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Thread: Are INTjs the slowest in receiving information?

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    Default Are INTjs the slowest in receiving information?

    Are INTj's the slowest in receiving information into their information metabolism?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    What Transigent said about ENTPs.
    But as is the first function of an INTj, I imagine that this makes the INTj very slow in receiving information into their information metabolism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    Why? Just because we don't say what we are thinking doesn't mean the cogs aren't turning behind the scenes. Also, we have a great ability to ignore our environment (a weak thing) perhaps that is what you are refering to? We get the information it's just a matter of how much we repress certain aspects of it in order to focus on information that we create ourselves. Are you sure you're an INTJ?
    I am an INTj. In my experience, I have been told that I am slow at doing things, and I can understand why since I am .

  4. #4
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    I'll interrupt this by saying something.

    I just had a sexy lil' INTj coworker tell me she finds me attractive and would consider me if she didnt have a boyfriend. I had so much trouble figuring her out. since im Fi is so slow. it gathers Fi really slowly, you know? it gathers other stuff quickly, but Fi? nope...for a minute i thought she saw me as "just a friend". see, she came over my place, we watched a movie, made alot of sarcastic remarks(INTj's so good at this) and she looked at a picture on my wall and i said "imagine if something weird were in this picture" and she said all these weird things that would be in the picture. the PERFECT weird things!

    but we both told eachother how we felt and i feel so not depressed anymore. oh, spring, rebirth, rejuvination. oh spring's lustful dew! oh joy of man's desiring!!! oh i'm such a crappy poet!

    but you know what?

    I think she wants me... oh how sweet.

    as you can see- i can't resist the INTj Ti sex allure. that's some QUICK Ti.

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again INTJ women are damn sexy.
    i can't resist the INTj Ti sex allure. that's some QUICK Ti.
    Urg! That means it must be me...

    So if I can just figure out a way to meet a man without awkward social situations (ick) and learn to flaunt that Ti a little better, I should have 'em following me around, huh?

    (Who's always felt lacking in stereotypical sexiness and needed that vote of confidence...thanks guys.) :wink: [/quote]
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  6. #6
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    so you say the INTj never leaves the door closed? I have definitely noticed this in the past, and even now, but please elaborate this further. i am having trouble getting my "groove" on due to some confusion.

    and yes, that IS precisely what is so sexy. and aggravating. oh so aggravating.

  7. #7
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    haha! yes, quite.
    I actually got duped into having "relations" with some girl that I would previously NEVER done anything with. She came over to my place and we talked for a few hours. She only wanted one thing from me, shockingly, and I was all "well, don't expect anything"

    i wasnt even attracted to her, but I was sorta just like "well, okay"

    the next morning i was so ashamed of myself and so afraid i caught something that i drove around crying the night after. "My life is ruined, no one will ever love me, boo hoo" indeed, quite shameful. humorous though.

    She's an ESTp so she has been bugging me alot since. oh man...

    i gave her an "O" though, so i felt pretty proud of myself, too. maybe she was faking though?

    As much experience as I have had dealing with the feminine INTj sexuality, I still am never ever certain(for obvious reasons). Your words are encouraging.

    -more info than you needed to know. but we're all friends, right?

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    Default :(

    It's damn ugly to have oneself as an enemy.

    But as is the first function of an INTj, I imagine that this makes the INTj very slow in receiving information into their information metabolism.
    I think it's not about the speed of recieving information, it's about the speed of interpreting/parsing/processing it.

    With first function we process information very fast. I can say that this is our "sight function" because most of our concentration is by default directed to the data that function uses. Intuition uses visions and patterns in those visions, sensing percieves everything in the reality in eyesight, 'hearsight', 'touchradius', 'taste' and 'smellradius' at the current moment, and so on.

    Second function can 'explain' these visions and patterns, percieved objects (seen, heard, touched, tasted and smellt)... It takes longer to get it right, to explain what has been recieved by the first function.

    The third, role function, normalizes what was processed by the first two and it is quite weak, because it's in the background.

    The fourth function, well, I can't comment this.

    I don't want to explain other functions - I'm not good enough at it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

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    Perhaps it is because INTJs consider alot more possibilities and that is why they appear to be a bit slow

  10. #10

    Default INTJ are not slow, just misunderstood

    I am only speaking on my behalf when I say that as an INTJ, I have sensed a certain mental process that may be perceived to others as slow, often because they are unaware of what we are thinking, there is plenty of that in the everyday life of the INTJ!

    While the external world presents us with stimuli and ideas, our minds are heuristically working nonstop. This is true especially when we are presented with something new and unknown; we begin to make connections with concepts (A mental category that groups objects, relations, activities, abstraction, or qualities having common properties)
    and mental images.

    These in turn form cognitions (An integrated mental network of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations concerning a particular topic or aspect of the world )

    If something is beyond our mental schema, we may be slow to create a new schema, this takes time, skill, experience, and the ability to metacognize. This is true with for any type, it varies with age and experience, and the amount of cognitions you have developed. If you are INTJ and arent using your gift, you are wasting something valuable.

    The "slow" mental aspect of the the INTJ is simply a lack of communication from the thinker to those around him, if the INTJ is thinking he is completely focused on this task and may seem like he is daydreaming, sluggish, or slow. This is simple to explain ( )

    Also, for the INTJ, if it doesn’t work or seem like it is useful, worth the time effort and energy, the mind quickly becomes indifferent and difficult to manage. The INTJ are great at forming cognitions and are well known for this, it is one of their strengths. I have noticed that I often need silence in order to sort my ideas (cognitions) or else become very tired, stressed, and prone to daydreaming.

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    Default Re: Are INTj's slow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Are INTj's the slowest in receiving information into their information metabolism?

    yes and no.

    it depends on their thinking mode. i think in pictures, so everything that is said has to be converted to a picture/movie first. but i also record in audio, texture, flavor, scent, and emotion. so when someone speaks i have to imagine what it is they are talking about. this all happens instantly, but a work around sometimes takes longer. there are many variables to work out.

    comparing us to other types - many may not see the alternates as we do. for example, the use of puns - words that have different meanings depending on how we say it and in what usage. so when someone speaks we think of those alternates too.

    and of course it's how something is said, what their facial expressions were, what they were fiddling with, etc. all these things are coming in at once, everything is recorded.

    so in the end a common person will have heard what was said - maybe 2-3 levels of it. but as an INTJ - i'll here 50 levels of it. and forecast what might happen (depending on what the situation is).

    now what happens in the end is - i might seem slow at first. but i'm very thorough, and once it's all absorbed, i can teach the subject.

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    INTJs are in my opinion, devilishly quick cerebrally. But they usually don't share their meanings freely, and their social skills are unfortunately questionable
    When in doubt, start a war :wink:

  13. #13

    Default Re: Are INTj's slow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Are INTj's the slowest in receiving information into their information metabolism?
    I have an interesting response, see if it applies to you or not.

    There may be a correlation between those that are INTJ's and their predisposition to having ADD or some level of autism (or vice versa). Now don't get all frenzied because I used the word autism. Jerk reactions are common. It is a spectrum disorder. You could be 1% and the guy in the corner rocking back and forth might be 98%. Either way my answer comes from my belief that ALL men have autism. It is a trait of men. Just how much that trait is represented is what defines our emotional intelligence and in more severe cases.. our ability to function in society.

    And from my own experiences, but also the research that I do (I am a reader, not a scientist) - I feel like there is a grand unification theory coming on the horizon - that explains ADD, OCD, SID, autism, tourrettes and related disorders in one fell swoop. It all has to do with sensory input and where it goes, how it is handled and how you react.

    If the relationship betwen INTJ and sensory perception problems exist, and is more than just a shot in the dark - then it would explain why the INTJs and possibly ENTJ and INTPs are visual thinkers. This is one reason why we think on such a grand scale. So long as we can visualize what we perceive, our powers are *unmatched*.

    But visual processing is as slow as it is powerful. Someone can give me directions and if I cannot visualize what they are saying, I am hopelessly lost -even if it is written (unless it is written using few words). But have I those mental maps.. I can get anywhere as long as I have done it once.

    To me, even though I cannot describe it scientifically, there is a relationship with what we call "disorders" - aka "blessings" in my book - and the results of personality type tests like the Myers-Briggs.

    In conclusion: visual thinkers are slow to integrate though verbal and written channels, but extremely powerful in unifying, distilling, organizing, explaining and recalling with the visual channel.

    The reason this exists, presumably is because either through genetics or some trauma - the visual proccessing part of your brain has taken over written/verbal.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Are INTj's slow?

    Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Are INTj's the slowest in receiving information into their information metabolism?

    yes and no.

    it depends on their thinking mode. i think in pictures, so everything that is said has to be converted to a picture/movie first. but i also record in audio, texture, flavor, scent, and emotion. so when someone speaks i have to imagine what it is they are talking about. this all happens instantly, but a work around sometimes takes longer. there are many variables to work out.

    comparing us to other types - many may not see the alternates as we do. for example, the use of puns - words that have different meanings depending on how we say it and in what usage. so when someone speaks we think of those alternates too.

    and of course it's how something is said, what their facial expressions were, what they were fiddling with, etc. all these things are coming in at once, everything is recorded.

    so in the end a common person will have heard what was said - maybe 2-3 levels of it. but as an INTJ - i'll here 50 levels of it. and forecast what might happen (depending on what the situation is).

    now what happens in the end is - i might seem slow at first. but i'm very thorough, and once it's all absorbed, i can teach the subject.
    I should have read your post first, before I posted mine. But I just read this and its amazing how similar our thoughts are on this.

  15. #15
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    Another thread valid for the greatest majority of NTs.

    I have an anedocte regarding puns. Here the conversation

    Girl: I know a painter that is blind, and he paints through touching the objects.

    Me: Does he paints nudes?

    Boy: Wtf?Why?

    Obivious visual pun mine, obvious lack of visual thinking in the boy.

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    I'm an INTj who's just started a graduate program in applied mathematics after a 2-year hiatus, and so I've been thinking about this stuff a lot recently. While I feel that I'm mentally quick, it's most evident when I'm finding novel ways to apply or refine ideas or techniques that I'm already familiar with. This is a result of my introverted j intuition. But learning new things that are highly complex is often difficult and time-consuming for me. I have extraverted sensing perception, which is highly logical, but struggles to make connections within the new concepts I am learning. So in my advanced math classes I would say I am a bit "slow," and it's at times extremely frustrating. An ENTp on the other hand, or even an ENFp, would pick this stuff up much more quickly with their extraverted intuitive perception. But once we've all learned and digested the theory, and I've finally caught up to them, I will likely be able to apply these new concepts much more intuitively and effectively, leaving these types in the dust.

    So bottom line: I think INTj may be slow to learn new things, at least compared to ENTps and ENFps. But in applying what they've learned to situations in their own realm their quickness is unmatched.
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    yeah, this is especially so for me when it comes to reading books, especially if I'm not interstedin them.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I know that I am slow when it comes to new types of information. Since a young age, I've been called a slowpoke. When studying for school, I'm most effective going over materials multiple times. Going over it once, I have a tendency to miss out on something. I'll pick up on something I missed out on the first time doing it by this method. My processing system is a crockpot by default, and this annoys people who don't operate in this manner. It's effective, yes, but I need the sufficient time. When it comes to subjects I already am well-versed at, I have prior knowledge/a vast knowledge bank so speed is not an issue because I can access what I already have at hand.

    When a lot of new information is thrown at me, I get overwhelmed if I can't tackle it at my own pace, and take the time to understand it for myself. When other people try to feed information to me, usually I won't quite absorb it unless I have time alone, researching myself.
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  19. #19
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    Memory speed and recall don't seem to be related to type. However, most Ijs have been known to turn off input for long occasions, especially the rationalization subtypes. With their input engaged, they can absorb as fast as Eps who seem to be on average the best types at receiving information; however, the Ep weakness is that they don't put as much priority on thinking about it as getting it. INTjs are not typically below-average, slow on the uptake but they can be periodically blind - a radar that can sector blank so to speak......

    a.k.a. I/O

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