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Thread: Stratiyevskaya: INFp

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    Default Stratiyevskaya: INFp

    Block Of ego*y-ya pozitsiya*Programmnaya function * the "intuition of time"

    Romantic and dreamer. Time for it - this is the plastic creative material, which can be "pressed" or "extended" at its discretion. Esenin can stop instant, because it "is wonderful", and to admire it as much, as to it it will be wanted. Esenin greatly values his time, especially the time of his pleasant leisure and pleasures. The time, carry ouied insufficiently pleasantly is interesting, this not simply lost time, this, in its understanding, the certain annoying inadvertence, which it is must as far as possible not to allow.

    It loves to live according to free graph, to it more conveniently to manage time spontaneously. Greatly it survives, if its pleasant plans with respect to whose- or the fault realize not in the manner that it it would like if, do not give god, him they did not invite to the holiday or in by anything limited his "merriment" - this already occasion for the serious irritation. But still more unhealthy by it is transferred the wreck of the global positive plans: for example, when its calculations collapse and are not justified its hopes, when the close and desired purpose proves to be suddenly distant and unattainable, when someone rejects to it its support, its patronage and shakes out it from under its "wing" - all this for Esenin the heaviest impacts of the fates, with which it in no way can be reconciled and which it will try by all forces not to allow (and in the majority of the cases - it does not allow).

    In spite of the apparent otstranenno- dreamy relation to the life, Esenin is capable to sufficiently realistically evaluate its surrounding phenomena. He knows how to foresee the undesirable for himself course of events, knows how to lead from himself impact, knows how "to freeze" this impact in the time and thus to mute its force. It knows how to draw off the time of the decisive explanation and the time of the ripening conflict. It will change tactics and will try to take situation in its hands so as to have time to be prepared for the outcome (for example, it will find another "wing" or another source of income unpleasant for itself to itself).

    Esenin assigns the rates of the development of relations conformably to his own interests and his own long-range plans. Esenin "conducts" by time - and his own, and stranger. He subordinates all to his rates - he draws all in its vital rhythm. If we to it personally nowhere hurry, then its collocutor anywhere hurry not will be: he simply will get stuck at the slow rate imposed on it. Esenin - as that fairy from the fairy tale, who is capable of converting the life of any person into the "sweet of soya", and, "after awaking", man can feel himself rejected in the time far back, with the consciousness of the irreparable missed possibilities. Esenin - good partner only to that, who constantly advances, to the intended targets - precisely such appears its dual Zhukov.

    It irritates Esenin, when they are not subordinated to its "dirizherskim" indications. Especially, when comes the "critical moment", which it always sees well: here it any "will wake up from the hibernation" and will make it necessary to act, especially if this and in its interests. Esenin always has exactly as much time, as to it is necessary. It does not set before itself difficult tasks and as a unreal goals, its day is not overloaded by the matters. It always manages there, where to it it is necessary. It does not love to rigidly plan its day, it loves to be in the captivity in its own plans - neither near nor distant. To Esenin it is in no way compulsory to be punctual, especially if to it this is not necessary, but it can easily come in time, if only it will wish.

    Esenin's time serves his only interests. It knows how "to overstay" vague time in any "quiet harbor" or to arrange to itself "incubative period" under whose -nibud6 "wing" (most warm Esenin itself it feels under the "wing" of its duala of Zhukov). Esenin frequently produces the impression of man, to whom the success "itself goes into the hands". Because of its exceptional intuition, it never will miss time "to catch" its chance - the quality, to which many envy also because of which the representatives of this type succeed themselves in being arranged very well in the life. Always in the course of all events, all news.

    It always knows the direction of public opinion, he knows, "to what side wind blows". All new trends, all new directions - all this to it is known. It does not believe in the stability of troubles - he knows that they prekhodyashchi. It always is glad at the offensive of critical moment. Therefore even about, it would seem, gloomy events themselves Esenin reports with the smile. It always hopes and greatly much expects from the changes, which attack after crisis. He tries profitable for itself to use them. Desperately it resists, when to it they tie the forced, inadvisable, in its understanding, expenditure of time. He always tries to prove needlessness of this expenditure of time.

    To reconvince it is very difficultly, sometimes - uselessly, because in this case it is inclined to enter only in its own way. (is known the example, when accompanist- Esenin during the play arbitrarily "reduced" musical loss, which was unpleasant surprise both for the executors and for the director: simply it it seemed that the time of play too is involved.) Esenin's time always belongs only to it. Even operating time Esenin considers his own: he wants - it works, he wants - it is distracted to some his private affairs or conversations. Esenin greatly values his time, and even if gives to his others, considers this as the generous gift from its side, for which to it they must be grateful.

    Block Of ego*2-ya pozitsiya*Tvorcheskaya function * the "ethics of emotions"

    Second his value, by which it generously odarivayet surrounding, Esenin considers the skill to create pleasant mood and to provide pleasure by its society. To all observed phenomena Esenin constantly manifests extremely living emotional attitude. It would seem, there does not exist in nature of this object, subject or event, which would leave by his indifferent. This quality extraordinarily locates to it people. It seems unthinkable to repel man, who so sincerely is enraptured by all, that in you there is good, which sees in you as much interesting, as earlier to you to very and was not presented. But as it knows how to listen to, enthusiastically looking into the eyes to collocutor so that seems nothing in its life it wiser heard! But its dear, good, modest smile - as "solar sunbeam reflection" on face. Sometimes dreamy, sometimes sly, but such benevolent, optimistic and encouraging.

    Mood of Esenin - also as the solar small beam: affable, yielding, affectionate, light-hearted- merry, in the romantic dreamy state of soul, it dreams on any removed theme, and entire peace as if is colored with bright paints, it is filled by sunlight and "sparkles by dew". Blissful, as sweet thorn apple is state, the fairytale sleep, which is desirable to prolong to infinity, but which will end precisely when Esenin will consider it necessary to break it. Esenin does not love, when some external stimulus destroys his mirajno- air accordion - into this minute he feels itself by the artist of the ruined creation. (it would be incorrect receive Esenin as the certain thorn apple- grass, intended to zadurit' head or lull to sleep the vigilance of his all surrounding people. Completely no!

    Its first-rate psychological task consists in maximally weakening of its duala of Zhukov, eternally stressed and inclined to the overloads.) Esenin - artist of the mood: what "picture" it will draw - so to that and to be mood - tool of its action on the environment. By mood it can "give presents", and it can punish. In its understanding, mood - this always something material, this is of its kind the work of skill. In the case, when the mood of "serene rest created with it" is not evaluated and properly it does not reward, Esenin considers it necessary "to draw another picture", in other emotional paints, but not less bright and saturated. (mood for Esenin - this even and the method to manipulate by environment.)

    Almost no one knows how so creatively to brawl as Esenin. Moreover time and force of emotional action are calculated with the exceptional accuracy - exactly so many so that the partner would know how to master the obtained lesson, to draw a conclusion from his own errors and to try to as soon as possible correct them, in order not to repeat hence. , in addition, this unhealthy ethical manipulation is psychologically calculated only for Zhukov, for his inert emotionalism and somewhat clumsy ethics. But that for Zhukov is not more than the effective method of emotional activation, for others (is especially the emotionally ranimykh types of personality) can be wrapped up by the completely unbearable torture.

    In the contact Esenin is beret sufficiently close psychological distance, in consequence of which it can oshchushchat' himself by too vulnerable and by too dependent on the partner. Therefore yeseninskiye scandals - this is not more than the forced measure, whose purpose, from one side, to adjust psychological distance, with another - to draw attention to their problems and to express their requirements in that form, in which they most comfortably are received by its hollow. Esenin is not capable to speak about his problems in "business tone" - this in his understanding is too rough and it is tactless: indeed it is oriented to vulnerable emotionalism and demonstrative pragmaticality of Zhukov. Therefore it considers that it is sufficient thin and tactful polunameka so that his partner correctly would understand and itself proposed its services. Esenin feels himself very uncomfortably, when the assigned to them emotional tone does not find proper response and support in those surrounding: in Esenin begin sharp drops in the moods, which also pour out into the scandal.

    Esenin very easily knows how to be disposed to the collocutor, to feel him. And if in it contact for some reason or other is not adjusted, this it always pricks up ears: Esenin begins to reflect, for his what such reasons "do not allow to approach", this possible person is not so simple, as it seems, or it can be even dangerous (it operates it the "negative intuition of time" - the tendency to leave from the danger). Advancing emotional estimation to the ethical qualities of those surrounding, Esenin does conformably to his mood: being located in a good arrangement of spirit, it is enraptured by those, who to it are likable, in the poor - "washes up again bones by" all rest. In irritation state in it appears the insurmountable desire to speak "into the person" the most absurd and most unpleasant things.

    Periodically Esenin can appear as the instigator of conflicts - method, necessary for it for explaining his own position in relation system. Entire varied range of feelings and moods of Esenin - this not only him are "artistic palette", this still and his "set of instruments", and him "weapons storage". Esenin it is confident in its charm, in its attractiveness, in the arsenal of its very dear and likable masks, which it magnificently uses. Moreover these are the external masks: any of them - seemingly unique state of its soul.

    Block Of superego*e-ya pozitsiya*Normativnaya Function * "sensorika Of sensations"

    The aspect of sensoriki of sensations better is received by representatives of this type, the brighter and opredelenneye is erected the emotional means, which associates these sensations. For this very reason they with the great success are occupied by those forms of the skill, where entire them "emotional palette" finds brightest use - music, theater, poetry so forth for example musician- Esenins frequently receive the beauty of sound precisely through its expressiveness: beautiful sound - emotionally the saturated, rich in overtones, plain sound - inexpressive, "empty". The same relates also to the perception of the color combinations: beautiful combination - that, which gives birth to some emotional means or emotional associations. (for example designer- Esenin, for long and unsuccessfully were selected combinations it was color for its project, then, suddenly, "under the mood" it drew some picture, and color from this figure it transferred to its work.)

    Representatives of this type usually consider themselves aesthetes, although they develop aesthetical taste during entire their life. With the pleasure the skills try themselves in the different regions, attend exhibitions, concerts, premiers. Whom it not was - by artist, by actor or by musician, Esenin never is locked only on one region skill. The bright impressions, which it collects in different regions skills, it realizes in the sphere of its professional activity. Attentively it follows all possible innovations in the skill and in the aesthetics. The most fashionable periodicals, prospectuses and advertising catalogs - all this can be seen in the surplus in its house. Esenins can for a long time preserve even random reklamki, which reached them into the house. It is simple because the picture pleases itself, or they actually dream to purchase sometimes this thing. (as has already been spoken, Esenin greatly loves to dream and he frequently mentally materializes its dream; therefore advertising picture - also svoyebraznaya form of the materialization of his dream: "sometimes 4 purchase to itself this machine!")

    In the aesthetical orientators to representatives of this type characteristically certain contradiction: from one side, they are conservative in their tastes, with another - they are opened for entire new and naimodneyshego. In the clothing they bear either first, to what it is traditional privykli or that the fact that "all now bear", regardless of the fact, goes this by them or not. So and in the region of the gustatory senses: on the level with the traditional and sufficiently monotonous food they can prepare the extravagant food of very doubtful gustatory combinations on the newest prescription. When Esenin becomes tight within the established sensory framework or priyedayetsya already many times tested, it away not to try for itself some new, sometimes aesthetically contradictory sensations.

    Esenin loves to flash by galantnymi manners, leaving "into the light", it attempts to appear elegant and elegantly. It feels well itself in the situation of luxury and comfort. It loves to surround itself by beautiful things, loves to give to itself and by others small "charming pustyachki". To konechno, Esenin not will object also to the gift by "money" (but he will rapidly spend them, so without having recalled, on that). To Esenin it is always pleasant to obtain to the memory the expensive and beautiful thing, about which then it is possible to speak: "your service by all so pleases itself! Everyone speaks: "God, what charm!.." Well, once everyone speaks, it is possible to be confident that so it there is. The aesthetical taste of Esenin frequently is formed under the effect of the public opinion.

    Some difficulties present for Esenin the organization of its own way of life, the guidance in it of cosiness and especially the maintenance of order. Usually, with the enthusiasm starting for the solution of this problem, it sufficiently rapidly grow colds, after encountering the first difficulties. But since, as has already been spoken, Esenin does not love to spend time on the unpleasant matters, for him sufficiently rarely by his own forces it is possible to organize "comfortable nest" and to maintain in it order. Subconsiously it relies on the possibility that this someone another will make for it.

    This possibility actually is allowed in the person of its duala of Zhukov, who with the characteristic of it ethical directness is capable, being for the first time in the house, directly "from the threshold" to say: "A nothing you have apartment, it is here necessary to change parquet, here we will color..." Maybe, whom other would set this manifestation of initiative - only not Esenin: it will vice versa happy use the aid proposed. Esenin with the pleasure relies on Zhukov's skill to organize high-quality and convenient way of life, leaving after himself the right to spiritualize his own aesthetical "fantasies".

    Block Of superego*ya-ya the pozitsiya*Mobilizatsionnaya function * "business logic"

    Esenin in no way falls into the discharge of business, initiative-taking and energetic people. And to this in it there are many reasons. The first of them - Esenin does not love to spend time on the work, if she does not reach to it pleasures or somehow with them is not combined. Esenin can be seen with worker after the computer and that simultaneously listening to music; accompanying on the piano and simultaneously reading the book; learning musical work, without being torn off from the sportscast on the television set. The second reason - "one ought not to hurry with the fulfillment of the work: it can be, it generally no one will be required, while it can be, it will want to make someone another ". By other words - it is necessary to work by the understated rates in order not to fall under the overstated standard. Its own desire to work in Esenin appears extremely rarely. The fulfillment of work Esenin frequently puts aside to the last minute, sometimes so that he does not make it entirely. Sometimes this to it descends from the hands, sometimes it because of this loses work. (however, sufficiently rapidly finds other, but if no - it will find that, who about it will care.)

    In order to work, to Esenin is necessary working mood. But where it to take, if it is located first in the blissful- enthusiastic state of soul, then in napr4jenno- that irritated? Most frequently it is simply it is weakened, and it at the same time weakens those surrounding, so that also "volitional pulse" to assign to it to no one, and by its own efforts to drive in itself in is working the place for it very difficultly. Furthermore, something strange is created with Esenin's organism: as soon as it sits down itself to work, it it immediately is desirable first to eat, first to smoke, first to drink anything, and that simply tends into the sleep. Esenin knows after himself this special feature, and therefore he tries to create himself all conditions for the productive work. Sometimes at home it organizes separate room under the working office: will bring there enormous writing desk with the mass of office stationeries, will arrange the books on the regiments, will hang up kalendariki on the walls, will then introduce there television set, then sofa- bed... But what "obstructions" on the working table in Esenin. These are even not "obstructions" - these are present "scythian barrows", where it is possible to dig out the thing, which was being counted many years of that lost.

    Esenin does not love, when his things lie along time in the strange house, since it always fears, that they to it no longer are returned. But it greatly loves to leave that the fact that it does not belong to it in itself. Esenin frequently banters above the fact that too rapidly he gets accustomed to the strange things (directly as to its own). And is the more necessary to it strange thing, the more rapid it to it gets accustomed and the more difficult to it with it to part. So and with the money: Esenin can purchase to himself enormous and expensive wallet with many departments, that to store there money and receipts. But money in its pockets not lie along time. Especially, if it lives not one and not with dualom, in it appears the insurmountable desire to spend them. Sometimes it seemingly competes in this with its partner, preferring better to spend on itself than to wait until, until them they select "into the general boiler". (one additional version of the eseninskogo complex of "six" - to do entire possible so as not to remain in the laying)

    The responsibility (with this quality it it supplements well its duala of Zhukov, which prefers independently everything to decide and for everything to answer) greatly does not love to take to itself. For this very reason Esenin always tries to shift responsibility to someone other - quality is very unpleasant and is created the mass of the problems, when representatives of this type occupy critical post. Esenin frequently involves with the carrying out of resolution regarding, whose solution depends only on it: everything seems it that time hearth - "will say to it the necessary solution, or someone will get tired to await and will influence its solution, and then responsibility can be will be fallen down to it. That it fears to give to its visitors "scarce information" - to it be pretended to more easily by incompetent, than to be that accused of the fact that it "blabbed some secrets of its department". First will entangle the sequence of office management, first it misinforms its visitors, then itself will forget some important information.

    The errors of Esenin- officials very dearly bypass visitors. Especially because Esenin greatly does not love to check the results of his work. Esenin- bookkeeper very quietly can lose some numbers or documents, not note some payment and thus to hang to in nothing not the guilty person the astronomical debt, which still it will outgrow by percentages. To Esenin it is be occupied to sometimes so boring by its direct matter, that it uses any possibility to be distracted to the outside contact, but if there is no such - it will willingly study "public loads" (the "public figure of Schur" in the film of 3. Riazanov "official novel").

    Representatives of this type fairly often succeed themselves in making a not bad career, moreover it is far from always because of its business qualities. And to nevertheless say that Esenin is not completely capable to make something useful, also is impossible. Are encountered among the people of this type both skillful individuals and toilers. Let us say so, Esenin can make vs.e, which to him is necessary. Problem in the fact that far from always in it appears to this desire. But it is not possible to constantly force it also. And not only because either in what partner, except Zhukov, to this will not be sufficient or forces nor health, but still also because, falling on into operating conditions inconvenient for themselves, Esenin simply begins to fall ill.

    It cannot be Esenin "hide ploughed on it", because this is far from strongest and most hardy type of the personality: in it weak sensorika, and this is very serious. Position saves only the presence in house of its duala of Zhukov. (representatives of other types they risk to get stuck in the eseninskom "weakening", since it still and it is the business activity of its environment.) Only Zhukov with its exceptional fitness for work and endeavor can allow himself under its influence be weakened to barely, just as and force Esenin to work in the most productive and quite optimum for himself regime. Zhukov - only of all types of personality, who is capable to this.

    Bpok OF SUPERID*SHCH-YA pozitsiya*Suggestivnaya function * "volitional sensorika"

    Esenin does not simply respect the strong and purposeful people, he not only is enraptured by them. He attempts to become their part, to be "plumelet under their wing". It attempts to be by necessary and useful im. it is always happy to conquer their friendship and confidence and with the enthusiasm assumes their patronage. Esenin has the ability to find to himself strong patrons. In it there is its kind the tactics of the natural selection of the patrons: there are those, who poslabeye, but he thus far still uses whose services, while there are the actually strong and men of weight, whose arrangement it only attains.

    Esenin does not love to be friends with "slabakami" and "unlucky wretches". It does not respect people, which do not know how to set up useful communications, they are not capable "of working by elbows" or even they cannot for themselves "ask", to say nothing of "for themselves postoyat'". Esenin not at all understands such people. Sometimes, because of this quality, Esenin falls under the influence of people, which magnificently know how "to bluff" and to create the illusion of prestige, people, which can for a long time hold it "on the hook" and use as "six". And although this course of events Esenin always tries to avoid, he sometimes falls into this trap, since that desired for the real frequently assumes. (furthermore, "to any wise man it is sufficient of simplicity": are located "intuity" and more feasible than Esenin) by personal force Esenin never boasts himself, never it he demonstrates, in the power contests it prefers not to participate.

    Esenin "on you will not weakly" take - it not in that "weight category": it is not troubled to seem weak, because it knows how to use its weakness. It does see nothing terrible in sometimes "popribednyat'sya" or playing of from itself "orphan Kazan'", but otherwise, who it will help? If the interests of that require, Esenin can without the special labor pity whom conveniently. Adult man can burst into tears as child, if they reject to it the aid. Moreover tears in this case not will be by it considered as the sign of weakness, to it not it will be for them shamefully - let it will be shameful to that, who manifests indifference to its problems. Esenin wonderfully knows how to cry, and to reproach simultaneously. Moreover indifference to its sufferings

    Esenin never and no one pardons. (he generally never and no one nothing pardons. Good can forget, but evil - ever! Just as the evil, caused to its close people, about which it considers as its duty in time to resemble: "you did forget, as he with you did enter? You already it to help intend?") Yeseninskaya weakness has the same background, as the zhu-kovskaya force: if Zhukov tries to seem more strongly in order not to return anything excess, then Esenin for the same reason tries to seem more weakly so that it once more they would not use so that they would not hold it "for frayera". Here is manifested the the same "complex" of six ", but only in the intuitive interpretation.

    Esenin has his methods "to row under himself" and they are constructed on the thin emotional action and the precise intuitive calculation. It is always interesting to observe, as Esenin it forces others to be a guardian itself: for example, after arriving for the company into the restaurant (or into the store), with the dear directness it can state that he now does not have money, moreover this will make precisely at that moment, when it is necessary to pay. And, in addition, "will declare" not simply so, but being confident, that someone of its comrades of money actually has, and this "someone" so to it relates well that it will not consider for the labor for it to pay. (Esenin it can even not declare about its insolvency, but with the most innocent and most modest form quietly wait, until this delicate ground is settled by itself without its participation.) Its own solvency in this case not having a value: even if it has money, why not to allow someone itself to be partial toward? Maybe, greatly it wants man of this, especially because it already delivered to it pleasure by its society. (appropriate to recall that Esenin always, and in the youth especially, it is confident in its charm.)

    In the plan of money expenditures Esenin produces the impression of man, although unpractical, which is called "to itself on the mind", which never will go against its own benefit and which it is very not easy "to untwist" to some "excess", from its point of view, expenditure. Although himself Esenin usually considers "wide nature". It is necessary to note that this subconsious tactics is oriented to that in order "to untwist" Zhukov, duala of Esenin, also sufficiently close-fisted. Although precisely with it it "works" not too for a long time: exactly as much, as will be required Esenin to that in order to estimate the true merits of its duala and to decide not to squander talents on trifles in order not to lose greater - its friendship and patronage. In turn Zhukov, who actually does not love, when it "advance" on the excess expenditures, are not considered expenditures for Esenin as the large loss, especially, if actually is obtained pleasure from the contact with it (but if it does not obtain, then easily and it parts without the regret from it, and no one not in the offence).

    The skill to use strange force does not completely exclude its desire to develop its. But as all, Esenin does only for his own pleasure. To personal physical force Esenin sufficiently rarely finds use, although sometimes (under the mood) it can play the role of defender, sometimes it can climb into the fight "for the company", to the hard physical work it will not hire and the miracles of the force of will also it will not appear. To Esenin it is to difficult make above itself a volitional effort. Sometimes, as if bantering above himself, Esenin beret himself "for shkirku" (literally, i.e., from behind, for the collar), and "drags" himself in working the place. But it is better, when necessary "volitional pulse" to it assigns its dual Zhukov. Esenin, just as Zhukov, respects the system of authority and never it will go against the strong of the peace this. Just as Zhukov, Esenin adjoin the opposition only in the case of the safe and specific for themselves benefit. He so konformen. And its personal opinion prefers not to contradict against the opinion of majority. It is capable, of necessity, to forego its persuasions or to change them. With the pleasure it will work in the public system, especially on the ideological activity and under the conditions of free working graph.

    Block OF SUPERID*'-YA the pozitsiya*Aktivatsionnaya Function * The "logic Of relationships"

    Esenin greatly is activated, when the possibility to gather information important for itself is allowed. It is sufficiently observant with the entire apparent absent-mindedness and with the ease always find people, in which can find out anything for itself interesting. Just as Zhukov, it considers that the information - is the enormous value, after mastering which, man obtains enormous advantages. Esenin magnificently achieves a collection of information. Is gathered it along all channels - comprehensive and most reliable. Esenin no one nothing will allow from himself to conceal, moreover this makes very naturally and unconstrainedly. It suffices to it only to want and it with the ease learns everything which interests it.

    Esenin's curiosity does not know boundaries, and precisely because it is limited to no decency. With the most innocent form Esenin can pose the most tactless question (of type: "A who you helped with the registration?"), moreover it will be absolutely confident, that it this question they will answer. The selection of information and its analysis is carried out by it very thoroughly: the most valuable information Esenin leaves only for himself and for those, to whom he relates so good as to himself. From Esenin it is very difficult anything to hide, but to even with more difficulty question in it that, what it to speak does not desire. Esenin greatly fears to express some important information into the harm to himself. Greatly it does not love, when they misinform or late inform it, although itself it can make and that and, etc: Esenin greatly does not love, when his our own craftinesses use with respect to it. Such things never no one it pardons, and precisely in such cases in its face it is possible to gain the enemy (but this very dangerously!): Esenin begins to understand, that it someone outwitted, which its someone here for "frayera holds". In it here "is included" its complex of "six" and it begins to sharply spoil relations with the offender. Gathering information. Esenin renders separately valuable service to his dualu Zhukov, for whom "knowledge" - this always force and protection.

    To Esenin it is difficult to be logically sequential, yes it this is not approached. Can as much as desired to itself contradict, but in this case it will consider that it discusses sufficiently ordered. In order to logically out-argue Esenin, it is not necessary to select separately influential counter-arguments. Esenin conquers in the dispute not by logic, but by ethics. And to out-argue his isklyuchitep'no is difficult. It too knows how well to take away the dispute to the side, "to transfer on the personality" and to the explanation of relations. To Esenin it is to difficult trace entire motion of logical reasoning - to it it is difficult to concentrate attention at the widely spread logical analysis. Therefore to it it is most convenient to receive intelligible and that goal-directed to the logician Zhukov, capable of explaining the most complex concepts, by the most accessible means, capable of finding the most convincing arguments and of erecting them in that order, in which they most of all convince. The forms of the logical account of other type- logicians to Esenin in no way approach. For it they seem either by too tangled and pile upd or by too removed and not relating to the matter (which it, incidentally, greatly irritates).

    Logician Zhukov in this plan to it it is most optimum and most convincing. Speaking out about by anything, Esenin does not pretend to the objectivity of his own opinion - the agreement of his opinion with the opinion of those surrounding is much more important for it. It loves to reason on the removed themes, but it does not consider deep philosopher itself: makes this "under the mood", for its own pleasure. To learn by heart training material, to examine logical concepts to Esenin is very difficult. To give logical determination by its own words... - with this to it better be turned to not at all. Lectures on the scientific theme - also not on its part. If sometimes for Esenin it is necessary to make scientific report, to read lecture or to pass examination on theoretical or technical disciplines, he always tries with the humor "to beat" its own helplessness. (it is true, this it does not always rescue. For example: during the pre-graduate examination in electronics student- Esenin, after obtaining from the instructor transistor, had carelessness to exclaim: "Oy, what it has delays! As moustaches in murav'ishki!") Rarely it occurs to meet a representative of this type, which teaches theoretical disciplines. (perhaps that, at the most primitive level, for the children of low-order classes.)

    Block ID*"-ya pozitsiya*Nablyudatel'naya function * the" intuition of possibilities "

    Esenin please themselves people "with the possibilities", people "with the potential". Esenin first of all evaluates any new acquaintance precisely from these positions. Person, who does not know how himself to present, to it is not interesting. Then from the acquaintance with the interesting for himself, person Esenin will take everything - and interesting contact, and pleasant pasttime, and aid in the necessary matter, and valuable information, and valuable connections - in a word, all.

    Esenin has the staggering "scent" to the unlucky wretches. Unlucky wretches do not interest Esenin. It considers contact with them luxury prohibitive for itself. The promising possibilities of man wonderfully are evaluated, moreover is evaluated not only that, whom it is now, but also by whom it can and, most importantly, wants to be for this very reason Esenin with such a respect it relates for long-range plans, purposes and tasks of his duala of Zhukov, precisely, therefore he feels himself with it protected. To Esenin also there is from its side, what to propose: it also knows how to present its abilities in the most advantageous light (moreover, frequently in this it bluffs).

    Even speaking about his problems, Esenin does not fear to seem by the unlucky wretch: he will always find the method to copy his failures to someone other and to represent himself by person, incorrectly shared unfairly by the deserved attention. Esenin subconsiously observes, what possibilities allow to it one or other situation or another, these or other relations. It always and everywhere ties the mass of acquaintances. Important or insignificant - it does not have the value: any of them can prove to be for it useful. With the age Esenin becomes selective in the selection of environment. _ immediately evaluate potential possibility each, try avoid the relation (in order to not arrive spend time on unnecessary contact) burdensome in future. An enormous quantity of information about each of its familiar holds in the memory, it constantly supplements by their new, most diverse information how sometimes is created the impression of pathologically curious person.

    It loves to advertise talents, abilities and possibilities of its familiar it does not miss the case to mention about the important connections, but as casually in order not to sharpen on this of the attention of the collocutor (he tries to be farsighted and not to tell about itself anything excess) it unpleasantly itself feels, when it they directly request to show some patronage. From one side, it is inconvenient to refuse to man in the aid, with another - it is terrible to share by the valuable connections (as it was not necessary for then very to prove to be "not in the matters"). For this very reason Esenin is very careful in the promises and the proposal of services. It is not distressed, if to it rarely they are turned for help, although frequently is expressed in regard to this the regret it willingly helps only in such a case, when this does not interfere with its own plans, and only to those people, for whose aid and support is designed itself (more willingly anything Esenin it helps its dualu to Zhukov, whose of merit it sufficiently rapidly evaluates and with whose friendship it almost immediately begins to value.)

    Esenin strictly follows not only the fact so that it not "would go around", but also so that not "would enclose" by the chance it it is always lively interested in the long-range plans of its environment and especially that, such as place in these plans is diverted personally to it. Esenin not will request for himself - he simply "creatively" will offend, if they do not care about it. It will make it necessary "to enter" itself in any program and will not suffer so that it they would from there "cross out". "after being entered in the program", Esenin sometimes begins "to pull chances" to himself, he tries to turn the maximum of attention, to engage the maximum of time, without leaving the place for others (in Esenin there are its methods "to work by elbows"). Sometimes in it appears the desire to be simultaneously in the different places - it suddenly seems it that it too for long sits at one place and thus it misses possibilities, which perhaps now uses someone another.

    it sometimes it is desirable to learn the boundaries of that permitted and it is allowed for itself more than daring tricks it always is glad also with the enthusiasm he says, if some prank satisfactorily descended to it from the hands. Esenin subconsiously seemingly will probe the soil of any situation, seemingly he gropes it "critical point". Subconsiously "conducting" by situation, Esenin can aggravate crisis, it can him smooth, it can draw nearer, it can draw off. By this it "works" not only on itself, but also on its duala of Zhukov. Zhukov "manages" the arrangement of forces in the space, Esenin - by arrangement of forces in the time.

    Block ID*8-YA position * demonstrative function * the "ethics of relations"

    Esenin is not beret to himself the role of ethical analyst, he does not trouble himself by reasonings about the morals and morals. If it encounters with the frankly unethical act, with the pleasure it will grant it to the consideration of that surrounding, and already according to their estimation comprises about it its own opinion. Esenin is capable to as much as desired discuss the ethics of the behavior of those surrounding and to express his relation to proceeding, but it prefers not to speak out on the theme of morals and morals. According to the large calculation the aspect of the ethics of relations in Esenin is reduced to two plans: the ethics of behavior and emotional relation to the subject.

    The personal moral code of Esenin either is dispersed between these two directions or generally not it is entered into one of them. Esenin's behavior is characterized by demonstratively the expressed "magnanimity". Especially vividly this is manifested, when relations only begin to be formed. Esenin attempts to show himself from the quite best side: expresses sincere admiration by the talents of partner, just as the deepest benevolence, cordiality, participation, condolence, arrangement and so forth and the like of course this active expenditure of sincere forces forces Esenin as soon as possible and to more precisely estimate the potential possibilities of its partner and to develop its with it relations with respect to the drawn conclusion. (ethical interrelations for Esenin - this always even and the search for "wing", the search of patron, defender and defender. Esenin sees nothing prejudicial in those surrounding rendering possible aid in the solution of his problems. Therefore it them does not consider necessary to hide and does not prevent all desiring from taking feasible part in them.

    About the personal prosperity Esenin speaks very carefully, "with the caution", while about its problems speaks much and willingly. But only with those, who can to it actually soak.) Esenin can as much as desired speak about his own solitude, but he will not allow himself to be actually lonely - this understates his self-appraisal: it is impossible that the man of this bright charm, this strong emotional action would not create himself worthy environment, capable of estimating his spiritual beauty and of giving presents instead of by the "beauty of physical". It is not possible to also exclude those numerous connections, which Esenin in the abundance ties both at the level of friendship and at the level of acquaintances, because of which he never experiences the scarcity of contact. And nevertheless, Esenin searches for with any respect to stability, although from its side it does not always consider it possible (or necessary) to grant it. The development of the ethical interrelations of Esenin depends on how are stable its interest and sympathy in the partner.

    Esenin respects in the partner force, confidence in himself and tendency not to stop on the achievement. Therefore Zhukov - only, who can design for the stability of ethical relations with Esenin. In the representatives of other types it is small chances to for a long time conquer his arrangement. Specifically, Esenin renders the very effective support Zhukov: it creates convenient emotional background, discharges superfluous stress, weakens it, erects to him ethical protection, warns relatively "suspicious" and the most dangerous possible people. Thus, to Zhukov there remains only to distribute its forces with respect to eseninskoy "focusing". The representatives of other types evaluate yeseninskuyu "focusing" as I be empty gossip or completely unnecessary information. Zhukov - only, who can estimate this information on the merit and pay back for it by confidence and by gratitude.

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    Indeed. The best descriptions ever. By far.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    If he only had a normal name, he would be perfect.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  5. #5
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    That's his name? I thought it was Russian for "stratification" or something.
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    I thought "he" was a woman. But no idea.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    That's his name? I thought it was Russian for "stratification" or something.
    Uh wow, it could be that, true
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Actually, I think it's a mistranslitered rendering of the more common Stratievsky.

    Anyway, that is probably the best description I've read so far, though it could do with some streamlining. Accurate as far as I can decipher, though...

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    I didn't understand two sentences of that. Bad, bad translation.

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

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    Edited for gayness.

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    Where can we see the rest of these?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Edited for gayness.

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    Wow... there's apparently a whole lot where that one came from. They've got 16 different descriptions for each of the 16 types by different authors by the looks of it. Thanks!

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    Edited for gayness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Wow... there's apparently a whole lot where that one came from. They've got 16 different descriptions for each of the 16 types by different authors by the looks of it. Thanks!


    You got me. I feigned surprise. linked me a long while back to it... it's still the first time I've seen it since then, though, because I lost the link.

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    Default Re: Stratiyevskaya: INFp

    Block Of superego*ya-ya the pozitsiya*Mobilizatsionnaya function * "business logic"

    Esenin in no way falls into the discharge of business, initiative-taking and energetic people. And to this in it there are many reasons. The first of them - Esenin does not love to spend time on the work, if she does not reach to it pleasures or somehow with them is not combined. Esenin can be seen with worker after the computer and that simultaneously listening to music; accompanying on the piano and simultaneously reading the book; learning musical work, without being torn off from the sportscast on the television set. The second reason - "one ought not to hurry with the fulfillment of the work: it can be, it generally no one will be required, while it can be, it will want to make someone another ". By other words - it is necessary to work by the understated rates in order not to fall under the overstated standard. Its own desire to work in Esenin appears extremely rarely. The fulfillment of work Esenin frequently puts aside to the last minute, sometimes so that he does not make it entirely. Sometimes this to it descends from the hands, sometimes it because of this loses work. (however, sufficiently rapidly finds other, but if no - it will find that, who about it will care.)

    In order to work, to Esenin is necessary working mood. But where it to take, if it is located first in the blissful- enthusiastic state of soul, then in napr4jenno- that irritated? Most frequently it is simply it is weakened, and it at the same time weakens those surrounding, so that also "volitional pulse" to assign to it to no one, and by its own efforts to drive in itself in is working the place for it very difficultly. Furthermore, something strange is created with Esenin's organism: as soon as it sits down itself to work, it it immediately is desirable first to eat, first to smoke, first to drink anything, and that simply tends into the sleep. Esenin knows after himself this special feature, and therefore he tries to create himself all conditions for the productive work. Sometimes at home it organizes separate room under the working office: will bring there enormous writing desk with the mass of office stationeries, will arrange the books on the regiments, will hang up kalendariki on the walls, will then introduce there television set, then sofa- bed... But what "obstructions" on the working table in Esenin. These are even not "obstructions" - these are present "scythian barrows", where it is possible to dig out the thing, which was being counted many years of that lost.

    Esenin does not love, when his things lie along time in the strange house, since it always fears, that they to it no longer are returned. But it greatly loves to leave that the fact that it does not belong to it in itself. Esenin frequently banters above the fact that too rapidly he gets accustomed to the strange things (directly as to its own). And is the more necessary to it strange thing, the more rapid it to it gets accustomed and the more difficult to it with it to part. So and with the money: Esenin can purchase to himself enormous and expensive wallet with many departments, that to store there money and receipts. But money in its pockets not lie along time. Especially, if it lives not one and not with dualom, in it appears the insurmountable desire to spend them. Sometimes it seemingly competes in this with its partner, preferring better to spend on itself than to wait until, until them they select "into the general boiler". (one additional version of the eseninskogo complex of "six" - to do entire possible so as not to remain in the laying)

    The responsibility (with this quality it it supplements well its duala of Zhukov, which prefers independently everything to decide and for everything to answer) greatly does not love to take to itself. For this very reason Esenin always tries to shift responsibility to someone other - quality is very unpleasant and is created the mass of the problems, when representatives of this type occupy critical post. Esenin frequently involves with the carrying out of resolution regarding, whose solution depends only on it: everything seems it that time hearth - "will say to it the necessary solution, or someone will get tired to await and will influence its solution, and then responsibility can be will be fallen down to it. That it fears to give to its visitors "scarce information" - to it be pretended to more easily by incompetent, than to be that accused of the fact that it "blabbed some secrets of its department". First will entangle the sequence of office management, first it misinforms its visitors, then itself will forget some important information.

    The errors of Esenin- officials very dearly bypass visitors. Especially because Esenin greatly does not love to check the results of his work. Esenin- bookkeeper very quietly can lose some numbers or documents, not note some payment and thus to hang to in nothing not the guilty person the astronomical debt, which still it will outgrow by percentages. To Esenin it is be occupied to sometimes so boring by its direct matter, that it uses any possibility to be distracted to the outside contact, but if there is no such - it will willingly study "public loads" (the "public figure of Schur" in the film of 3. Riazanov "official novel").

    Representatives of this type fairly often succeed themselves in making a not bad career, moreover it is far from always because of its business qualities. And to nevertheless say that Esenin is not completely capable to make something useful, also is impossible. Are encountered among the people of this type both skillful individuals and toilers. Let us say so, Esenin can make vs.e, which to him is necessary. Problem in the fact that far from always in it appears to this desire. But it is not possible to constantly force it also. And not only because either in what partner, except Zhukov, to this will not be sufficient or forces nor health, but still also because, falling on into operating conditions inconvenient for themselves, Esenin simply begins to fall ill.

    It cannot be Esenin "hide ploughed on it", because this is far from strongest and most hardy type of the personality: in it weak sensorika, and this is very serious. Position saves only the presence in house of its duala of Zhukov. (representatives of other types they risk to get stuck in the eseninskom "weakening", since it still and it is the business activity of its environment.) Only Zhukov with its exceptional fitness for work and endeavor can allow himself under its influence be weakened to barely, just as and force Esenin to work in the most productive and quite optimum for himself regime. Zhukov - only of all types of personality, who is capable to this.
    This is kind of interesting....I was looking, as an experiment for which PoLR fit me best...and even though lots of things suggest that I'm certainly not INFp (since I'm quite different from INFps and sometimes have trouble understanding or relating to their point of view), it's interesting that this really seemed to fit even better than the PoLR of INTp, INTj or ENTp.

    I don't know if it's because this description is colored by INFp having an "IP" temperament, but I can certainly relate to this...especially the part about distracting oneself with "comforts" as soon as one sets about getting to work.

    I just thought that was interesting....

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    Default Re: Stratiyevskaya: INFp

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    Block Of superego*ya-ya the pozitsiya*Mobilizatsionnaya function * "business logic"

    Esenin in no way falls into the discharge of business, initiative-taking and energetic people. And to this in it there are many reasons. The first of them - Esenin does not love to spend time on the work, if she does not reach to it pleasures or somehow with them is not combined. Esenin can be seen with worker after the computer and that simultaneously listening to music; accompanying on the piano and simultaneously reading the book; learning musical work, without being torn off from the sportscast on the television set. The second reason - "one ought not to hurry with the fulfillment of the work: it can be, it generally no one will be required, while it can be, it will want to make someone another ". By other words - it is necessary to work by the understated rates in order not to fall under the overstated standard. Its own desire to work in Esenin appears extremely rarely. The fulfillment of work Esenin frequently puts aside to the last minute, sometimes so that he does not make it entirely. Sometimes this to it descends from the hands, sometimes it because of this loses work. (however, sufficiently rapidly finds other, but if no - it will find that, who about it will care.)

    In order to work, to Esenin is necessary working mood. But where it to take, if it is located first in the blissful- enthusiastic state of soul, then in napr4jenno- that irritated? Most frequently it is simply it is weakened, and it at the same time weakens those surrounding, so that also "volitional pulse" to assign to it to no one, and by its own efforts to drive in itself in is working the place for it very difficultly. Furthermore, something strange is created with Esenin's organism: as soon as it sits down itself to work, it it immediately is desirable first to eat, first to smoke, first to drink anything, and that simply tends into the sleep. Esenin knows after himself this special feature, and therefore he tries to create himself all conditions for the productive work. Sometimes at home it organizes separate room under the working office: will bring there enormous writing desk with the mass of office stationeries, will arrange the books on the regiments, will hang up kalendariki on the walls, will then introduce there television set, then sofa- bed... But what "obstructions" on the working table in Esenin. These are even not "obstructions" - these are present "scythian barrows", where it is possible to dig out the thing, which was being counted many years of that lost.

    Esenin does not love, when his things lie along time in the strange house, since it always fears, that they to it no longer are returned. But it greatly loves to leave that the fact that it does not belong to it in itself. Esenin frequently banters above the fact that too rapidly he gets accustomed to the strange things (directly as to its own). And is the more necessary to it strange thing, the more rapid it to it gets accustomed and the more difficult to it with it to part. So and with the money: Esenin can purchase to himself enormous and expensive wallet with many departments, that to store there money and receipts. But money in its pockets not lie along time. Especially, if it lives not one and not with dualom, in it appears the insurmountable desire to spend them. Sometimes it seemingly competes in this with its partner, preferring better to spend on itself than to wait until, until them they select "into the general boiler". (one additional version of the eseninskogo complex of "six" - to do entire possible so as not to remain in the laying)

    The responsibility (with this quality it it supplements well its duala of Zhukov, which prefers independently everything to decide and for everything to answer) greatly does not love to take to itself. For this very reason Esenin always tries to shift responsibility to someone other - quality is very unpleasant and is created the mass of the problems, when representatives of this type occupy critical post. Esenin frequently involves with the carrying out of resolution regarding, whose solution depends only on it: everything seems it that time hearth - "will say to it the necessary solution, or someone will get tired to await and will influence its solution, and then responsibility can be will be fallen down to it. That it fears to give to its visitors "scarce information" - to it be pretended to more easily by incompetent, than to be that accused of the fact that it "blabbed some secrets of its department". First will entangle the sequence of office management, first it misinforms its visitors, then itself will forget some important information.

    The errors of Esenin- officials very dearly bypass visitors. Especially because Esenin greatly does not love to check the results of his work. Esenin- bookkeeper very quietly can lose some numbers or documents, not note some payment and thus to hang to in nothing not the guilty person the astronomical debt, which still it will outgrow by percentages. To Esenin it is be occupied to sometimes so boring by its direct matter, that it uses any possibility to be distracted to the outside contact, but if there is no such - it will willingly study "public loads" (the "public figure of Schur" in the film of 3. Riazanov "official novel").

    Representatives of this type fairly often succeed themselves in making a not bad career, moreover it is far from always because of its business qualities. And to nevertheless say that Esenin is not completely capable to make something useful, also is impossible. Are encountered among the people of this type both skillful individuals and toilers. Let us say so, Esenin can make vs.e, which to him is necessary. Problem in the fact that far from always in it appears to this desire. But it is not possible to constantly force it also. And not only because either in what partner, except Zhukov, to this will not be sufficient or forces nor health, but still also because, falling on into operating conditions inconvenient for themselves, Esenin simply begins to fall ill.

    It cannot be Esenin "hide ploughed on it", because this is far from strongest and most hardy type of the personality: in it weak sensorika, and this is very serious. Position saves only the presence in house of its duala of Zhukov. (representatives of other types they risk to get stuck in the eseninskom "weakening", since it still and it is the business activity of its environment.) Only Zhukov with its exceptional fitness for work and endeavor can allow himself under its influence be weakened to barely, just as and force Esenin to work in the most productive and quite optimum for himself regime. Zhukov - only of all types of personality, who is capable to this.
    This is kind of interesting....I was looking, as an experiment for which PoLR fit me best...and even though lots of things suggest that I'm certainly not INFp (since I'm quite different from INFps and sometimes have trouble understanding or relating to their point of view), it's interesting that this really seemed to fit even better than the PoLR of INTp, INTj or ENTp.

    I don't know if it's because this description is colored by INFp having an "IP" temperament, but I can certainly relate to this...especially the part about distracting oneself with "comforts" as soon as one sets about getting to work.

    I just thought that was interesting....
    Yes, it certainly means something. As you might think, this fits me extremely well too. It probably has much to do with the IP temperament, but I don't know if the IP temperament manifests itself in similar ways in ISp and INp types. I would like to know how much has to with this kind of behaviour.

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    I suspect it's a combination of being IP, being any N type (especially N-dominant), and also the fact that many Socionists (including S...skaya) confuse with "productivity," based on the descriptions by Augusta.

    I've always had a problem with as "productivity" anyway because productivity implies doing things and doesn't require that one is particularly logical.

    Also, if is productivity and is logical/structural analysis, how would one justify that they're the E and I forms of the same thing? That's the same problem with being possibilities and being's like comparing butter to asteroids. But that's a whole other discussion.

    You can see my comment on S..skaya's ISFp profile under the Alpha thread.

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    Bumped for sticky.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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