Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Ok, I don't know what is it with INFps and nakedness (I have never heard about it before). Tell me more about it hehe. What is my own take on nakedness..hmm I don't think I really like complete nakedness too much

I don't consider complete nakedness really that sexual. To me it is just kinda natural state. A completely naked partner is kind of boring. Ok if one person if completely naked and the other fully clothed then the situation is more interesting and sounds kind of sexual.

Even though I think nakedness as a natural thing it can be a bit unhygienic so I would not want to see naked people in a wrong context e.g. naked people running around my house or a bunch of naked people having a dinner together...eeew. I also don't like to run around naked myself. Nakedness in a sauna or when swimming or in a similar context/environment where it fits better is quite ok.

Addition: as I live in Finland where nakedness is quite "popular" due to historical reasons and the sauna culture has strong roots I'm pretty used to seeing naked people. So my certain "negativity" towards nakedness doesn't have anything to do with the culture I live in. Actually I'm quite anti-culture in this sense. My friends are quite different which bothers me a bit

This annoyed me, mainly the second paragraph. I think because....you're just stating the obvious....or something like that....lfdsjkaoweir feeling like I have to explain myself is what is annoying. But don't feel bad, I'm just insane and have a weird thing where I hate explaining myself.