Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
Well, the way I interpret and personally relate to that quote is through Si I guess. I pay a lot of attention to detail in what I do, sometimes even for the sake of neglecting the big picture or the purpose of what I'm doing. I always refine and modify small and tiny pieces of the puzzle I'm assembling in accordance to my own sense and critical eye. I know that small details make up the big picture and I'm never ashamed to purse them. I know I can never truly reach perfection, but at least I'm confident in my strivings.
I think that if we look at the quote as being applicable to any type, and recognize that each type deals with their own types of details, then the quote is an awesome quote, imo.

"Genius lies in the unabashed pursuit of detail."
An example,
A person who unabashedly pursues Si details will be viewed as being a genius in Si things, particularly if those Si details come natural for the person, and difficult for the one viewing him as a genius.
The same thing can be said of Fi details, Te details, Ti details, etc etc.

If we didn't have people pursuing those Si and/or Te details, where would us poor NeFi be?