Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
IEE-Fi sp/sx

yes, this

That could be the differences of their instinct variants. Sp/sx social-last(ignoring) crudish crossing-the-line personal-value-inverting comedy of Sarah Silverman vs. So/sp social-first(mindful) preserve-the-middle-line dry-and-balanced personal-imprint-muting delivery style of Ellen. The raw and socially coarse delivery of social-lasts is easily mistaken for Fi/Fe polrs as well as Se valuing, even though 1/3rd of deltans fall under these stackings.
This is an interesting concept. However by what you said here, I relate more to so/sp or sp/so, whereas I've always been typed sp/sx by people familiar with enneagram on this forum. (I know very little about enneagram, I admit).