence destructive behaviour that fills my need for entertainment.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    Instead of trying to calm people down with the intent of getting them back to a reasonable perspective, I'm wondering if I shouldn't start feeding their emotions instead.

    If I can't induce heart-attacks and nervous breakdowns, I may at least be able to influence destructive behaviour that fills my need for entertainment.
    Do that and induce yet another wave of calling you LSI.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Do that and induce yet another wave of calling you LSI.
    No big deal - not like I'm going to read any of it, anyway.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    Instead of trying to calm people down with the intent of getting them back to a reasonable perspective, I'm wondering if I shouldn't start feeding their emotions instead.

    If I can't induce heart-attacks and nervous breakdowns, I may at least be able to influence destructive behaviour that fills my need for entertainment.
    I suspect it would leave you feeling un-satisfied in the long run, being ISTp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I suspect it would leave you feeling un-satisfied in the long run, being ISTp
    Alas, this is one hypothesis that will forever remain unfalsified.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    No big deal - not like I'm going to read any of it, anyway.
    Try smashing them and then pulling them back.

    Combat tactics in the name of taking it easy. 'Tis a contradiction...


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    Punch them in the chest AS SOON as they say it and they'll think twice before saying it.
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    Then when they think twice punch them for even contemplating.

    People should mind their own business.
    I you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Akra View Post
    I got that a lot when I was younger and still lived at home. And I get it from my Warcraft guildmates sometimes "You're too sensitive!" "Don't take it personally." blah blah blah.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my guild and guildmates (they're a great group of people, even if the "tone" of being in the guild is very Delta.) But sometimes, you don't want to hear for the millionth time how fucking different you are from most of your peers. :/
    Yep! I have a friend, one of my best friends, who is always pointing out how weird I am. I know she does it playfully, saying things like "aww sweetie you're special", like she's patting the ugly duckling's head. But it makes me feel uncomfortable. Lately I've been thinking about the fact that I always feel like I have to try to act more "normal" around her, just to avoid this sort of thing. I feel the most comfortable around people who I feel I can be my weird self around, as I guess is the case with most people. So yeah, I know what you mean.

    P.S. I just noticed we have identical signatures! :wink:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I think you should get off your soap box and stfu. Why should other people be expected to be subjected to your temper tantrums when they don't want to?

    I hardly see temper tantrums as depth of feeling, unless you deeply feel immature and selfish.

    Didn't your last ESTp boyfriend get pissed off with you about this (I'm sure you mentioned it in the threads you made when he dumped you), if so maybe this isn't just type related.

    You should grow up a little and stop expecting people to pander to you in a way that you think suits you.
    What the fuck is YOUR problem? Who the fuck are you to qualify MY feelings for me? Okay, the oracle has spoken! The absolute and ultimate word has been given, therefore it's fact!!!!!!! God, you're so clueless, it's sad. Yet you presume you know exactly what what I wrote about consisted of. Did I ever say I stomped around with a big pout on my face while I broke everything in sight and cussed people out? You don't know shit. How the hell is telling someone that you are afraid to fall in love because you've been burned so many times before, a tantrum? Well, guess what? Maybe I am a selfish little bitch for expressing how I feel, but so are you. You, for not being able to see past your own nose. Take a look at yourself before you're so damn ready to throw stones at me. Get off your fucking high horse and look around you. Or better yet, within you. Hey, whatever, at least I have the consolation of knowing that I'm not a big fucking asshole like you. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  16. #16


    Get over to Alpha, foo'!

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Why, so you have more minions to one day take over the gamma quadra? Your kind sickens me.

    Fake minions, mind you.

  18. #18


    It's only fake deceased, you know.

    It's been alive in my fake heart forever.

  19. #19


    Ah, so your tits are fake Gammas.


    Now we don't need to VI them.

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    i wish people weren't so f***ing fake all the time, it's really petty and it annoys me.

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    How the heck have people interpreted what I wrote as something totally different from what I intended? I DON'T impose my feelings on others! Are you kidding? If I feel that someone reacts negatively to me, especially in regards to my feelings, I am more likely to isolate myself than get in their face or something like that. I hate imposing myself on others. I actually go out of my way to not impose, mostly because I'm so sensitive to comfort levels, which causes fear to discover that I'm not wanted.

    What I actually meant was that people criticize ME, not the other way around. I tend to stay away from people, especially from telling them how they should or should not be. My problem is with THEM trying to impose their notions of normality on me. I leave them be, they should give me the same courtesy. I am the one that's constantly told I'm too this and too that. So, how is it that I'm the one imposing?? I'm the one that's made to feel that the way I process things is wrong and that hurts because I can't change who I am. By someone telling me that I shouldn't feel things the way I do, that I need to take things easy, they're dismissing who I am. This wasn't a case of someone not wanting to hear what I had to say and me forcing them to. I tell someone I am afraid to get hurt and someone tells me I'm being dramatic for feeling this way because basically, I shouldn't take things so seriously. For crying out loud, they are my feelings! If I don't take them seriously, who will?

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Take it easy, loki.
    A fake statement!

  23. #23


    You should take it fake easy, Loki.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Akra View Post
    That's cause I poached yours. I liked your display the best.
    . . .

    I like how you separate words by periods for emphasis (noticed in other posts). I'm obsessed with punctuation for some strange reason. lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    How the heck have people interpreted what I wrote as something totally different from what I intended? I DON'T impose my feelings on others! Are you kidding? If I feel that someone reacts negatively to me, especially in regards to my feelings, I am more likely to isolate myself than get in their face or something like that. I hate imposing myself on others. I actually go out of my way to not impose, mostly because I'm so sensitive to comfort levels, which causes fear to discover that I'm not wanted.
    Don't go out of your way.

    What I actually meant was that people criticize ME, not the other way around. I tend to stay away from people, especially from telling them how they should or should not be. My problem is with THEM trying to impose their notions of normality on me. I leave them be, they should give me the same courtesy. I am the one that's constantly told I'm too this and too that. So,
    Some people don't need people to leave them be. And can take it as an insult.

    how is it that I'm the one imposing?? I'm the one that's made to feel that the way I process things is wrong and that hurts because I can't change who I am. By someone telling me that I shouldn't feel things the way I do, that I need to take things easy, they're dismissing who I am. This wasn't a case of
    You are not your actions. You are you.

    someone not wanting to hear what I had to say and me forcing them to. I tell someone I am afraid to get hurt and someone tells me I'm being dramatic for feeling this way because basically, I shouldn't take things so seriously. For crying out loud, they are my feelings! If I don't take them seriously, who will?
    Smile when they say you're being dramatic. Don't look for rejection. Keep moving.

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    6w7 sx/sp (low level of confidence)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Akra View Post
    I'm the same. It makes ALL the difference though, what punctuation you use! It drives me apeshit crazy when people don't use punctuation, because that is interpreted in my head as a certain tone about things. I know for most people it wouldn't be...but for me, it definitely is.

    I love to play around with it in poetry the most. For example, if I skip punctuation in poetry I'm probably trying to convey either a spacey-feeling or a deadpan-feeling, depending on context. Or both at the same time...

    Being an IEI has it's shitty points, but being able to tap into this with my communication/expression is definitely a plus.
    Exactly how I feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    Don't go out of your way.

    Some people don't need people to leave them be. And can take it as an insult.

    You are not your actions. You are you.

    Smile when they say you're being dramatic. Don't look for rejection. Keep moving.
    Good advice.

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    What the fuck is YOUR problem? Who the fuck are you to qualify MY feelings for me? Okay, the oracle has spoken! The absolute and ultimate word has been given, therefore it's fact!!!!!!! God, you're so clueless, it's sad. Yet you presume you know exactly what what I wrote about consisted of. Did I ever say I stomped around with a big pout on my face while I broke everything in sight and cussed people out? You don't know shit. How the hell is telling someone that you are afraid to fall in love because you've been burned so many times before, a tantrum? Well, guess what? Maybe I am a selfish little bitch for expressing how I feel, but so are you. You, for not being able to see past your own nose. Take a look at yourself before you're so damn ready to throw stones at me. Get off your fucking high horse and look around you. Or better yet, within you. Hey, whatever, at least I have the consolation of knowing that I'm not a big fucking asshole like you. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Sirena, considering we have spent many hours msn'ing and talking on skype including these very subjects, and that I have experienced what you refer to with you, you are wrong to say I am clueless on this subject at least with you, and your post is disgustingly misleading.

    If your thread was to have people agree with you, fine, or if it was to find out others thoughts, then take it easy
    Last edited by Cyclops; 04-26-2009 at 10:35 AM.

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    If you say something bothers you most people are just gonna do it more, cause they're assholes.

    Remember kiddo:

    If it ain't your best friend, romantic partner (MUTUAL LOVE), or your IMMEDIATE family: Then it's your competitor. Everybody else is competing for resources. Never ever forget that.

    It's just the way of the world.

    Oh and, any one of those people can betray you at any given time too. Yep.

    Look out for #1 (Until an SLE comes along and saves you). And that means, learning how to keep your cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Sirena, considering we have spent many hours msn'ing and talking on skype including these very subjects, and that I have experienced what you refer to with you, you are wrong to say I am clueless on this subject at least with you, and your post is disgustingly misleading.

    If your thread was to have people agree with you, fine, or if it was to find out others thoughts, then take it easy
    Which only serves to prove my point.

    And I would GREATLY appreciate it if you stopped reading into my intentions.

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    Which only serves to prove my point.

    And I would GREATLY appreciate it if you stopped reading into my intentions.
    How does it prove your point? I already proved, with evidence, that I wasn't clueless on the subject. Any judge judy would see that I am able to have at least a slightly informed opinion on the subject. However in the interests of co-operation, I can delete my posts about this on this thread if you want.

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    Well yeah.

    Reality checks. Most people have no desire whatsoever to help you. They get off on pretending to be your friend, and then stabbing you in the back after you shared information with them. I'm not bitter. I'm realistic.

    If somebody has more external power than you? Stay clear away from them until you're on a more even playing field. And just....ignore their taunts or fake bull-shit 'advice.'

    Please don't be naive. Most people are against you. They're not for you. Sometimes as an IEI every thing you do you have to be cautious and mindful of exactly what it will get for you, how will you benefit from this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    How does it prove your point? I already proved, with evidence, that I wasn't clueless on the subject. Any judge judy would see that I am able to have at least a slightly informed opinion on the subject. However in the interests of co-operation, I can delete my posts about this on this thread if you want.
    I'm not going to continue to justify MY feelings. Do you realize how presumptuous of you it is to think you're an expert on my feelings and intentions? And to then argue them with me?

    The point is that knowing me personally doesn't make you an expert on me, especially my feelings. And especially not more than me.

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I'm not going to continue to justify MY feelings. Do you realize how presumptuous of you it is to think you're an expert on my feelings and intentions? And to then argue them with me?

    The point is that knowing me personally doesn't make you an expert on me, especially my feelings. And especially not more than me.
    Well, considering you stated something along the lines of, in your opening post, - (i can't be bothered checking), that people who don't appreciate the way you act must be shallow, - you seem excessively presumptious yourself about others feelings and intentions.

    In any event, fuck off. I'm only trying to put an end to this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Well, considering you stated something along the lines of, in your opening post, - (i can't be bothered checking), that people who don't appreciate the way you act must be shallow, - you seem excessively presumptious yourself about others feelings and intentions.
    Did I? LOL. I guess you can't read? I'll just chuck it up to your inability to correctly interpret emotional content, which is fine, until you actually start thinking you know what you're talking about to the point of pompous certainty.
    In any event, fuck off. I'm only trying to put an end to this.
    No, thank you. All you have to do is not reply.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I HATE it when people tell me to "take it easy"!!! I mean, what the hell. It feels so condescending. Like yeah sure there she goes again blowing things out of proportion and acting all dramatic! How about they start giving a shit. But no, of course it's always some silly, irrational hormonal phase I'm going through. Not to be taken too seriously. Thank you god of all the heavens I have people around me to "help" me in the attempt to morph into a "normal" plastic person who has no real depth of feeling, but wears a permanent smile plastered on their face! The worst part is that they TOTALLY miss what I was trying to convey and dismiss it as some stupid little rant.
    I was referring to the bolded part, you are saying that people who don't act like you have no depth of feeling ie they are shallow. Shallow is the opposite of deep, ie depth.

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    Ahh, spring - love is in the air.
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  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    Ahh, spring - love is in the air.
    Delta dry ice

  39. #39


    I disagree that advice is rarely out of good intentions, consider a socionics caregiver.

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