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Thread: SLIs-ISTps: balance, temperance, and moderation

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    Default SLIs-ISTps: balance, temperance, and moderation

    Quote Originally Posted by The Socionist: Type Messages
    SLI - Balanced, harmonious living and temperance.
    SLIs, to what extent do you identify with this?

    Are you naturally good at doing things in moderation?

    Can you describe how you relate [or don't] when it comes to eating, drinking, working out, and/or generally pushing yourself?

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    For the most part I strive for balanced eating, drinking, working out and pushing myself... because I know that there's always another side of life that needs tending, so you really can't spend too much time improving just one aspect of it.

    In action... well, I tend to be fine, except for maybe food

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinball Wizard! View Post
    For the most part I strive for balanced eating, drinking, working out and pushing myself... because I know that there's always another side of life that needs tending, so you really can't spend too much time improving just one aspect of it.

    In action... well, I tend to be fine, except for maybe food
    Thanks, Luis

    You've said you get up in the mornings and go running - sprinting, right? Do you ever push yourself entirely too hard without really realizing/considering/caring about it as you're doing it?

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    jessica129's Avatar
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    I pretty much do everything in moderation and have no trouble 'controlling' myself when it comes to food, drink, etc. Sometimes I go all out but those instances are few and far between. I think i'm very moderate in all I do. I don't think I could lose control of myself...

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    You've said you get up in the mornings and go running - sprinting, right? Do you ever push yourself entirely too hard without really realizing/considering/caring about it as you're doing it?
    Yeah I do sprint in the mornings, but if by "too hard" you mean I injure myself after or whatever, naw, I never push myself that hard. I basically try to sweat as much as I can by sprinting, but, I could never have the drive to like try and beat someone faster than me. I just push myself but not to the point of winding the shit out of me.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I pretty much do everything in moderation and have no trouble 'controlling' myself when it comes to food, drink, etc. Sometimes I go all out but those instances are few and far between. I think i'm very moderate in all I do. I don't think I could lose control of myself...
    Thank you - this is sort of the kind of answer I wondered if you guys would give.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinball Wizard! View Post
    Yeah I do sprint in the mornings, but if by "too hard" you mean I injure myself after or whatever, naw, I never push myself that hard. I basically try to sweat as much as I can by sprinting, but, I could never have the drive to like try and beat someone faster than me. I just push myself but not to the point of winding the shit out of me.
    Gotcha, thanks....

    *seriously questioning my SLI-ness*
    Last edited by female; 03-16-2009 at 03:27 AM.

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    I guess it's that whole self-awarness thing...or something. Well...for me...I'm very sensitive to things disrupting my..."vibe" overeating, overdrinking, over exercising...nah...I can't do it.

    What type are you considering?

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    Meh. I wouldn't use that as much ammo to question your type. The ones I've known didn't appear to be moderating either the pot or the alcohol... or the harder stuff for that matter. I think it depends more on what circle you run with.

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    Twist-Tie Spider iAnnAu's Avatar
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    I follow the maxim of "Moderation in all things - including moderation."

    I strive to keep myself balanced, but I also know that things are going to get out of whack no matter what due to circumstances out of my control or because I've been paying too much attention elsewhere and neglecting something for just long enough to tip things over. So, I'm pretty indulgent in many cases, and sometimes I'm a little over-strict as if to make up for it. For example, I'll eat four cookies instead of one, and then the next day I'll kick my ass in the gym. Doesn't really equal out, but I also like the contrast that going outside the boundaries lends to the time I do spend in my own little "zone."

    It's also interested me to notice that a lot of people describe themselves as having addictive personalities, but I never hear anyone saying they have the opposite. Well, I do. I've picked up smoking cigarettes at least a handful of times, and after several months or a year or two, I'll quit again. And it's not a big deal. The last time I quit was March of 2008 (so hey! a year ago!), and I could see myself picking it back up again if I really felt like I wanted a cigarette.

    Same thing with pot - it's not considered physically addictive, but I've seen it be very strongly psychologically addictive for several people I've known personally. I recently bought a car, so I cut out some extra expenses while I figured out the effects on my general budget, and that included no pot for two months. Now I've started back again, and I'm so happy to have it back in my life, but it really wasn't that big of a deal to not have it around.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    SLIs are hedonists. That is probably a goal, but a goal they often fail at.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    Meh. I wouldn't use that as much ammo to question your type. The ones I've known didn't appear to be moderating either the pot or the alcohol... or the harder stuff for that matter. I think it depends more on what circle you run with.
    I agree with you.

    For myself, I have known myself to overindulge in things. I like what's known as the simple pleasures in life I suppose.

    For me, I exercise quite a lot to balance it out, as much as I enjoy exercising, I also know that I have to in order to live life the way I typically like to.

    Sometimes i've went off the wagon quite a bit. One time that comes to mind is when I took up smoking for a while, and my job was pretty secure and my partner at the time wasn't interested in exercise and enjoyed smoking and drinking a lot. As much as I enjoyed that lifestyle for a while, I always brought myself back to an equilibrium.

    I think knowing what ones body needs can be offset by the enjoyment of sensationary stuff.

    Apart from alcohol and nicotene, I haven't done other stuff, because I think I have an addictive personality and could develop a habit for something like drugs that I could do without.

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    Quote Originally Posted by iAnnAu View Post
    It's also interested me to notice that a lot of people describe themselves as having addictive personalities, but I never hear anyone saying they have the opposite. Well, I do. I've picked up smoking cigarettes at least a handful of times, and after several months or a year or two, I'll quit again. And it's not a big deal. The last time I quit was March of 2008 (so hey! a year ago!), and I could see myself picking it back up again if I really felt like I wanted a cigarette.
    I'm like that too. I smoked (cigarettes) roughly everyday for about two months then just stopped cold turkey and haven't smoked since. I've binged on alcohol more times than I care to admit but then won't drink for weeks...I don't think i could ever get addicted to something. But wait...maybe that is alcoholism. I dunno. All I know is i'm not dependent on anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I'm like that too. I smoked (cigarettes) roughly everyday for about two months then just stopped cold turkey and haven't smoked since. I've binged on alcohol more times than I care to admit but then won't drink for weeks...I don't think i could ever get addicted to something. But wait...maybe that is alcoholism. I dunno. All I know is i'm not dependent on anything.
    My husband is like this too. He smoked a little - not much - when we got together but I said I thought it was disgusting and he quit, and that's been over 10 years he hasn't smoked and he didn't have any withdrawal or even seem to care. And yeah occasionally he'll binge drink and have too much but then he'll go weeks and weeks without drinking anything and not seem to care. I'm sure he isn't addicted to that either. No one in his family has addiction problems so I just assumed he didn't have that genetic predisposition.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Twist-Tie Spider iAnnAu's Avatar
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    Hmmm. I'm trying to remember where I saw it, but it's been too long.

    I read a description for SLI that included something about how we have more than just an awareness of what will create the most pleasant sensations ... we seem to indulge in the spectrum. We tend to have high pain thresholds, which doesn't feed into being masochistic but rather makes us unafraid to feel pain or other unpleasant sensations.

    I took from the description that we're not averse to experiencing extremes, but we'll tend to operate within a careful balance; the important distinction to make is that our balance is maintained more out of laziness (/efficiency) than fear.

    Reading Cyclop's post resonated with me, too ... I'll go in phases where I work very hard at exercising and then very much enjoy sitting on my ass and not exercising ... or I'll watch my diet very closely for several months and then some months later find myself eating a lot of junk ... and furthermore the various aspects may not overlap, for example I may be in "kick my ass at the gym" mode but really not be in the mood to restrict my diet, or I might be closely watching both at the same time. I'm constantly adjusting my habits, but slowly enough to be subtle outwardly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by iAnnAu View Post
    I follow the maxim of "Moderation in all things - including moderation."

    I strive to keep myself balanced, but I also know that things are going to get out of whack no matter what due to circumstances out of my control or because I've been paying too much attention elsewhere and neglecting something for just long enough to tip things over. So, I'm pretty indulgent in many cases, and sometimes I'm a little over-strict as if to make up for it. For example, I'll eat four cookies instead of one, and then the next day I'll kick my ass in the gym. Doesn't really equal out, but I also like the contrast that going outside the boundaries lends to the time I do spend in my own little "zone."

    It's also interested me to notice that a lot of people describe themselves as having addictive personalities, but I never hear anyone saying they have the opposite. Well, I do. I've picked up smoking cigarettes at least a handful of times, and after several months or a year or two, I'll quit again. And it's not a big deal. The last time I quit was March of 2008 (so hey! a year ago!), and I could see myself picking it back up again if I really felt like I wanted a cigarette.

    Same thing with pot - it's not considered physically addictive, but I've seen it be very strongly psychologically addictive for several people I've known personally. I recently bought a car, so I cut out some extra expenses while I figured out the effects on my general budget, and that included no pot for two months. Now I've started back again, and I'm so happy to have it back in my life, but it really wasn't that big of a deal to not have it around.
    I agree with this other words it resonates with me.

    Perhaps I should say about myself having an addictive personality, I only do things when I can afford them..which can be financially but also to a point (perhaps equally at times) physically.

    I also resonate with overindulging one day then making up for it the following day.

    Meh, socionics "identicals".. makes things boring, do something to shock me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    SLIs are hedonists. That is probably a goal, but a goal they often fail at.
    Pretty much...
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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