Hmmm... well I'm certainly not goofy-looking! LOL I guess you might chalk some of that up to subtype/enneagram/instinct stacking. You definitely do seem more aggressive than some other IEIs I know (most of whom are Ni-sub) I do consider myself emotionally tough. I feel like I can stand up to my own feelings as well as handle the feelings of others without wilting or freaking out or whatever. I totally love both the physical groundedness of SLEs as well as their goal-oriented mindset and occasional in-your-face manner. I feel like being around them makes me stronger. It's like their Se rubs off on me or something. Gives me my own motivation and purpose somehow. It's true, I'm NOT a good leader. I really suck at leading actually. And I don't prefer to be the one to take initiative but I will do it sometimes. I've gotten better with that as I've gotten older. The marrying for money thing is b.s. But I do think that IEIs can be very adaptable (at least the enneatype 4s are. 6s have a harder time because they tend to worry about having enough). If they don't have money, they can make-do and be happy with very little. I feel like my adaptability is one of my strongest assets. Not to say I don't appreciate the finer things in life, just that I don't need those things to be content. (maybe it's not type-related)