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Thread: Would Delta accept me?

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Would Delta accept me?

    Would delta accept me? If you knew me in real life you'd probably think I'm an INFj and truthfully I could very well be one.

    When I first started getting into socionics, that's what I kept being typed as anyway. Then a lot of people were all 'you're IEI' like why the fuck am I letting other people define who I am? They haven't met me in real life, most of you don't even know what my voice sounds like.

    I talk very serious, and matter-of-factly. I tell jokes and stuff, but they're not crazy or off the wall like Betas. Not in my 'real self' anyway. I am a lot different in reality than I am online.

    And I think I enjoy Delta's posts the best on the forum if I really had to think about it, if you had to ask my 'true self' and not my ego, just something about the internet makes me act like that, I don't know how to explain it. I can't just 'be myself' ...

  2. #2
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Hey, B&D. Don't go to delta, this is what intruders get

    ILE "Searcher"
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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Woah, you cannot be my dual. 0_o Unless you feel like a total jerk every time you post and have lied several times, you shall remain a beta.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I would! <3 Although you do strike me as more Beta than Delta.
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  5. #5
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    You've always seemed more Beta than Delta. I know you say you're not the way you are when you're online, but I don't think it could be that much of a departure from reality. I could never picture a delta going on the rants that you go on regardless if that's something they'd do in real life or not. I mean, those rants are obviously your inner most feelings, are they not? They're exactly how you feel, correct? Even if that were something an infj thought, I couldn't picture them being so public about it.

  6. #6
    ***el X Mercenary
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    No offense, B&D, but I would not and do not accept you as a Delta. You are Beta as shit.

  7. #7
    Yay fluid mechanics Serious Name's Avatar
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    Shun the non-Deltoid! For he hath the makings of a Beta!

    Seriously, I barely post, much less lurk. You do seem to rant a lot about your feelings, not sure if that is INFJ-like or not.

  8. #8
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    What is the factor(s) in you considering delta so strongly?
    What changed?

    Or are you just intellectually exploring the idea?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I still think you fit nicely as an IEI. If you decided to be EII, then who else would come in here with an angsty rant and keep us deltas from rotting in our complacency?

    Please don't abandon us.

  10. #10
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    You are not iNFJ. Go back to your quadra.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    In real life I have had a difficult time telling INFp from INFj sometimes. They can both come across similarly. so I think I can see what he's saying. And INFjs do rant also, and are sometimes not so nice about it.

    Still, I dunno. You would know yourself best bulletsanddoves. Anyone can act like anything on a forum, so it's hard to comment.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    I would except you as im sure you are a decent person, i just wish you could forget your sexual orientation for a few minutes. My INFj friend is actually pretty nutty on the internet he truly is different to real life. I still think you are IEI tho.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

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  13. #13
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    When I read "Would Delta accept me?" I interpreted it as will Delta accept you as a person regardless of type. I would.

    But I think you would be kind of 'living in denial' if you thought you were Delta. Be a Beta and Delta will accept you all the same.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  14. #14
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    This thread alternates between making me and (thanks, most of you IEEs for the happy bits!)
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  15. #15
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I would except you as im sure you are a decent person, i just wish you could forget your sexual orientation for a few minutes.
    I understand, but you're the only one that has mentioned it thus far in this thread, which just adds fire to the pot. =D

    Or are you just intellectually exploring the idea?
    I'm just intellectually exploring. That and I tested a lot as INFj, enneatype 4. I know, before you tell me 'self-tests can be shit', it doesn't stop the fact that I sometimes test as INFj instead of INFp, and 4 instead of 6. I am *probably* more accurately an INFp-6...but I like analyzing myself (obviously) so I thought it was worth the discussions.

    OH and I asked my real-life best friend, whom I've known for over 11 years and she said she thinks I'm INFj.

    I still think you are IEI tho.
    Okay but *why?* Besides my angsty, emotional rants about porn and sexual orientation, how am I an IEI? What other evidence is there? I'm not being incriminated on just my tendency to rant and be 'verbose' online, am I? 'Cause that's a shitty criteria. Is it just my general kinda er 'bitchy' attitude? Again I can't see that as being type related that much.

  16. #16
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You are not iNFJ. Go back to your quadra.
    Evidence please?

    I would! <3 Although you do strike me as more Beta than Delta.
    Aw thanks. I feel you see me more of my 'true self' than most of the posters here, who are unwilling to look past the fact that I have a tendency to rant about my faggy feelings or whatever. 'Ooh that's sooo emo and INFp' *rolls eyes*

    This thread alternates between making me and (thanks, most of you IEEs for the happy bits!)
    I just wish there was better evidence for the people who say 'NO YOU'RE IEI DEFINITELY' like a fella can't change his mind. I mean, I get that it can be annoying for other people to view me this way, but now I know how UDP felt. Also it's not like I'm pulling a Joy and thinking I'm a different type every day. I try to make sure if I'm *really* correct in something before changing my signature. And judging somebody you only know on the internet, not chatting with me even privately at all is a little fishy.

    So I guess I should ask Vero's and Eldanen's opinion, as I've both had one-on-one conversations with them before.

    No offense, B&D, but I would not and do not accept you as a Delta. You are Beta as shit.
    No offense taken. But *how* and *why* are you coming to these conclusions?

    Perhaps you should talk more about what you think are your Delta values?
    Well when I do stuff in the real world, I'm more successful taking the 'INFj' approach , like... being humanitarian and planful, and stuff...typical Delta. I'm not really comfortable just kinda 'going with the flow' like a P. (I know that sounds mbti ish but before you crucify's true.) I just feel guilty and mad at myself if I don't plan or carefully structure my life. ENFps being my mirrors rather than ENFjs also just makes a lot of sense, because I always got along with them very well. I know ENFps have a tendency to get along with most everybody, but we especially got along. I'm basing my observations on how I fit into society more objectively....and 'society' itself might be biased toward Deltas than Betas anyway, so there's that issue as well.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    No offense taken. But *how* and *why* are you coming to these conclusions?
    Unless you are also changing your understanding of information metabolism, you've made dozens of posts describing your love of Se and dislike of Te as well as your identifying with the aggressor-victim romance style. From what I have observed, yours and Nick's interaction with McCosker seemed to be one of effortless and instinctual understanding suggesting duality, and despite your recent thread in the Beta subforum, what has appeared to be your psychological closeness with SLEs on the board, struck me as more than pure sexual attraction. None of this (intertype relations and clear valuing) makes since for an EII.

    As far as I can tell, your claims of being possibly INFj are built on the basis of "I like ENFps. I'm quiet, not rowdy like a Beta. My body movements are IJ."

    If I may ask a question, in your own words, what is your definition or perception of Ni+Fe and Fi+Ne and what makes one of the two egos closer to you, in your opinion? How does your Te-seeking manifest?

  18. #18
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    if i were to type you as something other than a beta, i'd go alpha before delta. just saying!
    6w5 sx
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    As for Sean, I'm not sure how much of him being hot, muscular and gay is clouding my judgment of us being psychologically compatible. To me being my dual on top of it just seems too good to be true, because I'm not that lucky. A hot, muscular (and actually GAY man) also being my perfect psychological match, a 1/10 (10% chance he's gay) + 1/2 (half chance he's hot) + 1/16 (6.25% percent chance he's my psychological dual) = .28% chance he comes into my life? I've never been that lucky. =p

    God I suck HARD at math but you get my point.

    But yes we do get along great, both in public and private. We talked on the phone before and I even enjoyed that. Some of the activities he mentioned doing though.... would make me undoubtedly uncomfortable in real life, but maybe 'how it's supposed to work' is we would balance each other out, and I'd be a little more assertive and accomplish what I'm supposed to do in life and he would cut back on some of the stuff he does that's hot-headed and dangerous. But to me that has the illogical capacity of 'opposites balancing' and, if you get any actual concrete objects together, well different weights obviously *don't* balance, same weights do. If that analogy is fucked up, I apologize. But if different concrete matter doesn't balance, it's hard for me to wrap my brain around how different psychological processes 'balance.' I know there is a chemistry, a certain amount of excitement in natural differences that I somehow can't explain. Is it the mere 'yin/yang' concept. I don't know. Maybe it's the nature of humanity. Perhaps human naturally hates who he is so much, so he needs the opposite- the other , to fulfill him. Or is my opposite my 'conflictor?'

    So yes I have to look at it a different way, as sometimes it's hard for me to understand how somebody that seems so different than me, would get along so well, but if I have to say accurately than yes, I really enjoy talking to Sean as he gives me this sort of energy. I've been thinking about him a lot lately, as well, though we haven't talked in a week or so.

    And yes I know I think rather crudely and 'matter of factly' but that's just how my brain works.

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    If I may ask a question, in your own words, what is your definition or perception of Ni+Fe and Fi+Ne and what makes one of the two egos closer to you, in your opinion? How does your Te-seeking manifest?
    In the end it doesn't matter to me what I think Te is or isn't, I like to understand the functions as objectively as I can see how that relates to my subjective filter, to see if that truly would go with me. So I think I need to read more raw socionics sites or something, and try to compare my experiences that way. I don't know.

    In a sense, I'm afraid I've been studying socionics backwards all along. That I've been going straight to subjectivity first, then trying to back that up with objectivity. But that's insane, right? I should be looking at things objectively first THEN checking it up with my subjective reality.

    And I was being serious with my (what I thought was)Te-hatred and (what I thought was)Se-love, though it's possible I was explaining something else. That I was confused via the functions. It felt real in a way, but also fake. I know that doesn't make sense, but it's almost like I was being 'too showy.'

    Hmm. Well before I do something I like to know exactly what I need to do before accomplishing it. Or I'll fail hard at it. (This could just be common sense) But looking back, it's probably more true for me that I have the will, to drive to it - than the actual raw information. But I can't really say. It's like, both are equally important to me. And I could be very well misunderstanding Te. Since I know 'it's all information' just how we process information. But that in and of itself is confusing. I view functions more as these pure lego blocks that just work and just don't, for different people. Like I kinda view it as some people love peanuts, and some people are allergic to peanuts. And my problem is I'm still confused on if I'm seeing a peanut or a banana or an apple, etc.

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    Unless you feel like a total jerk every time you post and have lied several times, you shall remain a beta.
    I don't lie. Not intentionally or directly at all, maybe by accident if I was being misunderstood. And I do feel like a jerk occasionally after I post, and sometimes I don't even know why. I just know that I feel jerk-ish, because it's like I'm afraid people will pay more attention to the tone or feeling of my post rather than my substance, and it makes me feel like 'Did I really say anything at all?'

    So to simplify: I sometimes feel like a total jerk after I post, roughly about 30% of the time. That could just be my natural self-consciousness though. I'm certainly not trying to 'fool anybody' I just think that I'm not being taken as seriously as I'd like to sometimes, and I know that's just my fault as much as it's everybody else's.

  22. #22
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    if i were to type you as something other than a beta, i'd go alpha before delta. just saying!
    Was about to say the same thing


    def. NOT delta.

    DEF. full of stryfe
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    Haha. What.

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    I guess the easiest way to go about this then is re-read up on your functions and build yourself up that way. See how you relate to which ones and piece them together. I find that basing your type solely/mostly off of inter-type relations is dodgy because there are a lot of other variables that affect it, and would cloud what you're actually looking for.

    But you shouldn't stress out over it, maybe chatting with some deltas in a less direct manner to find out your type will help you see if there are similar traits, and whether those are type related or coincidences. Personally, I think this thread alone shows some of the functions you prefer, though, they are mostly "vibe-like" to me and I know that's not really substantial evidence. I get an overall Fe feel from your posts here, it's a rather assertive, and you see concerned of how people see you against how you actually are. While a lot of different types may have this concern, I find that leading/creative Fe types tend to have this "image upkeeping" that they keep mindful of. But either way, I hope you find satisfaction in whatever type you decide you are

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    Again no external, real evidence to what you're saying. That's like me saying:

    Purple sky>Blue sky. When the sky is clearly fucking blue. Or maybe it's orange now, and we're even more confused. However the point being; you're not logically making any sense with that post.

    Ooh I'm sorry, maybe if I leave out that 'fucking' I'll sound more Delta. *rolls eyes* Man you guys are just being so superficial to me in your arguements. It's like you can't look at my thought processes in any kind of deep, non-stereotypical way.

    DEF. full of stryfe
    Because I'm very honest about my personal problems, on a *psychology* board (I view that as expected) I have 'strife.' Whatever. And obviously, even INFjs could have 'Introverted Stryfe.'

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    But you shouldn't stress out over it, maybe chatting with some deltas in a less direct manner to find out your type will help you see if there are similar traits, and whether those are type related or coincidences.
    This is good advice. I'm just going to go with the flow, lurk more around Deltas home and see if I fit. Nothing forced obviously.

    I get an overall Fe feel from your posts here, it's a rather assertive, and you see concerned of how people see you against how you actually are.
    I'm a writer. I could *very easily* talk in a 'Fi way' with not much effort, but I still think most people's views on what they think Fe is , is way too crude/stereotypical. It's just a writing style to me, socionics doesn't play a part in it. Is it 'my own voice?' Not necessarily, it's just the particular voice I'm choosing, I've spoken in VERY 'Fi-like' ways on various other forum message boards.

    So yes I understand I appear very Fe-like. But then again, a man can appear to look like a woman but still have a dick. *Shrug* It's just tone of voice.

    (This doesn't mean that I've chosen INFj for good, but just some food for thought.)

  27. #27
    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I'm a writer. I could *very easily* talk in a 'Fi way' with not much effort, but I still think most people's views on what they think Fe is , is way too crude/stereotypical. It's just a writing style to me, socionics doesn't play a part in it. Is it 'my own voice?' Not necessarily, it's just the particular voice I'm choosing, I've spoken in VERY 'Fi-like' ways on various other forum message boards.

    So yes I understand I appear very Fe-like. But then again, a man can appear to look like a woman but still have a dick. *Shrug* It's just tone of voice.

    (This doesn't mean that I've chosen INFj for good, but just some food for thought.)
    I'm a writer as well, actually But if you do actively choose to write a certain way, aren't you manipulating how people perceive you? I believe everyone does this to an extent, and the reason why or the way they are mindful of how they type might echo to some preferences. I know that when entering at least somewhat of a serious discussion, I try to "sound" very logical and try my best to not come off like I don't know what I'm talking about. My more natural playful side comes out in more personal or fun threads, and I would say that is more like me, but this "serious" typing is me as well. Anyone can choose any way to type, but just because you have this ability doesn't devalue this type of evidence.

    With the way you're handling the topic, both here and throughout the forum, you remind me of a couple ENFjs and INFps I know. It mostly has to do with expressing yourself in a really outward way, making people take notice and seeming like this is some type of catharsis as well. As an ENFp, I wouldn't go about it that way at all, I think delta NFs would be a lot more subtle about their process of finding their type. Then again, I've coined myself an ENFp since the beginning and haven't ever doubted that I am one, I'm not sure if INFjs go through the same process.

    But yeah, maybe some casual talk will do you some good in comparing functions with other people with established types

    ETA: Maybe your source of confusion is coming from Fi vs Fe. It's a good thing to keep in mind that ethical valuing types are capable of both (well, technically EVERYONE is capable of both, but I'm sure you understand where I'm going) and it all comes down to which you naturally resort to, or prefer. So it is strong evidence that you come off and possibly use Fe the majority of the time, even if you find yourself capable of using Fi.

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    I already explained. I view Delta as serious, careful, conscientious. Like things really matter. That's what it means to me. I was very sensitive to teasing growing up, (that I'm better with now of course) But still, to me both Beta and Alpha seem like very 'joke-y quadras' and although I enjoy having a good time myself, over-all I believe I like to take things more seriously.

    I'm not purposefully manipulating people on the board, however I clearly seem to be the most misunderstood when I rant. (Which is confusing to me) Although I'll cut that out and try to communicate more clearly.

    ENFps being my mirrors is because I always had more contact (of my own choosing) with real life ENFps than ENFjs. I can't even think of one ENFj I would hang out with in reality. And ISTj is another type that's a mystery to me....again I've only known ISTps. As for dualizing with SLEs, it's hard to say- I think the magnetic attraction we have is typical of conflictors and I think, upon 'settling down' with them I wouldn't like them at all.

    Ultimately I'm trying to get how I view myself and how other people view me, matched as equally as possible- cause that's of course, what your 'true self' is. But then there's the whole issue that if psychology only looks at the presentation or what one superficially values, it's a shitty system to begin with, and I'd prefer just to try out enneagram or another typology.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Again no external, real evidence to what you're saying. '
    when you say that, does it make you feel Te valuing?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    ENFps being my mirrors is because I always had more contact (of my own choosing) with real life ENFps than ENFjs. I can't even think of one ENFj I would hang out with in reality. And ISTj is another type that's a mystery to me....again I've only known ISTps. As for dualizing with SLEs, it's hard to say- I think the magnetic attraction we have is typical of conflictors and I think, upon 'settling down' with them I wouldn't like them at all.
    What are the ENFps and ISTps you are friends with like? Does the LSE description appeal to you more so than the SLE one?

    Ultimately I'm trying to get how I view myself and how other people view me, matched as equally as possible- cause that's of course, what your 'true self' is.
    I don't know if I would define my 'true self' as the matching of how I view myself and how others view me. The perception of others is of little importance in how I define 'self'.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Well I personally don't see you as Delta, but as you said it is based on how you present yourself, I don't know you. Your writing style is very flighty, dreamy and poetic and I think is quite typical of Beta NF's. You also seem to piss of Delta ST's on this board but maybe its due to the fact a lot of your topics are related to sexual orientation issues. Also I'm not sure if INFj's tend to appear that different over the internet and real life, at least I think they would still be very cautious about how others perceive them. For me you can sometimes be annoying and I tend to skip quite a few of your posts since a lot of them seem to be about topics I'm not really interested or written in a manner I find alien. I think in real life INFp's are liked by most people, same with ENFp's.

    To sum up, I don't think you are Delta NF, but if you are you are welcome (heck you are welcome anyway it is a message board and we have no ownership over the quadras). I don't mind if we have an odd ball in the group, maybe it would lessen certain stereotypes for quadras as groups which can put people off. Searching for a type can be interesting and frustrating at the same time, at least for me it was until I settled, so hope this search is more satisfying than annoying.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
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    johari nohari

  32. #32
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    I disagree that my writing style is dreamy and poetic. I can be a bit too wordy at times- but dreamy, poetic? My poetry is absolute shit.

    I guess 'only time will tell.' But for now, I'm gonna stay a Beta INFp. =D

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