Ok...so I need to be awake from like midnight til almost 5 am this morning, mainly driving. (long story, not getting into it) so I wanted to take a nap from 5:20 in the afternoon til about 9:30 pm.

I figured maybe watching a hypnosis video, or a relaxation music thing on youtube...and i just had the worst sleep experience ever!

Okay...I will post the video I watched...but I think it might have messed with my head.

I rarely dream, maybe once a month, and it usually has some sort of significance to it.

I went to sleep at around 5:30pm..and woke up two hours later, full of anxiety and practically...scared. Yo...i'll admit it!

I had 3 nightmares in a row.

The first one, was about me meeting a guy, and he was sexy as hell but had a right-arm deformity...he super liked me and we started something...he was amazing in every way, but i got insecure in bed and he tried to convince me that everyone has flaws..and I just basically started crying. He then ended up breaking things off, for reasons he couldn't tell me. I eneded up grabbing all my shit from his place, all crying like and what not...he was leaving with a bunch of other people and they all were like, he really loves you but there's just something important there we can't talk about. I tried to stop him by telling him I loved him, but that wasn't enough. They all dressed in black and left. I drove away, I returned to find the house with a few old people, and a this old guy dressed in baby blue sweater tried to show me the way, there was a black cat on the stairs, and as I was walking infront of him he grabbed me from behind and proceded to stick a finger up my ass. I felt super paralyzed and he was basically sodomizing me until one of the other older people came by and stopped him. AHAH as funny as that is..the whole dream was really fucked up and traumatic.

I woke up for a breif min and fell back asleep...then I had my second dream...

In my second dream, my friend and I were driving to get away, somehow end up in this weird building, with this guy dressed in goth but had really nice eyes. He forces me and my friend on a tricicle...and he's pushing me on it..with my friend behind us...and we are talking, (it seemed like a continuation of the first dream my friend was there but nowhere to be seen) and as we're going through these werid corridors, I start telling him how I didn't need this, how crazy and shitty life has been. Then we get to some sorta door, and these two really average to ugly looking chicks come out...and one of them goes to him "hey honey, this chick is done and made this much money (she shows him) ....as it turns out, he like kidnapped these chicks and forced them into prostitution rings. And one seemed to be controlled by him really well, bending to his every whim. He then was like...fine go clean up and get ready for the next one. So ...he continues to push me on this fuckin tricicle down this werid hall, and starts being nice to me...I'm thinking I'm going to my demise...and I turn to him and tell him he has really beautiful eyes. He like becomes really nice for a second...then turns mad and says "you know what, i don't want your ugly face spoliing this buisness and pushes me into this schoote and I end up outside. Then all my crap like my purse and stuff eventually come down. I tried to grab it all, and was worried about my friend and then she comes down it too. And, as I'm trying to grab the last of my stuff...the chick that seemed to be controlled by him, pukes from an opening at the bottom of this schoote, and it like...starts oozing closer to my crap, with me only getting my shit out on time.

Then I woke up again, exhausted from my dream...and fall asleep again.

Then the last one, (again seemed to be a continuation of my dream) me and my friend are outside running to my car, it starts raining...we get there and this gang of kids tries to fuck with us. We somehow manage to defletc them..but we get into the car, and seemingly have a flat tire...and we're like..wtf!! These kids or teenagers, whatever...come back and are like..yo you can't move...and it's the middle of the night and nothing or no one is around. I go outside, freaing I was going to get my ass killed or beaten up...and they point out whats wrong with my tire. They end up actually trying to help us...and find this old school air pump...which didn't work. We end up getting stuck there. Seems like not much..but the whole dream was exhausing and scary, full of fear and difficulities.

Anyways...really werid shit! I woke up...about 2 1/2 later, and forced myself to stay up, because i was so scared of going back to sleep.

This is the video I watched...apparently it's been "banned" according to what this particular youtube statement says. It didn't say that on the first one. I don't know if this video had anything to do with my dream or whatever...but none the less it makes me think it does because like i said...I never dream, and for me to have 3 fucked up dreams like that in a row...I dont know................