I wholeheartedly agree with this and now that I've been there and experienced it, I don't think I could go back. Gosh, I'm addicted to ESTp's now, yet am ESTp-less . And I'm not necessarily talking about sex here. It's every single experience of touch. I didn't realize how attracted I would be to it until I truly experienced it. The first time my ESTp ex kissed me, we were to the side on the dance floor, slow dancing. Then he does the whole I look up and he goes for a kiss thing and I turn my face to turn him down because I thought it ws too soon. So he asks "what, is it too soon?" and I nod. So after a couple of seconds he grabs my face with both of his hands and plants a huge one on me before I knew what hit me. lol <3 He had me pinned tight enough so that I couldn't get away, not that I would have gone anywhere! No one had ever kissed me like that before. I can't even begin to describe how big of a turn on that is to me. The confidence and boldness. Makes me feel wanted.

We used to crack up laughing when I would playfully mock him about how rough he always was. Never gentle. And I used to love it. :frown: