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    Default Stratiyeveskaya: ENTp

    Block EGO * the 1st position * program function * the "intuition of possibilities"
    For Don Quixote the study of any object - this is first of all the study of the prospects opened before it. Skill to see appearing in any region new possibilities - its strongest and most characteristic feature.

    Don Quixote - dreamer and dreamer, who is fascinated by his ideas and who carries along by them others. The indifference of those surrounding to his own concept is received by it extremely painfully. People, which do not know how and which do not desire to dream, irritate it. The landed "realists", who receive its dreams as empty and measly fantasies, risk to find in its face of ardent and irreconcilable enemy.

    Thought and fantasy for Don Quixote - two things not divided. Reflecting, Don Quixote dreams, dreaming - it reflects.

    Representatives of this type manifest phenomenal abilities in the most varied fields of intellectual creation, generating ideas, voicing hypotheses, by several centuries the anticipating achievements by contemporary by it epochs.

    It is difficult to overestimate their contribution to development of the intellectual activity of society. The outstanding representatives of this type rightfully are considered the founders of many scientific directions.

    To open the new horizons and new prospects in all the fields of scientific, creative and social and political activity - is such their high destination.

    Don Quixote ability with the incomprehensible rapidity to understand the very essence of things strikes. Least of all Don Quixote needs to him "spreading on the shelves" that explained. Extremely it is irritated, when it assumes as the slowcoach. Most frequently itself "regulates rates" the perception of the new material: it prompts to collocutor that he already understood everything said, and it is possible to continue account.

    Understanding the sense of new phenomenon, it already reflects about the possibilities of its application. In the childhood, in the school years the representative of this type frequently produces the impression of student, with the thoughts of absentee on the lesson. Moreover teacher, as a rule, least of all surmises, that the student very long understood the sense of new material; and now only independently it considers it, after being opened from its irritating explanations, calculated for the "tugo-dumnykh idiots" and braking its own creative thought, incomparably more important and more interesting than primitive examples of school teacher.

    Hardly after having time to reveal for himself new possibilities, Don Quixote begins to activate those surrounding to the new and original projects. Moreover itself actively participates in their development, subsequently allowing to their realization and others.

    It does not love for a long time to get stuck on one and the same project, on one and the same idea, but it would be error consider as the its person of unstable interests. Don Quixote loses interest in his project only in several cases: if no longer it sees any possibilities for his realization or if the realization of this project enters into its completing phase, but new, more promising idea occurs at this time on its way.

    For Don Quixote very characteristically rapid switching to the new, more interesting projects. In its understanding it is inexpedient to spend time on the fact that almost is already thought out to the end, while the horizons of new possibilities, which open access to the new ideas and the theories, constantly are enlarged.

    Being fascinated by anything, Don Quixote is not capable to be distracted to another occupation. Therefore to little say that it prefers to be occupied only by the fact that to it it is interesting, Don Quixote unable to be occupied by the fact that to it not interestingly. It is possible with the confidence to assert that the forced instruction in any required object for any of the representatives of this type - agonizing torture and straight violence above itself itself.

    Intuition and inspiration - its authentic and thoroughly protected values. In any situation Don Quixote defends his right to act in the manner that they prompt to it intuition and inspiration.

    All possible instructions, management, directive and circulars - definitely not for it. The operating schedule in its understanding - this is violence above the inspiration. With what to stati it must generate its ideas in some specific hours?!

    Being his absorbed work, Don Quixote is capable to manifest exceptional zeal and miracles of fitness for work, but in that period, when idea yet did not mature and only it is considered, Don Quixote can produce the completely erroneous impression of person, iznyvayushchego from idleness. In fact, wherever it neither would be located and with whom nor associated, he will sleep or he keeps awake, his thought is capable of grasping any, it would seem, most insignificant pulse, which, possibly, could interest Don Quixote, and subsequently be reflected in his ideas, hypotheses, theories and projects.

    Any new information can become the source of the inexhaustible inspiration of Don Quixote. Its intellectual creation - this is a constant and continuous process. If Don Quixote at least on half-hour or by hour ceased to generate ideas - he means either it fell ill or pereutomilsya. In any event this is very alarming symptom.

    Don Quixote - this is always audacious fantasy in combination with the untiring and inquisitive mind. Boldly destroying all become obsolete and nonviable systems, it separates before the contemporaries the horizons of future, considering as its duty already today to reflect about the problems, which will arise before humanity tomorrow.

    Ideas, theories and projects, in the world of which it lives and there is Don Quixote, with their entire apparent fantasticism personally to it are seemed actually attained and on no account torn from the reality, since they are based unreal information "on understanding of the real essence of things. In view of these reasons many representatives of this type consider themselves true realists and it is not categorically agreeable so that about them they would answer as about the naive dreamers and the empty dreamers.

    Don Quixote has a habit to generously give away his ideas. And the more generous he them gives away, the more them he generates. But since Don Quixote better than someone another understands, that it is not possible to fill immense, it more often will agree so that someone other would develop and would patent its idea, than it will allow its "creation" to perish on the root, so without having developed into any serious project. Therefore it is better, that can desire for himself the Don-Quixote- theorist, this to obtain the possibility to lead the scientific association, which works out large-scale and promising projects.

    Don Quixote ideas, as a rule, are calculated for that in order to please all of mankind or at least its some part - for this very reason Don Quixote appear in the eyes of contemporaries by naive dreamers. History confirmed the possibility of the realization of practically all ideas of Don Quixote, and the circumstance that their not any theory successfully realized, it is explained by separate errors both Don Quixote themselves, inclined as far as possible to ignore the facts, unfavorable for the popularization of the developed by them theory, and by the errors of realizatorov of their theories, frequently modifying ideas Don Quixote for self-interested purposes.

    The circle of Don Quixote interests is extremely wide. Moreover, outstanding erudition by striking means is combined with the exceptional depth of knowledge in the most varied and sometimes not connected with each other regions. In the intellectual plan Don Quixote lives very widely and nasyshchenno. He beret from the life entire most interesting and most remarkable, and instead of generously odarivayet by its fruits of his creation, which and to contemporaries with the surplus he is sufficient, on top of that and to descendants several will remain.

    Many representatives of this type are allotted by splendid memory to the numbers and the historical dates. In any minute with the striking accuracy can they quote fragment from any of literary work or scientific labor, they can completely freely reproduce any encyclopaedic data on the memory ("walking encyclopedia").

    Any new information, new methods, new approach, new possibilities are received by Don Quixote with the enormous enthusiasm. In view of its optimism it frequently relies on the assumed best course of events. Frequently he thinks about that which must be, or about that which could be, but not about the fact that there is in reality. Reality introduces into its race- calculations its correctives, but, unfortunately, not always in proper time.

    Don Quixote is allotted by property mentally to be torn off from the reality, since the fantasy and inspiration can master him at any time and in any place. By the same is explained its absent-mindedness, because of which it not only can forget, where is located one or other thing or another, but also where it is located itself. Don Quixote can not hear, which someone is turned to it, not to see, which generally someone is located next to it. It can smile at its own thoughts, talk or argue with itself itself. It can forget to be greeted, because at the given moment he not at all thinks about the decency. (rules of behavior in the society, just as any other rule for Don Quixote it is not completely the unquestionable truth.)

    It is capable to the extravagant trick. Moreover eccentricity for it is not only the method of self expression, but also the possibility to draw attention to its ideas and theories.

    They draw it and interest everything, who is capable to give original ideas, who knows how to see uncommon in the usual and to find the concealed possibilities, where, it would seem, anything already cannot be invented. All, who this do not know how, in his understanding of a few stand.

    It can sufficiently accurately speak out about the nature, the abilities and the possibilities of its surrounding people (unfortunately, far from always in the delicate form). It is capable to very accurately estimate the intellectual potential of collocutor.

    It knows how and loves to develop its abilities. Moreover it relates very seriously to this process. Any interference in this matter is received by it as infringement of its own rights.

    It does not love to acknowledge in its own errors; therefore always find the explanations to its failures - it most frequently "copies" them on others. Is explained this by the fact that Don Quixote first of all to himself does not pardon its own errors, and therefore he tries to whiten himself in the eyes of those surrounding in order not to aggravate its own sufferings by their reproaches.

    It is inclined to the self-advertisement (especially in the youth) and the overestimation of its own possibilities. But in to the circle of close friends it can complain to the bad luck and its own neudachlivost'.

    In the situation of psychological discomfort, especially at the children's and youthful age, Don Quixote departs from genuine reality to the field of the completely fictitious fantasies, where he attempts to creatively realize himself: it writes fantastic histories about itself and its friends, sketches one to it intelligible pictures, it writes verses. In a word, it devises to itself another life, which is located as on other side of reality. In this another life in it everything is added by the most successful means. Moreover, it is sometimes its main in the essence life. Events and the characters of its invented life sometimes are memorized to it brighter than real events. It prefers no one not to say on this its, beyond life, perhaps to its only closest and understanding people - this is its deep, thoroughly protected secret.

    For Don Quixote is very characteristic n neot'emlemo the sensation of internal freedom and independence. Therefore its second, "unreal" life is included as additional living space under those conditions, when reality becomes intolerable.

    Don Quixote cannot be forced to think "as everything", it is not possible to begin to move him into the framework of the conditionalities, devised unknown by whom, it is not possible to forbid to it to freely speak out.

    It is convenient surrounding or no, it such as it exists. Everything else - problem of those, who are psychologically incompatible with it.

    Block EGO * 2-4 Positions * Creative Function * The "logic Of relationships"
    In order to accept any system of values for itself, to Don Quixote first of all it is necessary it to logically understand, logically for itself to clarify.

    On each phenomenon and "over phenomenon" Don Quixote must have clear logical idea, otherwise him they begin to overcome different superstitions, it will feel itself very badly until it is able logically to explain to himself these phenomena.

    Don Quixote prefers to in all to come to a conclusion by his mind. For example, if at the examination he does not know the proof of any theorem, that can without any problems, prove it anew, moreover by its method.

    The skill to think Don Quixote considers quality most valuable both in himself and in others. To intellectual creation, to the development of intellectual abilities is attached enormous value. Being instructor, it considers as its duty first of all to bring up the skill to think in students - otherwise it does not visualize, as anything will be able to explain by them.

    In Don Quixote is strongly developed associative thinking. The associations can be most unexpected. In its intuitive flight Don Quixote thought can be taken away into the most distant and in no way compatible with each other regions.

    Dispute, the controversy for Don Quixote of its kind intellectual entertainment, the possibility to reason, to express its views, to draw attention to its theory. No one so knows how to implicate in the dispute or to draw in discussion, as Don Quixote does. Here to him netravnykh.

    Dispute magnificently provokes - for this it suffices to only reason aloud to it in the populous place, and everything else will already complete the eccentricity of its statements, as a rule, which rarely leaves someone indifferent.

    It does not always set as its goal to impose its own opinion on any price (although it will be very disappointed, if this for it does not succeed). It frequently becomes involved in debate not only because the process of dispute reaches to it pleasure, but also in order to acquaint "wide masses" with its views and ideas.

    Wins dispute not only because of the erudition, but also because of the skill to advance the most unexpected counter-arguments - and here to it there are no equal. Logician Don Quixote is so free, so mobile bending which independent of the level of its own formation and disregarding on authority and the erudition of its opponent, Don Quixote can whom conveniently place in the blind alley by his counter-arguments, can prove everything which only wants it or which decided to prove to it. It can with the ease compare the things, which no one and into the head it will arrive to compare. And why not? But who did say that this cannot be compared? (sometimes the more difficult it is to argue with Don Quixote, the less it is formed.)

    New ideas in Don Quixote appear suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, in the process of any activity: during the food, during the conversation, during hearing of music, the survey of film - appear as the result of activity its subconsciousness. Generate ideas Don Quixote can even in the sleep. Moreover there they can be developed. Having sometimes awaked, Don Quixote recalls dreamed to it "initial data" and reflects: from where he them did take? by analogy with which they arose?.. To his "developments in the sleep" Don Quixote relates with exceptional seriousness as to the completely real projects.

    Don Quixote can develop any, most improbable idea into the clearly formulated and logically erected theory. Moreover on the basis of the facts available to it and assumptions already it can see and reveal regularities concealed in this theory.

    The result of the scientific activity of Don Quixote frequently is evinced by the creation of diverse logical structures and classifications. Moreover these structures are not static, but are dynamic bendings, but therefore easily they are modified with the advent of new factors and circumstances.

    Block Of superego*e-ya position * normative function * "volitional sensorika"
    For Don Quixote is characteristic the tendency to defend and to protect its right to live in the manner that it wants it. It constantly and everywhere requires the acknowledgement of its rights to the free intellectual creation out of any limitations. As is free its thought and fantasy, so it must be free and it. It is free from any conditionalities, responsibilities, obligations, claims - from in all, which interfere withs its intellectual creation.

    Serious ethical and lawful problems appear in light of such installations in Don Quixote. It understands everyone from its environment, that while Don Quixote by entire days lies on the sofa and looks into the ceiling, in his head ripen the great ideas, capable to please all of mankind.

    At the same time Don Quixote not can and it does not consider it necessary to be distracted from the reflection above its projects in order to recall, did wash out it after itself dishes, as that categorically require those surrounding. Any requirement of those surrounding irritates it, since it distracts from the brilliant, exceptional and unique ideas to some everyday trifles. (of course the pettier the requirement and claim, the more they it irritate.)

    Don Quixote fights for the right to free himself from these stimuli, to fence himself from them, since not at all desires to encounter with any interferences on its creative way. For example, its projects must start in that form, in which it them presents, moreover it is indisputable and it is unconditional. No routine work, connected with their description and development, cannot be required from it, since this impedes its creative thought and wastes its precious time.

    In Don Quixote frequently appears the contradiction between the steep demands, presented to them to those surrounding, and by the understated requirements, presented to them to itself. For example, evaluating strange work, it will not suffer even the least logical errors and inaccuracies, while in its work it can consider as that permitted any logical error, asserting that it does not influence substantially the essence of its theory.

    The same occurs also in the region of rights and responsibilities: it will categorically insist on its rights, allowing for itself not the least mortars. And with the same obstinacy it will try to fence itself from any obligations.

    With the fulfillment obeshchannogo in Don Quixote appear the constant problems: when it gives promise, he thinks only about the fact that it, it goes without saying, can this make, i.e., this in its forces, but he in no way thinks about the fact that it will make this. Therefore any requirement to carry out Don Quixote obeshchannoye simply angers: really someone in earnest can calculate, that it will be distracted from its most interesting matters to some trifles, which not at all personally interest it.

    Attempt to impose on Don Quixote some stable responsibilities will perceived by it exceptionally hostilely. It is perceived, as someone's fraudulent intent: this it means, its internal desire to be free in its matters, thoughts and plans does not give to someone rest. This it means, someone it wants "hide", someone on it wants "water to convey". Question: who? Who it, this criminal? "criminal" very rapidly is located and to him declares war "to the victorious end". In the number of "criminals" can fall any person from his nearest environment. This can be his close relative, husband, friend, chief - anybody. Uselessly to convince Don Quixote, what these requirements are presented in his interests and for his conveniences - perhaps can someone better it very to know its interests?!

    Don Quixote, sosredotachivayushchiy all its forces and thoughts in war with the "wind mills", this always tragedy, this always sad and unpleasant phenomenon. The inexhaustible, richest fantasy, by the kropotliveyshim means the assembled "facts", the lustrously constructed intrigue - all this is directed to that in order "to bring under the monastery" the former chief, to bring to the infarction the former mother-in-law, to deprive zhilploshchadi been to husband...

    Where the brilliant projects, which once did ripen in its head? Now humanity will not soon be them oschastlivleno...

    A feeling of debt (need, responsibility) brings up in Don Quixote through the logical understanding to enter one way or another and through the observation and the logical analysis of the consequences of its behavior. (although to it sometimes difficult to be concentrated in such observations.)

    From other side, it is difficult to itself to represent Don Quixote, constantly concentrated on not reaching to those surrounding of any inconveniences and constantly distracting to that in order to verify, he did not forget to wash dishes after itself and did not leave with that switch oned light in the toilet - such Don Quixote in the course of time begins to note that the brilliant ideas attend increasingly his thinner and it is thinner. Moreover, it notes that already not at all one cannot be concentrated on the intellectual creation so that not to think about its surrounding everyday trifles. This "zakonfliktovannyy" Don Quixote is already other, although less problematic, also not always attractive extreme.

    Problems are solved when in Don Quixote appears partner, delicately and nenavyazchivo who distributes his rights and responsibilities. Knowing how to smooth out his conflicts with those surrounding, that knows how to express its requirements in such form, which to Don Quixote seems convincing, legitimate and easy. Specifically, such partner for Don Quixote is his dual (his ideally supplementing partner) - sensory- ethical intravert, designated in sotsionike "Aleksandr dyum's pseudonym".

    In sensory- ethical introverta ("the Dumases") the aspect of volitional sensoriki is located on the positions of observant function. Dumas very thinly and sensitively subconsiously observes, as partner receives the requirements presented to it, what responsibilities he with the readiness beret for himself and what performs. The Dumases it is very tactful, in the special soft and delicate manner characteristic of it this aspect is regulated, simultaneously and being adapted to the demands of partner, and training him to consider the possibilities of those surrounding.

    Bloch SUPEREGO * the 4th position * mobilization function * the "ethics of relations"
    Relations with those surrounding in Don Quixote are added very not easily, moreover on any distance.

    For example, the understated requirements for themselves together with the steep demands for others are frequently received by its environment as the flagrant injustice.

    Habit to overstate its own abilities and simultaneously with this contemptuously to answer about the intellectual potential of other people also does not cause special sympathies.

    Literally at every turn Don Quixote creates situation, with which all being present it becomes extremely uncomfortably for his behavior, to say nothing of his nearest environment, to frequently ready through the earth fall it remained for it. For example, this situation (described by A. By s. griboyedov in the comedy "mountain from the mind"): Don Quixote comes to become acquainted with the relatives of his bride, during the conversation he turns discussion on the social and political themes and, without having joined by views with the majority of those being present, it tells each of them the prenepriyatneyshiye things. Bride and its relatives are shokirovany both by situation itself and fact that they are called "pitiful and negligible people, incapable to think". As a result of pomolvka it is cancelled, & Don Quixote you discuss that how it is much around nedoumkov and bastards.

    Such characteristic for Don Quixote "awkwardnesses" of behavior as unceremoniousness, obtrusiveness, tactlessness, which borders to the caddishness, sheer neglect of decency - all this of trifle in comparison with those, actually serious problems, which appear in the process its interrelation on the closer distance.

    And the first of them consists in the fact that freedom and independence Don Quixote, in essence, recognizes only for himself, without leaving after its partner of sometimes even right to its own opinion. Under the conditions only the complicated ethical situation it can immediately place to partner rigid ethical conditions, sometimes even in the form of ultimatum. For example, already in the initial stage of acquaintance Don Quixote can require so that its friend would break relations with all her worshippers, since it desires immediately to fence her from any outside influences (but at the same time also herself from the possible rivals).

    This occurs because of the logical approach of Don Quixote to questions of ethics, and also on the strength of the fact that it not at all sees distances between themselves and man, with whom it will intend close to associate. Hardly after having time to tie relations, Don Quixote already considers his partner as part himself - from what is done the "logical" conclusion that the partner now already belongs to it completely. Consequently, now narrower than no right of selection and personal freedom in partner remains, just as and there cannot be the noncoincidences of views, since now it decides for it, thinks vybiraetDon- Quixote.

    Outside person still can have a certain freedom of opinions. This Don Quixote completely can allow. But concerning partner, here everything is solved by it unambiguously: partner - this already the part of his very, and consequently, it must in everything be subordinated to it. ("the partner" of Don Quixote it is possible to become after only 15 minutes after acquaintance with it and precisely because it thus solved.)

    For Don Quixote ethical situation is the more convenient, the less it gives prerequisites for the appearance of ethical problems. Therefore in his tendency to create besproblemnye (for himself) relations Don Quixote can to the extreme degree stiffen his requirements for the partner, are checked his connections, relations, behavior and viewpoint.

    However, entire above-described occurs, as a rule, under the conditions of psychological incompatibility with the partner (sometimes, however, it is also with disruption of dual equilibrium).

    Under the conditions of psychological discomfort Don Quixote is irritated on any occasion, constantly experiencing to the partner hostility and distrust (of course substantiated in no way).

    Irritation and hostility to the partner can arise in Don Quixote and in the quite initial stage of his interrelations. And nevertheless Don Quixote will try these relations to continue, to develop and even to insist on they legalized. Entering thus, it calculates, which in the course of time will be able to create conditions, with which the partner forced will be "altered" and adapted to his views. Moreover, precisely, matrimony exactly is presented to it by this condition. Furthermore, as a result of the problematic communicability in Don Quixote are always with difficulty added relations to those surrounding, and he this knows, it gets accustomed to this and such relations are considered standard.

    Don Quixote pleases itself prilyudno to turn debate on the ethical themes, especially, if for this there is the suitable (as it it seems) occasion. Impression sometimes is created, that it adores to assign strangers on the consideration of its personal problems.

    "dismantlings" with its nearest environment (wife, brother, mother, mother-in-law and other relatives) Don Quixote actually fairly often carries out in populous and completely inappropriate for this place - in the public transport, in the guests, in the theater, in the establishment, in the presence of outside people or even general familiar, which only aggravates the awkwardness of situation. Moreover "misbehaved" is forced not only to redden for the frankly caddish behavior of Don Quixote, not only to listen his insults, frequently wrong and which far emerge beyond the framework of decency, but also agonizingly to suffer from the shame before those surrounding for the awkwardness of situation itself and for its participation to this person. In such minutes the Don - Quixote is is monstrously severe: situation is intuitively planned with it in such a way that simply it cannot be left it. Thus far all around there is a public - will continue and this "public execution". (one ought not, however, to think that "steep dismantlings" Don Quixote carries out only in the presence of strangers - they they are possible in any situation, but in any event Don Quixote will find the possibility to podgadat' the moment, when its partner is especially defenseless and vulnerable.)

    When Don Quixote behavior exceeds the scope, permitted by the standards of contact, it completely cannot be called to the order, since this leads to the absolutely opposite result. Specifically, because no "standards of contact" Don Quixote in principle desires to recognize, he uses any case these standards to destroy. Therefore, the more Don Quixote behavior criticizes, the greater the awkwardness it experiences and begins to protest against the ethical requirements presented to it, than it even more aggravates situation. After obtaining observation apropos of tactlessness, it will begin frankly to be rude, roughness will pass into the caddishness, of the following stages - frank cynicism and hooliganism. Moreover to direct its reaction in another direction is possible only in such a case, when we in time cease to condemn its behavior "to find the method it to quiet. But this can make the so many psychologically compatible with it partner.

    This, as a rule, succeeds for its one dualu alone - Dumas, capable of very thinly feeling the state of collocutor, that knows how in time to notice and to adjust drops in his mood. Furthermore, the society of the Dumases practically always acts on. Don Quixote to uspokaivayushche and to rasslablyayushche - state, characteristic of each person with the contact with dualom. Diplomatic and courteous, Dumas renders Don Quixote the invaluable service not only to those that his behavior softens, but also fact that it softens its relations with those surrounding.

    Block OF SUPERID*SHCH-YA pozitsiya*Suggestivnaya Function * "sensorika Of sensations"
    The need for for very worry about its own comfort extremely irritates Don Quixote, since this prevents it from thinking, working and distracts from other more big deals. Therefore Don Quixote tries to organize relations with the partner in such a way that the question of his comfort would be solved somehow without his participation.

    In private life it is unpretentious. When way of life is organized with its own efforts, Don Quixote reduces his needs to the minimum. It feeds somewhere on the side - frequently in friends and the familiar. Order in the house directs only if disorder it actually prevents from working. It does not love to walk on the stores, it does not always represent that it it was desirable to purchase, the quality of things it evaluates badly, does not love to stay in the turns.

    It is conservative in the tastes. Prefers to eat that which to it is usual, and that occupies the minimum of preparation time. It can feed in motion, to vsukhomyatku. For example, without being torn off from the work, it can eat the bread, greased by mustard. It prepares for itself rarely. Sometimes, suddenly, in it can arise the desire to weld to itself anything such how it they fed in the childhood, for example the mannuyu porridge.

    To the new gustatory senses it relates distrustful. It frequently entrusts to the taste only of those people, which cause in it sympathy, also, with which in it good relations. Equally, as he is suggested by the councils only of those people, which cause in it the respect, to which it properly entrusts and which "loves". It frequently imitates to such people in the habits, in the manners of behavior, in the tastes. It can dress in the "papinom style", insist so that for it would be prepared the food "on the maminomu" prescription.

    Partner, who causes antipathy in Don Quixote, never will be able to please to his tastes, no matter how he tried. Moreover references to the "authoritative source" will only irritate Don Quixote. Very authoritative source - this of men, to which it relates well.

    Don Quixote must constantly feel, which to his partner provides pleasure after it to care. Only in this case it properly weakens. And vice versa, any hint to the fact that about it they worry from a feeling of debt, and that this it, in turn, it forces to much, he is received by Don Quixote exceptionally painfully, since subconsiously it is disposed to sensoriku and ethics of Dumas, for whom to give pleasure - the same happiness as to obtain it.

    The aspect of sensoriki of sensations in Don Quixote is most intimately connected with the aspect of the ethics of relations. Therefore for the complete happiness to it is required partner, not only allotted from nature by splendid taste, but also capable of expressing his good relation in that form, which will seem Don Quixote by convincing. And this is possible only in sluchav with its dualom Dyumo, whose aspect of sensoriki of sensations is program, and the aspect of the ethics of relations - demonstrative. (Dumas exceptionally accordion it is color, odor, sonic, and its opinion voices, as a rule, in the delicate and benevolent manner. Any other form of the supply to information on this aspect of Don Quixote does not convince; therefore of any other "sensorik" to its training it is gustatory it will not influence in the manner that this will make the Dumases)

    In the region skill and the aesthetics Don Quixote frequently in a most interesting manner appears precisely from the "supply" to the Dumases - as his student or follower, and, direct contact with dualom here even is not always compulsory. As, for example, the creation of Mikhail Ivanovich glinkya (Don Quixote) affected the influence of music Dzhoakkino Rossini (Dyum).

    Don Quixote strives for the perception of pleasant sensations (since in the final analysis it is oriented to the accordion of the sensations, which correspond to the sensory program of its duala of the Dumases). Skill, in the opinion of Don Quixote, must provide pleasure. And it actually provides pleasure, moreover not only to it very, but also to its spectators.

    Innovative approach, originality of the general idea, variety of the interestingly developed themes - here are those basic qualities, by which is characterized the artistic creation of representatives of this type.

    Block OF SUPERID*'-YA the pozitsiya*Aktivatsionnaya function * the "ethics of emotions"
    Don Quixote mood in many respects depends on the sensations, which it experiences. For example, a feeling of hunger makes with its not simply irritable - aggressive. Don Quixote is very sensitive to the discomfort. The unpleasant, penetrating view of collocutor or the imperious intonations of his voice can influence his mood. Unceremonious behavior, just as any manifestation of disrespect cause in Don Quixote the assaults of sudden irritation.

    Don Quixote does not love and does not know how openly to speak about his emotions. Usually he expresses them indirectly, speaking about its motives. For example, being irritated, Don Quixote can say to the partner: "I will fling out you into the window!" - but this does not completely mean that it precisely so will enter. And this even does not indicate extreme hatred - this altogether only the irritation, usually caused by some discomfort.

    Don Quixote frequently expresses his sympathies in the form of any positive information. For example, he will not say to the girl: "you me please yourselves". (if it something similar from itself it presses, this it will be frank falsity.) No, usually Don Quixote will give this information by hint - he reports to girl that it described about it to its parents and now it was invited to them in guests. The proposal of hand and heart also makes in the form of hint. "in the month I will return from the mission and we with you will be able tax statement".

    Openly to acknowledge in his feelings Don Quixote not can as, however, and any logician, because for it this too mysterious a phenomenon, whose nature it cannot to the end realize and explain. Furthermore, for it this is too intimate a moment. Therefore it will experience awkwardness and irritation, if we force it about this to speak. (Don Quixote it does not consider it necessary about this to speak still and because it is subconsiously oriented to the very flexible and sensitive ethics of the emotions of its duala of the Dumases, capable of grasping any nuances of feelings and moods of its partner)

    The sensation of psychological (or sensory) discomfort always affects Don Quixote nastroyenni. For a long time to be in the depressed state it not can; therefore sometimes itself provokes scandal, gives output to its irritation, but at the same time and it attempts anything to change under the conditions of the situation intolerable for it.

    Don Quixote very heavily survives the offence substituted to it, ethical awkwardness or situation of the crisis of relations. In this case he can stormily issue his negative emotions on those surrounding, discussing the sore theme with whom conveniently, even with the completely outside people. It can be occupied by self-criticism or "ethical samobichevaniyem":

    to tell about some its improper behavior, to acknowledge in the conjugal treasons, into which its "insidious" plans and mean intentions. In it begin the assaults of repentance and completely not controlled revelations - some agonizing, ethical self-purification. (its kind "ethical vomiting", release from some emotional and the ethical "slags".) Being located in this state, Don Quixote can produce the impression of man of that not restrained, not balanced, quick tempered, aggressive, severe, scandalous, but one ought not to forget that all this is only the consequence of the psychological discomfort experienced by it, this altogether only pained reaction to some specific stimuli, whose nature can be revealed and understood and which can be removed. (which, strictly, and makes its dual of the Dumases: in the period of emotional crisis it surrounds by its especially thorough concern, trying not to allow to it any stimuli. But also he tries to ignore its unhealthy "revelations" and that unpleasant information, which they in themselves bear.)

    Situation radically changes, when Don Quixote falls into the situation of sincere cordiality and benevolence. When pleasant sensations in it are combined with the positive emotions. Its this situation greatly activates: he feels, that to it it is actually glad, that it is interesting, obayatelen and attractive. In it immediately appear the confidence in itself, ease and freedom in the manners and in the contact. Its behavior becomes flattened, free and natural. It produces to those surrounding favorable impression. It appears as the most interesting and ingenious collocutor. In such minutes he feels special emotional lift, is experienced special arrangement to the man, in it the desire to make something good for this person appears.

    Don Quixote experiences this state only under the conditions of contact with the psychologically compatible partner. Because of the ability of the Dumases thinly to feel and to regulate the emotional state of his partner, Don Quixote falls into the conditions of the most favorable and optimum for himself emotional regime. The sensation of sincere heat, cosiness, rest, sincere interest in itself and of cordiality - all this it is necessary to Don Quixote in order to feel itself calm both happy and precisely this it experiences, associating with its dualom of the Dumases.

    Block ID * the 7th position * observant function * the "intuition of time"
    Don Quixote time completely belongs to his creative work. Therefore it is irritated, when someone manages its time as its.

    Don Quixote knows how to see the possibilities, which the time allows to it, moreover not only for itself, but also for others, in particular for its duala of the Dumases. Itself sees (and it always prompts to partner), how long there is at its disposal for the accomplishment of one or other objective or another.

    Don Quixote prefers to construct the distant plans, corrected by time and circumstances. It does not love to plan anything within the compressed periods, since it does not love hurry, and it is occupied by any work until its inspiration runs low. Don Quixote not can to distribute the number of work in the time, this too troubles it.

    Personal time is received by it as the variable quantity: the minutes of expectation are pulled to infinity, the time of interesting occupations flies unnoticeably.

    The expenditure of strange time into the calculation by it usually does not enter. Has habit to be late, although it can with an accuracy to minute design the time, necessary for the road. Usually in these calculations is included time to the "permissible delay".

    With the regret notes the missed for itself time and the unrealized possibilities. It is always ready to begin everything first, without considering the age and the objective circumstances.

    It does not love to sum up the sums, since it always considers that it could be achieved large results, if not some "objective reasons", which influenced its successes and business activity.

    It is obliged by many its failures to the internal state of apathy, weak will, energy decrease, which periodically covers it. To it more easily to influence the unfavorable external circumstances how anything to change in itself.

    Always in the course of the events of social and political value. To foresee the motion of history knows how as no one another.

    In its forecasts, as a rule, it does not make mistakes. The decisive political events it can predict with an accuracy to half a year.

    From the enormous quantity of information it knows how to select and to memorize the facts, which radically influence further development of history.

    It always observes historical changes in it the region interesting. The region of historical observations and forecasts in Don Quixote is connected precisely with the region of his business and professional interests. For example, if he is athlete, then always it can with the accuracy say, who on what competitions won also with what result, if this is economist or financier, then remembers the motion of the course of volutes in the leading countries in the last 100 - 200 years.

    Block ID * the eighth position * demonstrative function * "business logic"
    Don Quixote greatly loves to advise apropos of that how it is necessary to carry out one or other work or another. And this circumstance frequently brings it, since each time, when it in the words appears by specialist in any matter, his knowledge produce on those surrounding this indelible impression that not in whom appears the shadows of doubt about the fact that precisely it will be its best executor.

    But in that and Don Quixote misfortune, that wonderfully visualizing, as in principle is done one or other work or another, it frequently has about it not the least practical concept, in other words, "it undertakes soldering iron not from that end" how greatly it disappoints its employers, who do not know already whom and to invite and begin to think after this "specialist" that the proposed by them work (as of this it attempts to convince them Don Quixote) in principle it is impracticable.

    Don Quixote does not love to be set in operation in its completing stage - this means to be simple executor within the framework of strange project, and it and its- that projects to the end to study does not love.

    But it occurs and so that "after being entered" into the strange project, Don Quixote immediately begins to oshchushchat' with its "his", and then in it appears the insurmountable desire to change entire previous work at its own discretion, and it in a most decisive manner on this insists. Sometimes even it can place the ultimatum: it threatens to turn from participation to work, if its requirement not is executed. But if as a result of its this behavior actually they remove from the work, there is deeply obizhen and neskazanno it is disappointed. This version of the course of events it is inclined to assume least of all.

    For Don Quixote it is necessary to frequently change the places of work, and not always at will. To it it is to be subordinated difficult to the requirements of management, and if they do not coincide with its own opinion, it is not subordinated by them generally. Sometimes he tries to use any possibility in order to carry out work employing its procedure and thus to prove its rightness.

    Don Quixote with the low professional level is frequently inclined to ignore the factor of professional discipline, which is especially unpleasant, when the work of its colleagues depends on its activity. For example, if similar Don Quixote works in the theatrical or musical association, he sometimes makes possible for himself or to be late on the rehearsal or generally on them to not come. It can at every turn argue with the director and tie to it its version of the stage solution. Its "stage version" can demonstrate in the most unexpected manner directly during the appearance. It can directly on the scene allow itself any extravagant trick to the detriment of other actors. Don Quixote, who selects for himself performer career, but in this case being rejected to be "executor", always creates problems both for himself and for his colleagues.

    But in the conditions of firm discipline and officialism Don Quixote actually to work is not capable. Such conditions he tries immediately "to break", to change, to somehow adapt to the convenient for himself regime. That work, which it too troubles, as a rule, it does not value. To the work, which does not realize entire its creative potential, frequently loses interest, hardly after having time to enter into the policy of the matter.

    It does not love to scrupulously check the results of its work. Details does not love to study. It does not transfer routine. For a while can carry out simple physical work, but its thoughts at this moment will find completely in other measurement which without fail will affect the results of the matter.

    And nevertheless Don Quixote sufficiently highly evaluates and he widely advertises its business qualities. It knows how to inquire that price, which seems it worthy for its work. (it inquires usually considerably more than to it they propose - taking into account the fact that for it it is necessary to be bargained; and it agrees with the price proposed, only being absolutely confident in the low solvency of its customer)

    It loves to demonstrate its practicalness. It is proud of the skill to economically expend its means. It attempts to convince surrounding which can comfortably exist to the most modest incomes. If properly it is impossible to earn, it passes to the regime of the strictest savings. To earn its inability frequently disguises by the unwillingness to strive for money, since it personally can be satisfied by small. (to the "bread with the mustard" to it it usually is sufficient.) It loves to demonstratively -prudent plan its personal expenditures. It loves to train for savings. If in the members of its family this is not obtained, begins to conduct budget itself, showing an example of that how it is necessary to make this: it begins to investigate all domestic trifles, to recheck all articles of expenditures and incomes. In a word, it will not be quieted, until it proves that entire economy was conducted too wastefully.

    Situation changes, when the partner of Don Quixote becomes his dual of the Dumases. In this case in Don Quixote the desire to earn at long last appears and it begins to value the place of its work. In the critical situation Don Quixote can also for the Dumases introduce the regime of the strictest savings, but this there will be actually temporary phenomenon, while with another, psychologically incompatible partner, this measure it will be constant and the only possible.

    Only for the Dumases Don Quixote is capable to make above himself the necessary effort in order to combine its creative interests with the practical requirements of its family.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    This is one of her better ones, but...

    (sometimes the more difficult it is to argue with Don Quixote, the less it is formed.)
    Give me a fucking break. She overstates basically anything that might make us sound like insufferable assholes (check out Se and Fi).

    The rest is fine
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  3. #3
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'll add that this really only describes intelligent ILEs.

  4. #4
    Blaze's Avatar
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    to me, this description is difficult to understand completely due to the awkward translation. but it hints at truth...


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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