Kimmich is an obvious LSI. haha...

Hummels is EIE. Charming, expressive, extravert, serious, leader.

Lewandowski is one of the hardest I've seen to type. He looks LIE but he could also be EIE. Maybe he has a strong Te Role so he makes us think he is LIE. EIEs are actors... He looks more like an artist than a businessman. So yes, he could be EIE. But as I said, it's hard. So, we have Bayern Munchen with a lot of LSIs and EIEs. Interesting.

Now, Gotze is another hard one. I think the Intuitive players are generally harder to type. Socionists say that EIE and IEE are the most difficult to spot, cause they fake their personality very well. He is an obvious Ethical type, and also Intuitive. Has a detached gaze, not sensory. Now, he is not EII, cause he is not that serious, neither EIE, cause he is not that expressive. I typed him as IEE cause he is a great friend of Schurlle, who is LSE, and Reus, who is SLI. So I thought they're all of the same quadra. But he has some IEI facial expressions. Although, I would still stick with IEE cause he has a somewhat superficial vibe, an outwardly focused energy. I don't see a strong Ti in him, but more of a Ti Polr. Maybe that's why he didn't do well in Bayern Munchen... with so many conflictors! LSIs everywhere!!! Lol. In Dortmund, Schurlle and Reus are great friends of him, of his same quadra: Delta. Aumabeyang is also Alpha.

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