Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Actually, with regards to men being taken seriously when it comes to emotions, and women being taken less seriously when it comes to logic, I agree. I think it was actually here on the forum that I recently saw an article about a transexual scientist who found a very distinct difference in the way he was treated within the scientific community after becoming male: his ideas were taken more seriously, he was not offhandedly accused of taking credit for other people's work, etc. And also I know from experience that many guys take me "less seriously" when I try to talk about my own emotions, or give other guys emotional advice when they don't directly seek it from me, whereas women are much more receptive in this sense.
I think it may have something to do with value place by sig others. Women will value sensitivity in men and can appreciate a certain "metro" quality that comes along with it. On the other hand, logical women who tend towards tomboy are seen as butch and therefore unattractive (in the heterosexual context).