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Thread: Type and career choice

  1. #1

    Default Type and career choice

    I’m curious about what different people would and would not like to do as a career, and about how that might relate to type. Look at each job title below and say whether you would or would not like to do it, and why. Ready. Set. Go!

    Police officer

    Accountant or financial planner


    Lawyer / Attorney


    Teacher [early childhood education]

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]

    Teacher [physical education/gym]

    Professor [college]


    Sales representative

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]


    Counselor or psychologist


    Administrative assistant / Secretary





    Porn star


    Flight attendant





    Professional athlete




    Public Relations Specialist

    Computer programmer

    News anchor


    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]

  2. #2
    Jarno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Professor [college]
    Counselor or psychologist
    Computer programmer
    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]
    These I like.
    Last edited by Jarno; 04-24-2009 at 04:00 PM.

  3. #3


    Police officer

    Neutral. Seems like the training would be a hassle though. I wouldn't mind all the driving, I guess.

    Accountant or financial planner

    Seems very boring, but your incentive is money? Well, it isn't mine.

    I'd also go mad having to deal with numbers all day. But I could deal with Numbers all day


    This would be a bad choice for me. Scanning through documents and gathering evidence and crap? Too much reading and thinking for me.

    Lawyer / Attorney

    ... no.


    Don't want to have to deal with people and bullshit all day, everyday. Or even more than "very occasionally".

    Teacher [early childhood education]

    Again, no. Ew. Small children

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]

    Small kids, only they're bigger now, and wilfully subversive. Even less!

    Teacher [physical education/gym]

    Probably wouldn't be bad. I'd have to be fit though.

    Professor [college]

    I hear academia is a very unpleasant world filled with fytan and defending your ideas. Oh, and the whole thing with tenure? Yeah, makes me wonder why anyone should even bother. (I read that tenure essentially forces you inside the box of whatever's being thought of at the time (like string theory atm).)


    This would actually be incredicool... but I hate heat and dirt. So, no.

    Sales representative

    Ugh. Same is early childhood teacher.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]

    If there were some sort of formal training, hell yes! Seeing as how there isn't, it doesn't seem like a necessarily stable job. Other than that, this is on my top five.


    Haven't thought about it... doesn't appeal to me.

    Counselor or psychologist

    This is my #1 at the moment. I'm not sure I could cope with people four or five days a week. But, at the same time, I find people interesting, and it seems like a job with forgiving hours. I also have a vendetta against the world of mental health, so this would be a satisfying personal crusade for me.


    No. Dealing with the legitimately mentally ill? Plus, I don't want to run around prescribing meds for anything. Leave that to the LSEs. (I know an LSE psychiatrist, and my LSE friend is aiming for that too.)

    Administrative assistant / Secretary

    Haven't really thought about it. I don't really think I'd enjoy it, though.


    Another top five pick! Seems like a simple enough job with low stress. And I get to be in a quiet place all day. This is my idea of heaven...

    But, back to reality, I'd probably be driven insane if I had to not talk to people all day. *sigh*


    Hmm, no. Being yelled at in the sun all day? Plus, this brings back childhood nightmares. So, no.


    Bah. Grease and grime



    Porn star

    \: even less


    I think this would kill me.

    Flight attendant

    Airplanes are too crowded. I would hate this. I don't even like flying on them


    Possibly. But I don't think I'm good enough, and I know I'm horrible at remembering l... l... linnaeus? Those things. Bah!


    No. Too much hustle and bustle. I'd find this quite unpleasant.


    Too unstable as a job. And having to deal with galleries and dealers and crap? Nah. No thanks.


    I liked Engineers in Anarchy Online. Hmm, this could be fun. But I'd have to be good at maths. Oh well

    Professional athlete

    Having to work out and train all day? Screw that.


    I'm too slack. And for me, it's about making sure I have money (even if it's only a modest amount... I don't intend to live big), not having the potential to strike it rich. So, no.


    Bah. Sick people. No thanks.


    I'd love this, I think. But I don't know if it's the right job for me. One of my uncles works for CSIRO though, and he's an SLI. He seems to spend most of the time relaxing to Buddha Bar, lol. I'll ask him what it's like and report back. This is another top five. (Have I gone past five yet?)

    Public Relations Specialist

    Same reason as politics. No.

    Computer programmer

    I don't get code. This would not be the right choice for me.

    News anchor

    I'm allergic to fame. This may be a Four thing though. And, yeah, the image of the chaotic studio just seriously turns me off.


    The living would be a little too modest, I think. And I'm not big on manual labour. It'd be pretty cool having buildings all to yourself though. So, this has similar pros as librarian, and similar cons too.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]

    Same reason as artist. No.

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Lawyer / Attorney
    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]
    Public Relations Specialist
    News anchor
    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]
    I've considered all these options, I'm working on lawyer/attorney at the moment, but I hope to have the opportunity to dabble in a few others as well before I'm forced by old age and a failing body to retire.
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  5. #5
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Police officer

    Not interrested.

    Accountant or financial planner

    Not interrested.


    Not interrested. I wouldn't excel at this.

    Lawyer / Attorney



    Love to, but I'd probably have to become a lawyer first.

    Teacher [early childhood education]

    Actually, that's what I'm going into. They're needed, I like kids, and it's an easy degree.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]

    Sure. I want to be a substitute.

    Teacher [physical education/gym]

    Not interrested.

    Professor [college]

    Not interrested.


    Not interrested.

    Sales representative

    Not interrested.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]

    My style isn't the current style. It wouldn't fly.



    Counselor or psychologist

    I wouldn't be very good at this. It's better for feelers.



    Administrative assistant / Secretary

    Sure; I'd like to do this sometime. But not for my whole life.


    Sure; I already know how it's run. But again, not for my whole life.




    Ha-ha-ha! Is this the gas pedal, or the brake? No.



    Porn star





    That would be fun. But I don't have any connections.







    Professional athlete



    Not interrested.





    Public Relations Specialist


    Computer programmer

    Not interrested.

    News anchor

    Not interrested.


    Not interrested.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]

    No. Used to want to, but not any more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    I’m curious about what different people would and would not like to do as a career, ...
    Police officer - no way. Too much stress.
    Accountant or financial planner - possibly, if it paid extremely well so I could retire fast. Tedious, exacting work is not my cup of tea.

    Detective - no way. It'd be too people-intensive.

    Lawyer / Attorney - no. I'd need to be more of a conformist and people person to do that.

    Judge - no. Possibly in theory, not in practice.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - No. Small kids are idiots, I'm kind of allergic to idiots after too much contact with adult ones. Also, it's female dominated, which means there's all kind of silly intrigues going on.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - No. Similar reason.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - No. The work would be too people oriented. And I'd like to keep my beer belly, thank you very much.

    Professor [college] - Yes!!! Math, physics or computer science. Possibly foreign languages.

    Archeologist - No. I hate archeology, it's the only science that destroys what it studies.

    Sales representative - No. It would be waaaaay too people oriented.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - No way.

    Nurse - No way. The job is too people oriented and too stressfull,

    Counselor or psychologist - no! But in practice, I'm one already. I hate it.

    Psychiatrist - No. I've gotten allergic to idiots. Psychiatric people who wonder whether they're Napoleon or Jesus of Nazareth or whatever are idiots. Just like those who believe the world is about to perish from fair weather, "overpopulation" "ocean acidification" and what not.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - No. "Administration" is not my thing.

    Librarian - Possibly, but it would be too service oriented and require too much structure for my liking.

    Sailor - Dunno what kind of work that actually is.

    Mechanic - No way. I have a hard time even doing minor repairs on my bicycle.

    Stripper - Funny.

    Pilot - No. Not fast enough reflexes, calm nerves or anything of that sort.

    Flight attendant - No. I'm not people oriented, practical and service minded enough.

    Actor - possibly, but it would bore me to death, it's far outside my field of interest.

    Politician - No way, I have a hard time dealing with the idiots and their silly intrigues even in a regular workplace, a politician has to actually enjoy dealing with idiots, crooks and knaves and people of ill will of all kinds on a continual basis.

    Artist - No way.

    Engineer - Yes. I am one.

    Professional athlete - No way, making it your life's goal to run faster than most others or whatever seems to me rather silly.

    Entrepreneur - I kind of am one, but not very successful.

    Doctor - in theory, yes - as a specialist of some kind. In practice, no.

    Scientist - I more or less am one.

    Public Relations Specialist - Probably not. Too far outside of my fields of interest.

    Computer programmer - I am one.

    News anchor - In theory, yes. In practice, no. Too people oriented line of work.

    Janitor - In theory, yes. In practice, no. Because I would have to deal with coworkers and people who tend to be superb specimen of the idiot species.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - Not fiction, but I would consider writing popular expositions on mathematics and natural science. I've actually done a little of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    how that might relate to type
    My profile seems to be NiTe.
    Last edited by ragnar; 04-24-2009 at 03:05 PM. Reason: Markup error + adding relevant info
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    Police officer - No, I hate the police with passion.
    Accountant or financial planner - I would dislike accountant for its routine-orientation, even if I'm sure I could do it easily; I would enjoy financial planner.
    Detective - I lack the observational skills.
    Lawyer / Attorney - Too many words, not enough numbers.
    Judge - Same as above.
    Teacher - Shitty pay.
    Professor [college] - Yes, very nice job.
    Archeologist - I would like it, since I would stay outdoors for long stretches of time.
    Sales representative - No. I hate convincing people to buy stuff.
    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - No, I lack the talent for this.
    Nurse - Probably not good with blood enough.
    Counselor or psychologist - Ahah, I think I would be fine at it, but I have trouble seeing myself as one.
    Psychiatrist - No, I wouldn't like to deal with people that are nuts all day long.
    Administrative assistant / Secretary - No, boring.
    Librarian - Boring, shitty pay
    Sailor - Yes, I would love it, since it's always outdoors. I would love it even more if humanity had left something to explore on Earth.
    Mechanic - Yes, probably.
    Stripper - Lol, only for a short amount of time.
    Porn star - Nah
    Pilot - No, too much pressure.
    Flight attendant - No, health concerns.
    Actor - Yes, nice, but needs a lot of luck
    Politician - I'd do it for the pay, but the job sucks.
    Engineer - Yes, especially if I could work by myself
    Professional athlete - Yes, definitely, but very hard to get into
    Entrepreneur - Not sure. It's very risky.
    Doctor - No, I don't think I'm good with blood.
    Scientist - Yes, as long as the pay was decent, and I am not expected to stay in the lab 12 hours a day.
    Public Relations Specialist - Lol, I'd suck at it
    Computer programmer - Yes, if by myself, no, if in a company
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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Police officer - no thanks. In some cases this would require blindly following the rules even if they don't make sense. And in general it leads to occasional confrontations which I dread.

    Accountant or financial planner - Seems like not something I would like to do as it is blatantly boring but I could do it for some time I guess.

    Detective - Ehh, no thanks. Just for no particular reason, interesting as a concept but if it is a private detective this would probably lead to me runing around someones wife to see if she cheats. If it is police work then I don't want it due to the reasons I wrote near Police officer but it is more appealing.

    Lawyer / Attorney - Seems interesting.

    Judge - Unfortunately judges usually have to go by the book, even if it does not make sense. It would be too hard for me as I could potentially lead someone to prison even if I don't agree with it on personal level (for example euthanasia, but there are more cases like this). Also laws and punishments often don't make sense to me. Someone stealing a chicken for the 10th time goes to prison for 5 years. Child rapist goes to prison for 10 years with a chance to go out after 5. A drunk driver who killed 3 children goes to prison for 15 years with a chance to go out after 5 year. Someone who stole millions gets a fine and 2 years.

    Teacher - [early childhood education] Id love to do that, not sure I would have the patience with little kids but I think I would manage it.

    Teacher - [middle grades or high school] Id love to do this just as much and maybe even more as I seem to quickly grab the interest of young people. I think I could do well in teaching them, not only the subject.

    Teacher - No thanks. Just not interesting for me personally and I'm not very physical myself to do that . I can't go to gym for more than 2 months straight... .

    Professor - Seems interesting enough, I could do that.

    Archeologist - Dunno, doesn't strike me as a fascinating job, maybe interesting as a subject itself.

    Sales representative - I hate salesmans, but I think I could do well being one.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - Seems interesting, I just dont have skills for that.

    Nurse - Hm. I guess its ok.

    Counselor or psychologist - Sure, Id LOVE to do this. At some point I thought of going for psychology studies but thankfully I finished my bachelors degree in Software Engineering. You never know, maybe some day I will still try to study psychology

    Psychiatrist - I'm not sure I would be able to do this, seems like a very draining and sad job. Who knows, maybe.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Well this is boring.

    Librarian - I'm not even sure what I would need to do. Nah, not for me.

    Sailor - I love the travels, I don't love physical labor. Seems ok as a job.

    Mechanic - No , not interesting.

    Stripper - No thanks for many reasons.

    Porn star - No thanks for many reasons also.

    Pilot - Seems interesting enough.

    Flight attendant - I guess its not too bad, Im not bothered by planes or long flights and you get to travel places.

    Actor - Hehe, some people suggested that. My father was an actor and I grew up in a theater. I could do that.

    Politician - Dirty business. Sounds nice as an idea unfortunately real life shows that its something I don't want to be anywhere near it.

    Artist - What is that? What kind of artist? Creative work is nice of course, I'm just not that good creating anything with my hands.

    Engineer - Seems interesting job, just not very nice due to the fact how very important details are.

    Professional athlete - No thanks, not interested in physical activities and doesn't sound like something I would want to do. I mean you get like what...10 years for a career? And you are left with screwed up ankles and whatnot.

    Entrepreneur - I'm not sure. Maybe I will be one after a few years. Seems like it would need a lot of hard work but I guess eventually I will want to work for myself and not others.

    Doctor - Sounds interesting.

    Scientist - Depends on what kind. Anything related to brain and how it functions would interest me.

    Public Relations Specialist - Yeh, sounds nice . I think I would do well.

    Computer programmer - Well I was one and partially I still am one. At least I still need to do a fair share of coding myself.

    News anchor - I mumble too much . Sounds ok as a job.

    Janitor - I think I could find a lot of better jobs than this.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - Interesting. Creative work (in case of novelist) which would be very interesting. Poet - I dislike poetry. Journalist - yeh I'd like that, some people suggested me that at school. In general seems like my kind of thing.
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  9. #9
    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Professor [college]
    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]
    Counselor or psychologist
    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]
    These are where my interests lie and what I could easier strive for if I chose the path. I've seriously considered all of these and would allow these influences into my life without much resistance.

    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Teacher [middle grades or high school]
    Public Relations Specialist
    My interests don't directly lead to these, but I could picture myself doing these if I had to. For most of these I have thought of, but haven't seriously considered.

    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Police officer
    Accountant or financial planner
    Teacher [early childhood education]
    Teacher [physical education/gym]
    Sales representative
    Administrative assistant/Secretary
    Porn star
    Flight attendant
    Professional athlete
    Computer programmer
    News anchor
    These are the definitely not's. I never would going into any of these jobs as a career.

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Police officer - No because I don't think I have what it takes to protect and use consistently good judgment and common sense. I wouldn't be able to handle disputes properly.

    Accountant or financial planner - While I'd be able to do the mathematical side of this, I don't think this would be something I'd enjoy. Also, there seems to be an angle of business mathematics that I don't quite grasp or understand.

    Detective - Maybe, but leaning toward no. Unsolved cases that I'd be involved in would stick with me or bother me for far too long.

    Lawyer / Attorney - No because the level of expertise needed in law is something that I don't have, and I'd also feel uncomfortable about finding loopholes or quirks in the law to win a case. The cutthroat mentality that some (obviously not all) have of winning their case is just too much.

    Judge - No because I don't believe that I would be impartial. I think that my natural tendency is to decide with my heart, and I'd constantly have to keep pushing that away in order to effectively be a judge.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - Probably. Although I think that a big drawback is that I have not worked much with children. The times that I have, like when I volunteered at my local library at a computer lab, were positive experiences. It would be an environment where I don't think I'd feel too stressed out and I think I'd be relatively successful.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - I'd say no. I'd have a difficult time handling insubordination situations.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - No because I think it's important to practice what you preach. And if I teach something like this, I'd feel like I'd need to be able to demonstrate that I know what I'm talking about.

    Professor [college] - No. I just don't think I'm cut out for something like that.

    Archeologist - It would seem to be interesting, but, honestly I'm not sure. Uncovering and discovering aspects of history is appealing, but I'm just not sure if it would be fulfilling.

    Sales representative - No, because I don't think I'd survive in an environment like that to the extent that I think a person should be able to do in a job like that. It might start off fine, but it would break me down.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - I've considered this before but ultimately decided no. It seems like this this profession has a level of intuition and aesthetic know-how that I don't really have. Stuff that you can't learn in books. I'd feel rather amateurish.

    Nurse - I'd say no, but it's a marginal no. The idea of caring for people in need is appealing, but I think being around suffering depresses me if I'm exposed to it for too long.

    Counselor or psychologist - Maybe, but I think a large drawback is that I tend to wrap myself up emotionally the sorts of dialogues that take place. I think it would wear me down emotionally.

    Psychiatrist - I'd say no. It's tough though, but it just feels like it's a profession that seems rather delicate. Mental disorders are not something I would take lightly, and ... I don't know. I'm just not sure I could do it.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - There's a sort of stigma that I have attached to this one. I had considered being an administrative assistant when I was looking for a job a couple of years ago. And some family members of mine tried to convince me (successfully) that a person with "your degree and your talents should be making more money than that". So, I think that if I did a job like this, I'd have that sort of "wtf is he doing?" eye behind me watching.

    Librarian - I've considered this profession as well. I'd say no, though. I don't think I have the level of interest in books, bookkeeping, and archiving needed to sustain my interest level.

    Sailor - No. I don't have any nautical experience, and basically none as a passenger. It's not something that appeals to me.

    Mechanic - I probably could do it if I put the time and energy into learning about the various aspects of automobiles. But, I just don't have the interest level or the desire to do that.

    Stripper - No.

    Porn star - No because I don't have what it takes, and I'll just leave it at that.

    Pilot - No for the same reason why I wouldn't want to be a sailor. I don't have any aviation experience, and it has never piqued my interest.

    Flight attendant - I think that to be interested in a job like this, you have to like to travel a lot. And, I'm not much of a traveling person. It would be somewhat interesting to travel, but I just can't get myself excited about it.

    Actor - I don't think I have the personality flexibility to be able to pull this off.

    Politician - No for a couple of reasons. Representing a population is a massive responsibility, and one that I'm not sure I'd be able to satisfactorily fulfill given how some things cannot be reconciled. The other aspect I don't like is the game of politics. Can't do it. I would get demolished.

    Artist - Maybe, but I have a knack for starting something and never finishing it. I can't pace myself properly when doing something like this.

    Engineer - *sigh* I'm capable of doing it, I have a degree in it, but I just don't think it's the right thing for me. Having been inside, and understanding what it takes to be a successful engineer, I would hate to be involved in something where a small mistake could mean a critical failure. I make too many small mistakes either because I'm not careful or I don't think the problem through properly.

    Professional athlete - Well, that time has probably passed me by, but I don't think I'd be able to because I have historically not been able to handle success very well. To be a professional athlete in this day in age with salaries the way they are comes with a big responsibility of public image. I don't think I have the mental fortitude to not break down.

    Entrepreneur - I'd say no to this one because it's too open-ended. I'd need to have some sense of direction about what I'd want to do, and I think I'd have a hard time doing that and narrowing it down when so many options are available.

    Doctor - No for a few of reasons. One, the level of knowledge required is something I'm not sure I'm willing to go through, and two, I'd hate to be liable for someone's life for making a critical error. Also, I just don't think I'd be able to mentally withstand being at a hospital and exposed to what comes in and out of the doors on a daily basis. The ups and downs would probably be too extreme for me.

    Scientist - Probably, though this is a bit general. I'd be able to manage being a scientist, but, I have a sense that over time I'd become too much of dead weight, and using others' reasoning capabilities as a crutch (what comes as a result of burnout).

    Public Relations Specialist - No. This would be another flash in the pan sort of thing. It's hard for me to be able to consistently be able to promote something, and also, I'd struggle with the aspect of how to handle controversies. I think it would be too much to handle.

    Computer programmer - I can do this, but it's very easy for me to get burned out on it. It's not really something that I'd want to do for the rest of my life. It's too impersonal, and I have really uneasy feelings when something becomes too big or too delicate to maintain. My tendency is to scrap the project and start over, which is a disaster in programming.

    News anchor - No. I don't believe that I would have the interest level to put the work required to do this. It does require a lot of behind-the-scenes homework and preparation, and I just don't think I can do it.

    Janitor - I would be miserable. I read a story recently randomly not too long ago that just sort of... gives me a picture of what I'd have to deal with, and I think that I would not be able to overcome it without breaking down. Hard work of custodian goes unnoticed, unappreciated by students - People

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - No. I don't have a consistent enough of a drive or desire to write.
    You can probably tell I've put a lot of thought into this question over the years of my life.

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    • Police officer - No. I would hate being a police officer. Tbh, I don't even like police officers.
    • Accountant or financial planner - No. Too much math.
    • Detective - No. I would feel weird being a detective. I don't know why.
    • Lawyer / Attorney - No. In the past I've thought I would like being one, but I've learned over the last year or so that I would hate it.
    • Judge - Nope, I'm not interested in any law-related career.
    • Teacher [early childhood education] - No.
    • Teacher [middle grades or high school] Maybe. I like the idea of teaching, and I'd prefer older students. I could only teach art, English, or something.
    • Teacher [physical education/gym] - No. I just don't care enough.
    • Professor [college] - Sure, if I could.
    • Archeologist - No. It just seems boring to me.
    • Sales representative - No, not interested.
    • Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - Yes. I really like designing, with the exception of advertisements and products/product labels (too commercial for me). I could never design anything meant to be mass-produced. So yeah, I'd prefer interior design, fashion (that wouldn't be reproduced over and over), and maybe even furniture would be interesting.
    • Nurse - No. I hate hospitals, doctors offices, etc. of any kind. Agh.
    • Counselor or psychologist - Nope. I really couldn't do anything health-related. Be it mental health, physical, etc. I just couldn't. I hate counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, everything. I don't know why, since it's totally irrational. I just do.
    • Psychiatrist - No. See above.
    • Administrative assistant / Secretary - Yes. Haha, I would be great at it too. I wouldn't find it really fulfilling, but I wouldn't mind doing it.
    • Librarian - Sure, but only if I had to. I would find it boring, probably. But it's not something I'd be opposed to. I like being surrounded by books, and I am probably organized enough to do it.
    • Sailor - No, just no.
    • Mechanic - No, I can't fix anything.
    • Stripper - No. I could never be a stripper. I don't like it, the idea of it, the act, or anything else related.
    • Porn star - No. It's really gross.
    • Pilot - No, but for a stupid reason: flying gives me terrible headaches and earaches. I couldn't stand it.
    • Flight attendant - No. See above.
    • Actor - Maybe, but I doubt it. I don't like “performing” for people. I just don't. Also, I would hate being noticed to that degree. I would hate being famous.
    • Politician - No. That feels like competing to be the figurehead for your beliefs, and I wouldn't like being a figurehead. I don't want the attention that would come with being a politician.
    • Artist - Yes. Tbh, this is what I would love to be right now.
    • Engineer - No. I couldn't do it hah.
    • Professional athlete - No. I wouldn't like a career based so highly on youth or physical abilities like that. Like gymnasts, who can't compete past their early 20's? God, I want something I could continue through life.
    • Entrepreneur - No. It would bore me.
    • Doctor - No, see above somewhere where I went on about hating hospitals, doctors, etc.
    • Scientist - No. I have zero interest in any science whatsoever.
    • Public Relations Specialist - Doubt it. Public relations? Eh.
    • Computer programmer - No. I'd be terrible and I have no interest.
    • News anchor - No. I would hate being on television.
    • Janitor - No. I could never.
    • Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - Yes. I like writing, and it would be nice if I could actually make a living out of it. Journalism would be interesting. I wouldn't write novels or poems, though. I don't like fiction-based anything really.
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  12. #12


    Police officer: Maybe, not really interested.

    Accountant or financial planner: Sure. But accounting is probably very boring.

    Detective: Maybe.

    Lawyer / Attorney: Maybe.

    Judge: Sure.

    Teacher [early childhood education]: No

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]: No

    Teacher [physical education/gym]: No

    Professor [college]: Maybe

    Archeologist: Seems very interesting

    Sales representative: No

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]: No

    Nurse: No

    Counselor or psychologist: Maybe

    Psychiatrist: Seems interesting

    Administrative assistant / Secretary: Sure. But doesn't seem very interesting

    Librarian: Sure. But doesn't seem very interesting. Probably crappy wage.

    Sailor: No.

    Mechanic: No.

    Stripper: lol

    Porn star: Hey that's what I do for living

    Pilot: Doesn't seem very interesting

    Flight attendant: No

    Actor: Yes

    Politician: Yes

    Artist: Yes

    Engineer: Yes

    Professional athlete: No

    Entrepreneur: Yes

    Doctor: A MD? Maybe, if I didn't have to deal with patients.

    Scientist: Seems very interesting

    Public Relations Specialist: No

    Computer programmer: That's what I'm going to be.

    News anchor: Sure

    Janitor: No

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]: Seems interesting. But I would have to actually get good profit to bother writing.
    Last edited by Warlord; 04-24-2009 at 05:03 PM.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    Police officer - No. I know I would not be competent at this, and even if at my best possible potential, it would still be all wrong, and I'd still be rather bad at it. The human interaction part both with the co-workers and especially with the public would not be something I can do well.

    Accountant or financial planner - Certainly not, omg, that would be horrible, no way on earth, what a nightmare, shit!

    Detective - Yes. That would be rather fun. But I'm probably imaging some idealized version of being a detective. There is potential here though.

    Lawyer / Attorney - No. I would not be good at this no matter how hard I tried.

    Judge - No way. Basically, no jobs in court rooms or involving legal things, yuck.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - maybe... I think I could be rather good at this in that I could find ways to teach them what they need to know and help them be their best, etc. But the behavior of it all! When they start screaming and acting up, etc. I don't know that I would be able to deal with this very well, what if they walked all over me? But these things are skills too, maybe I could get better at it.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - No.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - Absolutely not... This is my weakest area (physical things) and gym class was a traumatizing experience for me often that I really had to summon a lot of strength to get through every time. Teaching it, would just be... laughable.

    Professor [college] - I don't know. I feel underconfident. I'm not confident in my ability to 1) direct the class; 2) direct discussion; 3) be prepared myself; 4) verbal communication.

    Archeologist - I would like examining things and finding things out... but the constant travel (if that's what it entailed) would start wearing me down. I would definitely be capable at this, and perhaps even exceptional.

    Sales representative - No, no, no. Customer service jobs and me don't seem to work very well. I disagree with the general customer service ideology and I really find being a sales person somewhat immoral I guess, especially if it's based on harassing people and trying to persuade them to get things they don't even want and didn't need. I would feel bad doing that. I do not want to promote materialism.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - No. I don't have the innate sense of these things that is required. I come up with ideas but everyone thinks they're weird... and no one I've ever lived with has ever agreed about my "decorative ideas" when I've had them. Actually though I think I am good at graphic design.

    Nurse - No. No way.

    Counselor or psychologist - I actually have potential here... but my own psychological health is poor and I don't feel able to do this (you can't help others unless you've helped yourself first). I contemplated this career in high school.

    Psychiatrist - No. I wish psychiatry was more holistic. Eventually I guess.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Ick.

    Librarian - No. I'm not strongly opposed... but it would start getting really boring.

    Sailor - It wouldn't work in actuality.

    Mechanic - I think I could see through to the core problem if I knew things about it. But the reality of being a mechanic... no.

    Stripper - ha. ha. ha.

    Porn star - ha. ha. ha. ha.

    Pilot - NO.

    Flight attendant - no no no.

    Actor - I'm interested in acting. I'm not very good at it. I think I have potential to get better. Also it would help me grow... I've been meaning to take a class again on it... It generally is a harrowing experience that helps me grow. :tongue:

    Politician - Um, the system doesn't work... I would only die inside.

    Artist - yes, I could see this... but... it depends what kind of artist.

    Engineer - No.

    Professional athlete - hahahahahaha.

    Entrepreneur - yes, I could see this. I could make my own rules. I would like that...

    Doctor - NO! I would not be good at this.

    Scientist - there is potential here... but I'm thinking no.

    Public Relations Specialist - hahahahahaha.

    Computer programmer - yes, I think I would be very good at this.

    News anchor - no! no one would want me as a news anchor, I could spend my whole life though trying to be one and write a long book about all the lifelong disappointments I faced and just how unfair it all was! A sob story. And then no one would want to publish it, so I would die a very unrecognized person.

    Janitor - god.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - there is some potential here... but writing is not a natural talent, but there is potential, and I think I could manage to do it without getting bored!
    Last edited by marooned; 04-24-2009 at 04:50 PM.

  14. #14
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    Police officer - Nah, dislike conflict.

    Accountant or financial planner - Boring.

    Detective - Could be fun, actually.

    Lawyer / Attorney - I've thought about it, but it's a really high stress job. If I could just be a legal consultant, then yes.

    Judge - No thanks.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - I would totally do it, though I'm afraid I would feel confined by the structure necessary.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - Absolutely, 100%. This is where I'm headed right now, and I think it's ultimately what I should do.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - I would get bored.

    Professor [college] - If I didn't have to do a doctoral thesis, then I would love it. Or rather, if I could Research my doctoral thesis and make it a presentation rather than a book, then I would do it.

    Archeologist - The digging part, not the writing part.

    Sales representative - Ugh, noooooo thank-you.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - I would enjoy it, but I'm too much of a perfectionist and I have a difficult time putting all my ideas together cohesively.

    Nurse - I would inevitably say something funny that was not funny to the patient.

    Counselor or psychologist - Ugh, my worst nightmare.

    Psychiatrist - Not any better than above.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Not in a million years. Maybe for like a day.

    Librarian - Too quiet.

    Sailor - Too confined.

    Mechanic - Can you imagine me going all feminazi over a bunch of crass mechanic guys? In anycase, not my cup of tea.

    Stripper - Might be fun, actually.

    Porn star - No, I wouldn't be able to take it seriously. Not to mention it would seriously fuck me up mentally.

    Pilot - Boring.

    Flight attendant - Boring.

    Actor - Fun. I would love love love to be an actor. The craziness of work schedules would be awesome, travelling, meeting new people all the time, not to mention the wonderful game that acting is. I would love it.

    Politician - I wouldn't want to be the politician. I would want to be the brains behind the politician. I have no need for face-time fame, I want to be the ideas person.

    Artist - I enjoy it, but I also suck.

    Engineer - Is not what a lot of people think it is. I work with an enormous amount of engineers. You may as well sign up as a paper pusher for the rest of your life.

    Professional athlete - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.

    Entrepreneur - Too much organization.

    Doctor - Only if my job is to cut up dead bodies. Or to problem solve. I don't want all the emotion baggage.

    Scientist - Would probably be boring, if you think about it. I could only do it if I could be around people. Solitude is demotivating.

    Public Relations Specialist - No, but I would do it if is was marketing oriented instead.

    Computer programmer - I would probably love computer programming as long as people hung out with me while I did it.

    News anchor - I would laugh.

    Janitor - Boring.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - If I had the same passion for creative writing I had three years ago, yes.
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  15. #15
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    Professor [College]: Yes. (Love the research. Like the teaching. Hate getting published.)

    Counselor / Psychologist: Yes. (Sitting on a couch all day, talking through people-problems = Good.)

    Flight Attendant: Yes. (No pay, but non-stop travel + making uptight, cranky people happy.)

    Professional Athlete: Yes. (Make me good enough and I'd be all over that.)

    Scientist: Yes. (Social Sci? Would be a dream. Anything else? Would fall asleep.)

    Detective: Maybe. (Like research. Don't like blood, death, and crime scenes.)

    Archeologist: Maybe. (I'd learn stuff, but prefer non-physical, non-dirty, non-desert-wasteland jobs.)

    Designer [Interior / Fashion]: Maybe. (Seems a world for the wealthy and women, but love the creative aspect.)

    Librarian: Maybe. (Public? No. Research? Yes. -- I like arranging data, feeling smart, helping people.)

    Actor: Maybe. (I love "becoming" a character, but struggle with stage-fright.)

    Writer: Maybe. (If I could get past the criticism, I'd really like it.)

    Police Officer: No. (Not into traffic tickets or getting shot at.)

    Accountant or Financial Planner: No. ('Bout as boring as could be.)

    Lawyer / Attorney: No. (Too much rote memorization; potential lying.)

    Judge: No. (Court-world is hell.)

    Teacher [Early Childhood]: No. (Love the idea of helping kids, but not any good at it.)

    Teacher [MS-HS]: No. (Don't like speaking to disinterested crowds. Would be a pushover.)

    Teacher [PE]: No. (It'd be fun, but I'd still be a PE teacher.)

    Sales Rep: No. (So anti-me.)

    Nurse: No! (If anything, in my dual, I need one. Could never be one.)

    Psychiatrist: No. (Med-school's long. Not into the whole "here, have some pills" thing.)

    Administrative Assistant: No. (Busy work without a whole lotta purpose.)

    Sailor: No. (The sea scares me. A lot.)

    Mechanic: No. (It's hard, grimy, very real work.)

    Stripper: No. (It's hard, grimy, very real work.)

    Porn Star: No. (It's hard, grimy, very real work.)

    Pilot: No. (Much as I'd love non-stop int'l travel, turbulence freaks me out.)

    Politician: No. (Not a schemer. Not a self-seller. Politically apathetic.)

    Artist: No. (I love creating, but need more "helping people" in my work.)

    Engineer: No. (Math and Sci, but only the boring kinds.)

    Entrepreneur: No. (Too much responsibility on one guy's shoulders.)

    Doctor: No. (Nothing more terrifying than physical/medical/hospital stuff. Would die.)

    Public Relations Specialist: No. (I'm a quiet guy. As "the corporate voice," I'd be laughable.)

    Computer Programmer: No. (The monotony.)

    News Anchor: No. (Please no.)

    Janitor: No. (Idealistically, I'm for it. Realistically, it's hard, gritty work.)

  16. #16
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    I love the way you organized it! If I hadn't been in a hurry, I may have done something similar.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I love the way you organized it! If I hadn't been in a hurry, I may have done something similar.
    Hot girl-on-girl duality?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gulanzon
    Hot girl-on-girl duality?
    Duality? Yes.

    Girl-on-Girl? ...Not so much.

  19. #19


    Ok, at least a had an excuse with cyclops...

    You're a guy, ClLi? GAH.

    Sorry :x

  20. #20
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    No big deal.

    We both have some pretty sketchy avis.

  21. #21


    True, and we're both Ethical.

    *sigh*, the odds are against us :frown:


    Oh, I know an EII who deliberately hits on other guys in videogames for the lulz.

    Local LSE says: "It's weird D:"



  22. #22



  23. #23
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    What an interesting idea for a thread! I always like your threads, songofsappho. (:

    Archeologist - Yes! I think this would be really interested. I imagine I would probably get to travel and spend lots of time outdoors and it would be a constant learning experience. Anthropology is a fascinating subject.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - Yes, this would be fun and I would enjoy it, but isn't something I could devote my life to.

    Nurse - I would only do this so that I could join one of those teams that goes to places in Africa (er, third world countries in general) that don't have any exposure to health care/medicine, etc. I think this would be very fulfilling and I could do this sort of work indefinitely.

    Pilot - Haha, I'm still half-considering applying for a rated position in the Air Force's OTS.

    Doctor - See Nurse. Same reasons.

    Artist - I considered pursing a career in music for a while, which is along the same lines.

    Detective - Maybe. I'm not 100% sure what this entails, but it sounds rather intriguing.

    Professor [college] - Teaching semi-responsible semi-adults wouldn't be so bad. Being a teacher in general isn't that appealing to me, though.

    Counselor or psychologist - I like listening to people, haha.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - I've done this sort of work, but I find it incredible boring and meaningless.

    Librarian - I could do this. I worked in a library for a year and I loved the peaceful hush and the fact that I was constantly surrounded by books.

    Scientist - It would depend on what I specialized in, but I took a lot of biology/chemistry classes in college and I did very well in them and enjoyed the work, so I would be open to something like that.

    The rest are all definite no's - most because I don't think I'd be good at that particular type of work or because I hate being in the spotlight.

    Police officer

    Accountant or financial planner

    Lawyer / Attorney


    Teacher [early childhood education]

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]

    Teacher [physical education/gym]

    Sales representative





    Porn star

    Flight attendant




    Professional athlete


    Public Relations Specialist

    Computer programmer

    News anchor


    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

  24. #24
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    • Police officer - No. I hate them.
    • Accountant or financial planner - No. I'm afraid I'd find accounting incredibly boring and hate the routine. Financial planning I could probably do really well and mind less.
    • Detective - Depends what kind, but in general - yes. I have the potential and might even excel at it.
    • Lawyer / Attorney - Meh, not really.
    • Judge - Not interested.
    • Teacher [early childhood education] - Nah, not that great with kids.
    • Teacher [middle grades or high school] - Could possibly consider. Preferably in some private type of school, with more work and more pay.
    • Teacher [physical education/gym] - Nope.
    • Professor [college] - I'd rather not spend my life as one, but perhaps could work as a part-time/visiting one?
    • Archeologist - Not interested.
    • Sales representative - Not a business person, but I could do this.
    • Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - Yes, absolutely. I love design.
    • Nurse - No.
    • Counselor or psychologist - Nope, but I often find myself in the need of one.
    • Psychiatrist - No.
    • Administrative assistant / Secretary - Nope, unless someone like Bill Gates wants to hire me.
    • Librarian - I'm sure I can memorize where everything is, but I'd prolly be totally bored. And starving.
    • Sailor - This could be fun.
    • Mechanic - Not interested.
    • Stripper - No, but I'd do it one time for songofsappho and her friends.
    • Porn star - I have a rather large dick, so yes. And who knows, I could become the next Mandingo.
    • Pilot - Not interested.
    • Flight attendant - It'd be fun to travel constantly, but I'd probably find the job boring.
    • Actor - Yes. (Also: director. And any of the more technical jobs in the industry)
    • Politician - No. Never. Totally uninterested.
    • Artist - Yes, definitely. I love art and creating it myself.
    • Engineer - There are trillion types of engineering, but I'll just say "yes".
    • Professional athlete - Not interested.
    • Entrepreneur - Maybe.
    • Doctor - No. Or perhaps in some specific area of interest.
    • Scientist - Yes, but only the "mad" type.
    • Public Relations Specialist - Probably not.
    • Computer programmer - Maybe.
    • News anchor - No.
    • Janitor - No.
    • Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - No.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  25. #25
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Police officer:Not into the whole crime-busting thing, and I'm indecisive.

    Accountant or financial planner: I hate money and business.

    Detective:If I were Sherlock Holmes, sure. But guess what, I'd much prefer to read it.

    Lawyer / Attorney: I would love to be one, but I have no interest in reading laws and I suck talking to large audiences.

    Judge: Same as Lawyer.

    Teacher [early childhood education]: Little kids suck, like the ones that can't do anything by themselves like color in the lines. Now I would love to be a tutor or something, one on one, but actually I make kids laugh too much.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]: Yes, I would do the high school, def. I love the wasted energy of youth.

    Teacher [physical education/gym]: Not rly, I sucked at gym.

    Professor [college]: Probably.

    Archeologist: I don't have much patience. I wanna find the bones now!!!!!!!!!

    Sales representative: Nope, I don't feel I could be nice to everyone in the world.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]

    Nurse: Yeah, I def could be one. One on one healing, I would love that.

    Counselor or psychologist: Yes, I would like this too, although I don't want to study for it, like go to college for it.

    Psychiatrist: idk the difference between psychologist and Psychiatrist well enough.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary: I would like that well enough, but I'd feel sad when people asked what I was.

    Librarian: I wouldn't mind it at all, but I'd be talking a lot.

    Sailor: I can't carry anchors . Idk, it'd be fun to travel and stuff.

    Mechanic: I wouldn't like working with dirty stuff all the time and taking off parts and adding them again. I'd only be happy when I knew it worked better after I did something.

    Stripper: Never.

    Porn star:Never.

    Pilot: I wouldn't want to put myself into something I wasn't sure I'd be good at. So no.

    Flight attendant: People on planes suck from what I have heard. So that'd suck.

    Actor: I'd be a great actor.

    PoliticianI know I'd suck at politics. I vote for my enemies.

    Artist: For a living? Never. Anyway I suck at art.

    Engineer: I'm actually going into that.

    Professional athlete: I suck at sports.

    Entrepreneur: I HATE BUSINESS.

    Doctor: It would take too much time to go to medical school.

    Scientist: Yeah probs.

    Public Relations Specialist

    Computer programmer: Fun to logically solve problems. I'd like it.

    News anchor: Nah, I'd be fired on the first day for acting like a fool on camera.

    Janitor: I gotta work on my chemistry.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]: For a living? Until I know I have gold on paper, we won't talk.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    I hate money and business.
    Hating money could prove to be problematic, lol.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    What an interesting idea for a thread! I always like your threads, songofsappho. (:
    Thanks [-:

    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Stripper - No, but I'd do it one time for songofsappho and her friends.
    Hmm... next bachelorette party I go to, you'll definitely be invited


    My answers:

    Police officer - No. I tend not to like police officers in general.

    Accountant or financial planner - No. I think I would get bored and make a lot of careless mistakes as a result.

    Detective - Probably not.

    Lawyer / Attorney - I could do this, but I've decided not to.

    Judge - I used to want to be a judge. But as someone else mentioned, I would have a hard time wrestling w myself to uphold laws that I don't see as fair.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - This was my first major in college, but I changed it because I thought the program was too "light and fluffy." [My university has one of the best education programs there are, and it was a joke imho; I shudder to think what the others must be like.]

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - I've considered it, and I did an internship as a high school teacher. I think I'd be good at it, but there's too much garbage paperwork.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - I think I could do this and enjoy it. I think physical fitness is really important, but a lot of gym teachers in my experience were jerks who picked on unfit, "uncool" kids. Sometimes I think I'd like to teach gym so I could inspire the kids to love physical activity and to offset some of the mean gym teachers they encounter. [One big reason I don't do this is that I sort of feel like it might be a waste of my potential... and because I don't want to be thought of as "a gym teacher." ]

    Professor [college] - I could do this. I've been a TA w my own classes for the last year, and I have really enjoyed it. I've been offered a job for when I graduate, and if the pay was better I'd go for it [you'd be surprised how little liberal arts profs. are often paid].

    Archeologist - No.

    Sales representative - Maybe if it was company-to-company sales or pharmeceutical sales or something, but I would never do door-to-door sales. Yuck. I was a salesperson at a sporting goods store for about two years in college and enjoyed it... somehow I always sold the most in the store, which makes me think I'd be good at sales. The image of a sleazy salesman is not something I want to be associated w, however.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - I could do this and enjoy it, I think.

    Nurse - NO.

    Counselor or psychologist - Maybe. I'm good at listening to people and, you know, caring about them... but I think doing it as a career would be incredibly draining.

    Psychiatrist - Maybe. I think I'd be good at this, and I would be one of those doctors to defy the "pill pusher" stereotype. Draining, though.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - No, thank you. I am not that organized, and I would not like [or be able to endure] taking orders the way I've seen them barked at adminstrative assistants before.

    Librarian - Maybe....

    Sailor - Nah.

    Mechanic - No.

    Stripper - No.

    Porn star - No.

    Pilot - I would love to be a pilot. Hopefully one day I'll learn to fly planes... maybe buy my own little one. Ah, to dream....

    Flight attendant - I seriously considered this, but decided against it. Sometimes I still think about doing it, though....

    Actor - No. My ninth grade drama class scarred me for life and made me hate the idea of acting.

    Politician - No.

    Artist - I would love to do this... I guess I sort of am, though I don't make enough money at it to be anything but desperately poor, so it'll probably always be just a hobby. And maybe it's better that way....

    Engineer - No.

    Professional athlete - I used to want to do this, but I didn't go for it and now it's too late.

    Entrepreneur - Maybe, if I found something worth entrepreneuring....

    Doctor - Probably not.

    Scientist - I think I would be bored.

    Public Relations Specialist - I'm looking into this now [probably in a marketing capacity]. We'll see....

    Computer programmer - No.

    News anchor - Maybe. I have a friend who is a newsperson at a major news network, and she loves her job... sometimes I think about going for something similar, but I don't relish the idea of the 100-hour workweeks that she puts in.

    Janitor - No.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - We'll see....
    Last edited by female; 04-25-2009 at 05:28 PM.

  28. #28
    Yay fluid mechanics Serious Name's Avatar
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    Police officer - No way. Don't really care about laws, some I think are downright stupid. I'd eventually get in deep shit for letting things slide (but never for my own profit).

    Accountant or financial planner - BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

    Detective - No, its plausible but in the end I know I wouldn't like the work.

    Lawyer / Attorney - Nope, I can't stand the very idea of it.

    Judge - Only if I get to use common sense and ignore bullshit

    Teacher [early childhood education] - I can't deal with children. It would end very badly.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - Middle Far too much angst and I would bust out laughing at some of it. High school I actually considered, when I'm old and if I get to teach higher level classes (because they actually WANT to be there, at least a bit).

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - Nah.

    Professor [college] - Sure, why not.

    Archeologist - Not interested.

    Sales representative - FUCK no. Buy something if you want it, don't buy it if you don't.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - I have a penis, thank you

    Nurse - I wouldn't have any trouble with this idea, and would ask for my nameplate to say Murse. Male-nurse! It would be a bit stressful I imagine, I'd ask my aunts how it is.

    Counselor or psychologist - Naw, I'd make them more crazy lol.

    Psychiatrist - Negative.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Never.

    Librarian - Nope.

    Sailor - Ehh...maybe.

    Mechanic - Potentially yes, my father was one and I liked the general atmosphere of the place. When you can call your boss an asshole and he goes to buy you, and everyone else, donuts...fucking win. Each shop has its own personality, though.

    Stripper - Chippendales probably wouldn't like my lanky, drawn figure. Even when I was more fit I still had a muscular-skinny shape. Even if I could: NO.

    Porn star - Nope.

    Pilot - No, I see the hours they work and the nature of the job.

    Flight attendant - Same reason as above.

    Actor - I can't act worth shit. I feel a-fool when I do.

    Politician - Don't like politics OR politicians.

    Artist - Potentially, I'm slightly colorblind so I'd have to do sketches, invent my own style of art (fun), and stay the fuck away from colors (unless its part of a style I create). Most likely a side-job.

    Engineer - YES! I figure I'm good at math, can handle science, have an interest in machines/circuits/nerdy shit anyway, so I might as well try it out. Attention to detail does not scare me, and considering a ton of possible scenarios comes natural. Accounting for and creating a way to get around problems just seems fun, especially if I have leeway to get creative with it. I know its hard work, though, and it might not be the way I imagine it, but currently majoring in ____ engineering seems far more interesting than a pure science/math major.

    Professional athlete - Terrible at sports.

    Entrepreneur - Only if I could eventually hire someone to basically run it for me while I run off and do other things, occasionally checking in.

    Doctor - No, stressful and time consuming.

    Scientist - If engineering doesn't work out I plan to go here. If this doesn't work out, then some tech related job. If that doesn't happen either, then I could look around.

    Public Relations Specialist - I'd be terrible at this.

    Computer programmer - Hah well interesting thing! I guess electrical engineering requires me to know how to program anyway but I never thought about JUST programming. I'd do it.

    News anchor - Hmmm....maybe.

    Janitor - Couldn't see it happening, I'd look for a different type of job.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - Only on the side.

  29. #29
    Bow to the Ninchucks Microknight's Avatar
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    Sure, I’ll play.

    Police officer – Maybe. I would probably just drive around and ticket people parked in the fire lanes at various stores. And I could grow a moustache.

    Accountant or financial planner – Probably not. I would be bored to tears, and then death.

    Detective – Maybe. I don’t really know what the job entails.

    Lawyer / Attorney – Probably not.

    Judge – Probably. I’ve always considered my judgment best.

    Teacher [early childhood education] – No. Little children cling to me.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] – No. In addition to clinging to me, early teens are annoying.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] – No, although not clingy, they are generally dumb and annoying.

    Professor [college] – Probably. Two semesters ago I was a COMM TA, so I actually have experience with this. It was fun, at least when I wasn’t grading the papers of 200 dumb students.

    Archeologist – Maybe. I wouldn’t like toiling in dirt, but I could do the other stuff.

    Sales representative – No. I would be horrible at this.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] – Sputum.

    Nurse – If they had more reasonable shifts, maybe. Well, now that I’m thinking I would probably have to change old man diapers, no.

    Counselor or psychologist – No. My advice for everyone would be the same.

    Psychiatrist – No.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary – Probably not.

    Librarian – Yes, I would enjoy this, I think. This would allow me easy access to different reading material every night when I went home.

    Sailor – No. Five men in a towel sounds mighty unsanitary, Brain.

    Mechanic –No, because I would lose fingers. If I were more cognizant of my surroundings, yes.

    Stripper - Maybe, part time, as a joke.

    Porn star – Keep the STD cocktail away from my lips.

    Pilot – Probably, I think I might enjoy long hours of solitude and visiting other places.

    Flight attendant – Lawd, no.

    Actor – If I were high profile, sure.

    Politician – Yes, provided I were a Senator, Congressman, or Ruler of the World.

    Artist – No.

    Engineer – I could do this.

    Professional athlete – Depends on the sport. Yes to the ones that leave me healthy, No to the ones that shorten my lifespan to 50.

    Entrepreneur – Yeah, I would like to be my own boss. There are still a lot of potential business ideas that have not yet been realized, so perhaps in my future.

    Doctor – No. I know a couple of GPs, and they work ridiculous shifts. I couldn’t do it, as soon as I’m tired some people will die.

    Scientist – Yes, I have great interest in many fields, especially physics and astronomy.

    Public Relations Specialist – Probably not.

    Computer programmer – Yeah, I could do this, and my older brother has been trying to convince me to join him.

    News anchor – Maybe.

    Janitor – Depends. If I were the creepy weird janitor that gave children nightmares, yes.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] – Probably, if I were a better writer.

  30. #30
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    • Police officer: Way too conflict ridden and rules oriented
    • Accountant or financial planner: I think I could manage the details, but it would get extremely boring and stressful
    • Detective: I doubt I'd be good at this, but badass factor is almost enough to say yes!
    • Lawyer / Attorney: I think I'm too nice to be in this line of work
    • Judge: I could probably swing this. I think I'm pretty fair, maybe I'd be too merciful though
    • Teacher [early childhood education]: This would actually be pretty awesome. I could see myself having a lot of fun doing this.
    • Teacher [middle grades or high school]: I'd enjoy it less pretty sure.
    • Teacher [physical education/gym]: lol no thanks
    • Professor [college]: It would have to be liberal arts or something where I wouldn't have to pass on a highly technical set of knowledge. I could see myself doing chemistry, philosophy, or language classes, maybe.
    • Archeologist: Sounds like a lot of fun actually: playing in the dirt, dinosaur bones, traveling across the world!
    • Sales representative: I really, really could not see myself loving a job in sales.
    • Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]: interior decorating would be pretty sweet!
    • Nurse: I could see myself as a nurse maybe
    • Counselor or psychologist: I'm a good listener but terrible at advice beyond trying to cheer someone up
    • Psychiatrist: Same as above plus the drug prescribing I'd feel a little conflicted about
    • Administrative assistant / Secretary: I've essentially done this job before and it was ok. Do I want to do it again? No.
    • Librarian: Imagine going to work everyday in a quiet, air conditioned place surrounded by shelf after shelf of adventures and knowledge. Awesome!
    • Sailor: Being trapped on a boat for months at a time. LOL no.
    • Mechanic: Working with my hands would be a dream of mine. I think I could eventually figure it out and probably enjoy it.
    • Stripper: Under the right circumstances, lol. As a job, no, I don't think so.
    • Porn star: Working with my hands would be a dream of mine. I think I could eventually figure it out and probably enjoy it.
    • Pilot: I don't want that kind of responsibility.
    • Flight attendant: I don't want that kind of responsibility.
    • Actor: I think I could act, but I wouldn't have much range probably.
    • Politician: Fuck this option right now.
    • Artist: If I developed the talent that would be a cool way to make a living.
    • Engineer: I don't know what this entails exactly, but I just feel like it would be so hard I'd hate it.
    • Professional athlete: I would so love this. Alas I have no skills.
    • Entrepreneur: I have no idea what sells, involves too much work and time, stressful, dumb.
    • Doctor: I could do this and be good at it I think. The work environment would kill me though. Too many hours, too much paperwork, retarded rules mandated for monetary reasons rather than health outcomes...
    • Scientist: I could be a good assistant probably, but I'm so bad at coming up with hypotheses for experiments.
    • Public Relations Specialist: I'd be a positive and happy person, but I'd probably crumble if someone brought some massive heat.
    • Computer programmer: I honestly do wish I knew more about this stuff. When I see what other people can do with it, it just amazes me.
    • News anchor: Funny, probably could do it, but I'm not sure I'd want to.
    • Janitor: Sounds peaceful and simple, but I think my talents lie elsewhere.
    • Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]: If I could make money this way, I'd be so friggin happy.
    Moonlight will fall
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    Your heart will mend

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    A multiple choice poll would've been pretty good. Ah well, nice idea anyway.

    Here's what I'd like to do, with the most desirable jobs in bold.

    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Accountant or financial planner
    Lawyer / Attorney
    Counselor or psychologist

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    Police officer - Not good with confrontation - I'd get myself killed. lol

    Accountant or financial planner - Accounting would be insanely boring. Financial planner - maybe.

    Detective - Nothing I've ever considered..

    Lawyer / Attorney - Hell no. The hours would kill me.

    Judge - Bleh, no.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - Maybe.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - No.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - Hell no. I suck at nearly all things labeled 'sports'

    Professor [college] - I'd probably enjoy this.

    Archeologist - For a long time I thought this would be interesting. And I like to play in the dirt.

    Sales representative - I could do this if I believed in my product. I've considered transitioning into design sales.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - Yup. It's all right. I think I'd prefer something more 'pure' design than architecture. Too much paperwork in architecture.

    Nurse - No

    Counselor or psychologist - Possibly.

    Psychiatrist - Possibly, leaning towards no.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Possibly, yes.

    Librarian - I actually think I could enjoy this, as it entails no stress, and I love libraries.

    Sailor - hahahahahahahahhahahaha I'm a little scrawny for this job.

    Mechanic - Meh. I find it interesting, but not enough to do it as a job.

    Stripper - lol

    Porn star - lol

    Pilot - Hm, never considered it... um...I don't know.

    Flight attendant - Honestly, I think I'd go stir crazy being in planes that long.

    Actor - Maybe.

    Politician - Hell no.

    Artist - Yes

    Engineer - enh... pretty boring. Perhaps as a consultant of some sort.

    Professional athlete - Hell no.

    Entrepreneur - I will probably do this at some point.

    Doctor - Nope

    Scientist - Mmm...probably not. It would be interesting, but seems tedious.

    Public Relations Specialist - I'd probably be good at this, but I don't know if I'd like it.

    Computer programmer - Nope

    News anchor - Could be fun

    Janitor - No. I'd have to pull all sorts of things out of toilets.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - I would enjoy journalism the most. I've never been that great at fictional stories.

  33. #33
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Things I cannot do due to being an Anarchist:
    Police officer (Unless it was a PDA)
    Lawyer / Attorney (Unless it was a private DRO)
    Judge (Same as above)

    Things I would not do due to them being boring as fucking hell:
    Accountant or financial planner
    Teacher [physical education/gym]
    Administrative assistant / Secretary
    Flight attendant

    Things which I would probably not be into, but might under circumstances:
    Lawyer / Attorney
    Teacher [early childhood education]
    Sales Representative
    Porn Star
    Professional Athlete
    Public Relations Specialist
    News Anchor

    Things I would enjoy doing if they paid hansomely:

    Things I would do, but feel unconfident charismatically/physically-wise:
    Porn Star
    Professional Athlete

    Things I would like to do:
    Teacher [middle grades or high school]
    Professor [college]
    Designer [interior descorating, fashion, etc]
    Counselor or Psychologist
    Computer Programmer
    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]
    The end is nigh

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    Police officer no. I wouldn't relish implementing laws I disagreed with.

    Accountant or financial planner No. Boring.

    Detective Could be interesting.

    Lawyer / Attorney Maybe, depending on the specific field.

    Judge same as above.

    Teacher [early childhood education] I don't think I have the gift.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] some subjects, maybe.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] not my thing at all.

    Professor [college] Yes.

    Archeologist If I did get to go on the field to research ancient sites, yes.

    Sales representative Done that. I can do it if it's technical sales on a product I agree it's good for the customer. I can't push onto people things I know they don't need.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] Not my thing at all.

    Nurse No.

    Counselor or psychologist Probably not.

    Psychiatrist Probably not.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary I'd suck at it.

    Librarian I'd probably find it ok to temporarily survive. On the other hand, I might enjoy owing a bookshop.

    Sailor It would depends on the circumstances

    Mechanic I'm not that good doing detailed skilled work with my hands.

    Stripper No.

    Porn star No.

    Pilot I might find this interesting, although long commercial flights may be boring.

    Flight attendant No.

    Actor I might enjoy it, but I lack the gift.

    Politician I'd never get elected.

    Artist Not my thing, except maybe in movies

    Engineer I am one.

    Professional athlete Not my thing.

    Entrepreneur Yes.

    Doctor Not my thing.

    Scientist I am one.

    Public Relations Specialist Not at all.

    Computer programmer in principle, yes.

    News anchor I doubt it.

    Janitor only if working alone in night shifts.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] Yes, that would be interesting -writer that is.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Police officer - no, I would never be able to shoot someone. Well, I might be able to in self defense, but I'd have to be more willing to shoot people if I were a police officer.

    Accountant or financial planner - no, I'd be horrible at it.

    Detective - If I didn't have to use a gun or like interview suspects and get mean and all good cop/bad cop on them, maybe

    Lawyer / Attorney - maybe. Yeah, though the hours would be long and I wouldn't like that.

    Judge - yes but you have to be an attorney first, right? And there are very long hours in that.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - sure

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - sure. I like teenagers. I do volunteer work with them already.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - no - not my thing.

    Professor [college] - yes. I considered teaching classes after I decided I wasn't making enough money in journalism. But as it turned out there's even more money available if you're an admin. asst. than a college instructor (I didn't have the degree to do more than be an instructor.)

    Archeologist - sounds like fun but I'd have to sit out in the heat and sun and stuff all day, right? If I could avoid that, then yeah.

    Sales representative - no, I'm not pushy enough.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - not good at that - not visual enough

    Nurse - yeah

    Counselor or psychologist -yeah

    Psychiatrist - yeah

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - yeah, i did this

    Librarian - I don't know. I worked in a library when I was in college, and that was OK. But I find I don't always get along with well librarians and that was a problem.

    Sailor - nothing involving the military

    Mechanic - no one would want me fixing their car

    Stripper - no

    Porn star - no.

    Pilot - Too much responsibility. I have trouble paying close attention to things.

    Flight attendant - hmm I don't think I'd like it but I can't pinpoint why.

    Actor - I have a negative reaction but that's only because my mom was an actress and pushed me into taking all these drama classes when I was younger.

    Politician - I don't think I'd like the election process, so no.

    Artist - I'm not good at that

    Engineer - No - I've worked for engineers and they're good people, but I'd never be competent.

    Professional athlete - bad hand/eye coordination.

    Entrepreneur - No. Too risky and I wouldn't know where to start. Maybe with my husband's help for the business end.

    Doctor - yeah

    Scientist - Dpn't know if I'd be good at it. Maybe it would depend on the type of science.

    Public Relations Specialist - I've disliked most PR people I've known. But maybe.

    Computer programmer - I'd never be able to do that.

    News anchor - When I was studying jornalism, I was told my voice is too high and feminine to ever do this. Otherwise, yes.

    Janitor - I never want to have to clean up the poop and puke of people not in my immediate family.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.]- I've done this.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Police officer -- No.

    Accountant or financial planner -- Could do it, but not appealing.

    Detective -- Appealing.

    Lawyer / Attorney -- A friend said I would be a good one, but I don't find it too appealing.

    Judge -- Same as above.

    Teacher [early childhood education] -- Somewhat appealing.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] -- Somewhat appealing.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] -- No.

    Professor [college] -- Very appealing.

    Archeologist -- Not appealing.

    Sales representative -- It's my part time job while in university. Admitedly, I only sell tech that I think is good. I got into trouble with customers for being "too" honest a few times, but I do my job well so the company can't complain much.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] -- Not very appealing.

    Nurse -- No.

    Counselor or psychologist -- I rather be one for those close to me. If I do it with strangers it gets too impersonal; the advice becomes generic.

    Psychiatrist -- Not appealing.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary -- Not appealing.

    Librarian -- Somewhat appealing.

    Sailor -- Not appealing.

    Mechanic -- Not appealing.

    Stripper -- No.

    Porn star -- No.

    Pilot -- No. Though I like to travel.

    Flight attendant -- No.

    Actor -- No.

    Politician -- Somewhat appealing.

    Artist -- Appealing.

    Engineer -- Working to be one currently.

    Professional athlete -- No.

    Entrepreneur -- Not very appealing.

    Doctor -- Not very appealing.

    Scientist -- An extension of being an engineer. Very Appealing.

    Public Relations Specialist -- Somewhat Appealing.

    Computer programmer -- Somewhat appealing, though I don't have any indepth knowledge of it.

    News anchor -- No.

    Janitor -- Somewhat appealing.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] -- Somewhat appealing.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

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    Police officer
    oh HELL naw. I hate being a bully, and enforcing laws that I disagree with.

    Accountant or financial planner
    Seems boring.

    I really like the idea of being a detective, but unfortunately to be legit, most of the time you gotta be a cop first... A real shame.

    Lawyer / Attorney


    Teacher [early childhood education]

    Teacher [middle grades or high school]

    Teacher [physical education/gym]

    Professor [college]

    I have absolutely no patience for stupid people. So no.


    Sales representative
    Heh. No way. I don't like stupid people. And most people are stupid.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.]

    Don't give a fuck about people

    Counselor or psychologist
    Eh. Maybe.

    This whole area is filled with too much voodoo and bullshit for my taste.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary




    Too much work to work out everyday. And watch my diet? Fuck that shit.

    Porn star
    I love to fuck but not that much.

    Sure, but it's prohibitively expensive.

    Flight attendant


    Being a puppet would get old.

    Don't got the skills

    It'd be nice if engineers actually laid their hands on shit. I can't stand the thought of sitting in front of a computer CADing all day.

    I think Vero said it best:
    Engineer - Is not what a lot of people think it is. I work with an enormous amount of engineers. You may as well sign up as a paper pusher for the rest of your life.
    ie, BORING

    Professional athlete
    It'd be fun but I don't love any one sport to pursue it 24/7

    Eh, not my cup of tea. Deals with people too much


    Seems to abstract, but I could just be ignorant about the fields in this area.

    Public Relations Specialist
    Fuck no.

    Computer programmer
    I really like it in small bursts of doing it months at a time, but going all out as a career is mentally exhausting. I like it, and i'm good at it, but I guess I don't love it.

    News anchor


    Pass, and BORING


    Job That I'd Like That's Not On List
    Last edited by xyz; 04-30-2009 at 12:44 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mn0good View Post
    Police officer - Nah, dislike conflict.

    Accountant or financial planner - Boring.

    Detective - Could be fun, actually.

    Lawyer / Attorney - I've thought about it, but it's a really high stress job. If I could just be a legal consultant, then yes.

    Judge - No thanks.

    Teacher [early childhood education] - I would totally do it, though I'm afraid I would feel confined by the structure necessary.

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - Absolutely, 100%. This is where I'm headed right now, and I think it's ultimately what I should do.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - I would get bored.

    Professor [college] - If I didn't have to do a doctoral thesis, then I would love it. Or rather, if I could Research my doctoral thesis and make it a presentation rather than a book, then I would do it.

    Archeologist - The digging part, not the writing part.

    Sales representative - Ugh, noooooo thank-you.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - I would enjoy it, but I'm too much of a perfectionist and I have a difficult time putting all my ideas together cohesively.

    Nurse - I would inevitably say something funny that was not funny to the patient.

    Counselor or psychologist - Ugh, my worst nightmare.

    Psychiatrist - Not any better than above.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - Not in a million years. Maybe for like a day.

    Librarian - Too quiet.

    Sailor - Too confined.

    Mechanic - Can you imagine me going all feminazi over a bunch of crass mechanic guys? In anycase, not my cup of tea.

    Stripper - Might be fun, actually.

    Porn star - No, I wouldn't be able to take it seriously. Not to mention it would seriously fuck me up mentally.

    Pilot - Boring.

    Flight attendant - Boring.

    Actor - Fun. I would love love love to be an actor. The craziness of work schedules would be awesome, travelling, meeting new people all the time, not to mention the wonderful game that acting is. I would love it.

    Politician - I wouldn't want to be the politician. I would want to be the brains behind the politician. I have no need for face-time fame, I want to be the ideas person.

    Artist - I enjoy it, but I also suck.

    Engineer - Is not what a lot of people think it is. I work with an enormous amount of engineers. You may as well sign up as a paper pusher for the rest of your life.

    Professional athlete - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.

    Entrepreneur - Too much organization.

    Doctor - Only if my job is to cut up dead bodies. Or to problem solve. I don't want all the emotion baggage.

    Scientist - Would probably be boring, if you think about it. I could only do it if I could be around people. Solitude is demotivating.

    Public Relations Specialist - No, but I would do it if is was marketing oriented instead.

    Computer programmer - I would probably love computer programming as long as people hung out with me while I did it.

    News anchor - I would laugh.

    Janitor - Boring.

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - If I had the same passion for creative writing I had three years ago, yes.
    ^ COPY .. except that being a police officer would be ok for a week or two - it would be fun to pull people over, then surprise them by pretending to believe their excuses and letting them off ... and getting subsequently fired for that would be fun too

    And being a nurse would be too gory, and a stripper not so fun. And I wouldn't mind being a teacher except for the preparation work behind the scenes. Oh ... and me being the brains behind a politician would also not be such a good idea.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    Police officer - probably not, except as an assistant

    Accountant or financial planner - yeah, I guess

    Detective - probably not

    Lawyer / Attorney - not likely

    Judge - slightly more likely

    Teacher [early childhood education] - perhaps

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] - slightly more so

    Teacher [physical education/gym] - no

    Professor [college] - I guess

    Archeologist - the pay's crap ! Otherwise, it'd be very good.

    Sales representative - no

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] - probably not feasible

    Nurse - yes

    Counselor or psychologist - I think so

    Psychiatrist - a little less so

    Administrative assistant / Secretary - maybe

    Librarian - yes

    Sailor - probably not

    Mechanic - not likely, but maybe

    Stripper - probably not

    Porn star - probably not

    Pilot - In my ideal world, I'd be Diana

    Flight attendant - no

    Actor - not feasible

    Politician - possibly

    Artist - I have no natural talent

    Engineer - maybe

    Professional athlete - possibly

    Entrepreneur - not really

    Doctor - yes

    Scientist - yes

    Public Relations Specialist - no, or perhaps could work in a way

    Computer programmer - not really

    News anchor - no

    Janitor - perhaps

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] - possibly

  40. #40
    Ritella's Avatar
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    Police officer no. 1. I do not care about "the law." 2. why would I knowingly put myself into a potentially dangerous situation?

    Accountant or financial planner Boring. I could see this only if I invented my own financial planning strategy that I specifically tailored to people.

    Detective awesome! except I don't want to put myself into scary situations.

    Lawyer / Attorney ugh no. super boring and not what it's hyped up to be..

    Judge no.

    Teacher [early childhood education] I do not have this sort of patience. And I would find it really mentally boring after 10 minutes..

    Teacher [middle grades or high school] I did this for a year. I LOVED teaching and I loved the psychological dynamics of the classroom. I even liked being the performer in the center of the room, telling jokes and stuff. I very much HATED the classroom management part. And it was very physically draining and slightly mentally boring for me, in certain respects.

    Teacher [physical education/gym] yeah right.

    Professor [college] Yes.

    Archeologist Boring. I've fallen asleep just thinking about it.

    Sales representative This is interesting. It would have to be something I believed in AND gave me room to be creative AND improved people's lives. Realty would be fun, so would some sort of clothes personal shopper or makeup artist.

    Designer [interior decorating; fashion; etc.] Yes. This would be FUN. But I'd prefer it to have a "practical/functional" motif- like with interior design- rather than solely aesthetic/impression-making.

    Nurse Uh. I will always see it as "not good enough to be a doctor" even though I KNOW it's different.

    Counselor or psychologist YES. BUT, only if it was in some positive way. I would want to deal with "normal" people trying to better themselves, rather than anomalies to human behaviour

    Psychiatrist Probably no, because I think they mainly just prescribe the meds. Seems very cut and dry/ uncreative.

    Administrative assistant / Secretary NO NO NO..

    Librarian i think i'd kill myself from loneliness and lack of movement in the job.

    Sailor yeah right

    Mechanic actually.... this would be awesome! i love doing this sort of thing in my free time. i am constantly taking things apart and repairing them..

    Stripper No. I'd be self conscious about my chest. If I had larger boobs and needed the money, I honestly think I could be convinced to try it.

    Porn star No.

    Pilot I NO. I would not want anyone to entrust me with his/her life.

    Flight attendant No. Requires being too "on" and fake smiley. Plus I am spastic and would prob. spill food on people..

    Actor YES. I secretly have dreams about this. BUT I would only do this if I could stick to certain scripts and roles that I viewed as sincere.

    Politician No. I don't have enough energy for that. I'd drown in meetings, parties, outings, obligations...

    Artist I am NOT artistic. I do, however, like doing craftsy things as a hobby.

    Engineer I like the mental aspects of this a LOT. (same with any sort of Research Scientist position.) except, I get depressed sitting in labs and interacting with inanimate objects all day..

    Professional athlete Yeah right.

    Entrepreneur Fun! Except I am slightly risk averse. IF I had a strong partner to do it with, I would..

    Doctor Yes. But seems REALLY exhausting and not as creative as I would like..

    Scientist Yes, but same for engineer..

    Public Relations Specialist Not really.

    Computer programmer as a hobby, totally. as a career, no..

    News anchor ugh.

    Janitor as a part time job I wouldn't mind..

    Writer [novelist; poet; journalist; etc.] Yes, ideally, except I stress out over writing.
    Last edited by Ritella; 04-30-2009 at 04:57 AM.
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