I know an SEE who fixes things for a living. Computers, electronics, phones, gadgets etc. He claims he can "fix anything." He also has very little formal education (dropped out of high school).

Telling apart kindred types basically becomes about PoLR. If you know what to look for you should never confuse someone's creative function for the vulnerable function and vice-versa. The vulnerable function isn't something people are doomed to suck at perpetually. As a mental function, it is something that can be made to work adequately through the application of conscious effort. The difference is that people will try to solve problems related to their PoLR with the minimum possible mental effort. Sometimes this can be a rather effective way of using the function in question: consider my SEE for example. He uses the minimum possible mental effort and quickly jumps to the most likely solution to a given problem, and this makes him very efficient at fixing electronics.

By contrast, people treat their creative function with more reverence. They will constantly discuss matters related to the creative with others and try to make maximal use of it. In some cases, this can be cumbersome and lead to inefficiencies.

As for distinguishing SLEs and SEEs, these types have a different physical presence in my experience. SLEs will attract everyone's attention with their erratic movements and typically booming voice, while SEEs prefer to work more subtly.