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Thread: Logical and emotional behavior in men v women

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  1. #1
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    However I think that, regardless of type, women do at least tend to be more moody and emotional, and men tend to be a bit more emotionally aloof/"logical" simply because of body chemistry.
    If it's some sort of natural difference I have no problem with that, however it shouldn't be socially encouraged for the people who aren't naturally that way.

    However, I am a 'feelery male' and was always naturally slow at math.

    Oh btw, as for the reverse scenerio, women not being taken logically as men, well that isn't so much a human rights issue to me as more of a umm well a professional/industry issue. Obviously science and technology wouldn't develop fast as it could if you had too many stereotypes of women and math. But science and technology and everything that requires a lot of hard, cold logic develops at a faster rate then human rights' issues innyway - so I think focusing on making men being more comfortable with their Lifetime tv sides is more important than making women more comfortable with their macho manly sides. I'm not saying that to be biased, but it just seems to be true objectively.

    I mean men are still beaten up/killed for being 'girly' which to me is a lot worse than a female hitting a 'glass ceiling' in her career because she's not perceived as logically-advanced as the men are. Realistically speaking it's better to be a bit poorer and still be alive than to be dead because some insecure males still have so much hatred for men that want to act faggy. Or just are faggy.

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Sorry for the triple post, but:

    Okay basically it's like this.

    I've always wanted to cook/clean and play housewife to a man that was more uh 'type a personality' than me. It's really what I'm good at, I get that from my own father. I love cooking, making people feel relaxed/at home and pleasuring men sexually. I'm a caregiver at heart, and have lots of love. While growing up I always enjoyed those cooking 'house play sets' I remember, I was crazy about them. My parents tried to get me involved in manly man sports but I refused. And like most gay boys I played with dolls and barbies and stuff. =)

    Now is that as socially acceptable, in this country, as a woman who has a 'type a personality' and is more assertive/go-gettery. Like Chris Crocker said, it's okay for a woman to wear pants but it's still not okay for a man to wear a dress. That's what it's about, in a nutshell.

    I'm just saying everybody, the 'gender equality' thing works both ways.

    Now of course it's ALSO true that you shouldn't try to fag up men who are naturally macho and you shouldn't bulldyke-up women who are naturally feminine, either. But they shouldn't pressure the people that are gender/variants, and are third genders like a lot of us. Just treat other people how you want to be treated already and stop telling other people what to do unless they ask you.

    It's really about not being so power-obsessed.

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