Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
But I think I get Sirena, too, as it's ok to kiss if you KNOW the "no" was not really meant. However, if the "no" WAS meant, then I'd get very angry and disrespect the guy.... I'm difficult, I know.
If you know the "no" was not really meant? And how can you prove that? I'm sure many rapists have been like "yeah the no totally wasn't meant." Do you know that they will still convict those guys? Is that a fair thing to do? The problem is girls really do have the power to change their minds and say it was rape, and if you said "no" there is a good chance he'll get convicted. It's a dangerous word to play around with.

Also, if it really was rape and you were in a habit of telling the guy "no" in a teasing way, then it's even harder to prove it was rape.

It seems like a bad situation to put yourself in to not be clear, also an unfair situation to put a guy in too. You might think you're on the same page w/ a guy only to find out you aren't.

I'd say there are other ways to be coy, and with the laws being what they are, best to keep the "yes" and "no" words separate.

I mean, people are free to do whatever they think is hot in private, but it's not fair to guys or girls to promote the idea that you can tease a guy w/ the word "no" just because you find it hot. That's just a really bad idea.