Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
Tbh, that would really bother me. I don't like surprises, I don't like someone disrespecting the boundaries I set, and I really don't like someone being confident in how far they can go with me. God, I'd probably react badly to something like that. “What made you think it was okay to do that??” And oh god, if he said it was because he could tell I wanted it—“I could read it in your body language”—or something… holyshit. I would be so pissed. lol.

I don't know, I just want to establish things first. Don't assume you can act like this with me, or treat me like this, or that I want this or that. You'll find those things out after a while, and then you can act on them. But man, cocky guys who think they know what I want are in for a surprise.
That's right: the right way to do it, would simply be to do it gently without asking, so that she can't get angry for the fact that she has said no