Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
Thank you again!!

I'm now certain of your SLE-ness. Do you still doubt it?
Well it's all just words, and concepts, and abstractions. How much validity can I really hold to it.

I think SLEs often do. My sister (SLE) is kind of defensive in an aggressive way, I think? So somehow she overreacts even before anything has happened. She's getting better with age...

I don't get it, really. I don't find SLEs scary. Unless they are really unhealthy, but any type is scary if they are not in balance. It's normally really easy to see if a person is "dangerous" or "uninviting" or if he/she is just "testing you". And it's equally easy to call them (SLEs) out on their bullshit, unlike many other types (who can get defensive if you do). SLEs normally just laugh, they know they had it coming.
Well the times I'm looking back on I was kind of unbalanced. No-one is ever completely balanced though.

That reminds me, sometimes I've heard people claiming that I was just testing them, like they just "realised".

I don't know what''s considered dangerous.

Yes, but testing limits/authority is not bad in itself. It can be annoying at times, and you have to draw a line and show who decides, but what's wrong in having to explain your decisions/your authority? I'll be a happy parent if my kids learn to think for themselves and not just do as "expected". I don't understand why adults are afraid of KIDS (KIDS!!!) that question their decisions?? Maybe they never learned to think for themselves.... ?
Because they're weak.

Ah... maybe this is what my sister was all about....
The thing is that if you test people too much, it can make some people uncomfortable. But maybe those people have no solidity and should just be dropped anyway.


Nothing wrong with it. Just describing...

lol... Point taken.

And yes.
You're sweet.

I'm not trying to control!!! That's what everybody misunderstood in this thread. I probably expressed myself in a clumsy manner again. My son is charming, I love his personality with all its ups and downs, and I'm not interfering - a lot less than most parents, I think. I still protect him against direct hits (stupid people) of course, but I'm not over protective. I'm more of an observer, and I made this thread to observe some more.... I'm looking forward to seeing him grow up, and I'm not at all trying to "change him", just looking for general clues to "happy development" and to understand more of the way he sees the world. He'll have to learn things himself, I can't live for him. Of course I'll help as much as I can, if he needs me, and I guess understanding him is a key.
Okay, just making sure.

You could say I'm just intrigued by how happenings are connected and how loops are made, and how people react to the behavior of others, etc. That's my motivation for asking all this questions. I'm not looking for "exact" information, I'm not looking for how to change the adults misunderstanding him, I'm not looking for how to change my son into another type, I'm just feeding my brain observations .... or if you will, I'm studying my son...

I'm just fascinated... (nerdy)
How do you think that makes him feel?

I agree fully. He was a moron, but I don't think he had time to really think it through. He just did it, and afterwards, he had to face the consequences.

He didn't tell me. I always thought he had been the one driving. It was the real driver who told me after I started dating the SLE.
Well they were all stupid