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Thread: Well?

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    Default Well?

    Alright, this is the only chance you'll get!

    Formally, what type am I? I'm not really too good about writing about myself, so feel free to ask questions. I feel a few of you have gotten to know me pretty well over these past 2 years or so, so I'll generally respect what you'll suggest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    I like SLIs, I love Betas.
    I have a hard time envisioning what the "Beta" quadra is like, so I'll keep my mouth shut about that!

    Hmmm... questions:
    Why do you think you're an introvert?
    Well, even though I like to socialize every once in a while, for the most part I always feel tired immediately following conversations with people. I have no idea what it feels like "to be energized" by talking to people. Lots of times, I always find the end of a conversation to be something that never comes fast enough. I can't really explain why, it's not social anxiety or anything because it can happen with my friends as well.

    In fact, I think I see this most prominantly with "after parties". I never, EVER, wanted to go to ANOTHER huge (or even small) social setting after I had just blown my load on the first one. I'm simply much too tired at that point to continue. I'd rather go to sleep, or relax and read afterwards.

    Pretty much the only exception is alchohol. That's kind of the only time I ever seek out people to talk to.

    Why do you think you're an irrational?
    I'm insanely impulsive. With pretty much anything except for things that concern my health (not counting food).
    But it's not really only that. My entire life, groups, rules, and "keeping the order" bothered me on a real deep level.

    I hate rules of any sort most of the time. I'm not an anarchist or anything, I just really really have an impulse, on hearing about a rule, to try and bend it as much as I can. Rigid structure bores me, and no structure makes me really idle and lazy. I have this urge to not only be independent, but to be self-dependant as well... Like, almost to the point of growing my own food (if the process wasn't so damn slow I'd do it). As I've been getting older I've realized some of the trade offs I have to do to have time for some things that interest me more, but to this day I can't stand depending on people. For anything. At all.

    Do you have more fun with the Betas or the Deltas around here?
    I don't know... I think I like certain betas more :/

    And of course .... I love you!
    Yeah yeah. =p

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    You blew your load at a party?

    But really, you sound an awful lot like myself. I don't really think it means much to enjoy the Beta's more than the Deltas around here as I think 1)Beta's are the majority and seem to make the forum more lively 2)it's a forum.

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    Sometimes I think you're too diplomatic and cluey when it comes to picking up on the emotional atmosphere to be Fe-polr. And the other SLIs on here are always putting their feet in their mouths at random intervals (don't kill me, SLIs!!) .. but I don't recall you ever doing so, or not on a grandiose scale anyway. But anyway .. I think you're definitely Si subtype, whichever type you are. (c:
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Sometimes I think you're too diplomatic and cluey when it comes to picking up on the emotional atmosphere to be Fe-polr. And the other SLIs on here are always putting their feet in their mouths at random intervals (don't kill me, SLIs!!) .. but I don't recall you ever doing so, or not on a grandiose scale anyway. But anyway .. I think you're definitely Si subtype, whichever type you are. (c:
    Is that not more Fi POLR?

  6. #6


    Hey there, PW [or whatever you're calling yourself these days]....

    I don't know your type, and I'm not really fantastic at typing people in general. But I have a question: How do you get on w Alphas as opposed to Gammas?

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    Quote Originally Posted by buckland View Post
    Is that not more Fi POLR?
    yeah .. probably :/
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    Quote Originally Posted by buckland View Post
    Is that not more Fi POLR?
    I was thinking the same thing. As far as the SLI's putting their foot in the mouth, If I've said something offensive I surely haven't noticed it...

    LV, I asked you in the video thread what type you thought your friends were because they don't seem Delta at all...but then again none of my friends are delta either...haha...okay...nevermind...I dunno...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    What kind of structure are we talking about anyway? Here are some of the definitions of both Fi and Ti from Ricks site:

    logical relationships between objects: systems of rules and categories, hierarchies, comparisons of quantifiable properties, logical judgments

    subjective relationships between objects: feelings of attraction and repulsion, like and dislike, need and antipathy; morals, subjective judgments
    I'm talking about structure that takes away any freedoms.. but Specifically, like needless structure, or structure for structure's sake. Just a little bit of chaos never hurt anyone.

    I meant more rigid structure along the lines of Ti. I just think no rule or "law" is ever really set in stone, especially without context.

    With Fi stuff I like it being a little more structure, I guess. I have a hard time knowing how to deal with most other people's feelings.

    Well, fwiw, I like you more than quite a lot of Betas here.
    =] thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Sometimes I think you're too diplomatic and cluey when it comes to picking up on the emotional atmosphere to be Fe-polr. And the other SLIs on here are always putting their feet in their mouths at random intervals (don't kill me, SLIs!!) .. but I don't recall you ever doing so, or not on a grandiose scale anyway. But anyway .. I think you're definitely Si subtype, whichever type you are. (c:
    You make good points... although I don't know if you felt the same way if you talked to me in person for long (About putting my foot in my mouth)

    I definitely feel that Si for me, as it's described, not only comes naturally for me but I barely think about it most of the time since it seems so automatic.

    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Hey there, PW [or whatever you're calling yourself these days]....
    You can call me Luis

    I don't know your type, and I'm not really fantastic at typing people in general. But I have a question: How do you get on w Alphas as opposed to Gammas?
    I like hanging out with Alphas and Gammas, but I do get tired of being with them for completely different reasons. Gammas I just like I can get along with them but we never get much farther along than friendly acquaintance status, while with Alphas it gets to a point where it's too much energy, too fast.

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I was thinking the same thing. As far as the SLI's putting their foot in the mouth, If I've said something offensive I surely haven't noticed it...

    LV, I asked you in the video thread what type you thought your friends were because they don't seem Delta at all...but then again none of my friends are delta either...haha...okay...nevermind...I dunno...
    Most of my friends actually are NOT delta. I know one guy who is ESTj, and I'd love to hang out with him more, but he's married, AND she's terribly insane to give him a second to hang out with me.. so. But, my main roommates (and friends) are alphas and betas, specifically. The alpha is a psychology major who wants to go into internal medicine or surgery, and his major motivation is that he basically loves being a healer. The beta is a civil engineer who routinely has sarcastic remarks about everything and hates most displays of affection of any sort. My gf i'm not sure of yet, she might be INFp, and my former roommates seemed like another mix of alphas and betas. I really can't recall any other of my friends that could be delta, hah.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    He's ISFp, duh.
    Heh, if you say so. I'll just let you know at the moment I just finished drilling a hole into a case for another project, finished setting up my new cordless drill for work, and spent the whole day yesterday tuning up, fixing up, and generally working on my car yesterday and enjoyed the hell out of it. And not once did I want to "raise the emotional environment".

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    After thinking about it a bit, and having met both you and iAnnAu from here, both being the same type, supposedly... I can totally see the interactions I had with both of you quite comparable. You were both very easy to talk with and both very chilled out the entire time I spoke with you. I hung out with Anna for about 4 or 5 hours and you for an hour and a half and in both instances it felt like I'd known each of you for a long time.

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    That's interesting. Do you still consider yourself ESFJ, Craka?

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    That's interesting. Do you still consider yourself ESFJ, Craka?
    Indeed I do.

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    Twist-Tie Spider iAnnAu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    After thinking about it a bit, and having met both you and iAnnAu from here, both being the same type, supposedly... I can totally see the interactions I had with both of you quite comparable. You were both very easy to talk with and both very chilled out the entire time I spoke with you. I hung out with Anna for about 4 or 5 hours and you for an hour and a half and in both instances it felt like I'd known each of you for a long time.
    Heh. I do take that as a compliment, but you might also consider that you had quite a bit to do with that, yourself. As I've said before, I don't feel much confidence "creating" social situations, so I was actually taking a chance bringing you to the bar with my drinkin' buddies. I was relieved that the evening progressed with lots of laughs and general comfortableness, and I had a "Plan B" of ditching them and the three of us (you, me & your cousin) going to a different bar if things got awkward.

    As for my opinions on your type, Luis, I think you're cool as hell. You'd *better* be SLI! To be slightly more serious about it, I could see you & I getting along very easily; almost so easily that we might need stuff to do and/or other people around to motivate us!

    I could totally see us getting into the cliche "So, what do you want to do?" "Oh, I dunno. Anything. What do you want to do?" "I dunno." etc. (and then, ideally, an IEE bursts into the room carrying a handful of waterguns to ask us to drive some people to ... OK, that's as far as I got; need a real IEE to finish it)
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
    We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

  14. #14


    Louis, LokiV, omniorb etc, I think (from what I know) if I had similar circumstance (same town etc) I could see myself living a similar life to you quite easily. Which I think's got to be related to us being of same type. I think you're SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by iAnnAu View Post
    As for my opinions on your type, Luis, I think you're cool as hell. You'd *better* be SLI! To be slightly more serious about it, I could see you & I getting along very easily; almost so easily that we might need stuff to do and/or other people around to motivate us!

    I could totally see us getting into the cliche "So, what do you want to do?" "Oh, I dunno. Anything. What do you want to do?" "I dunno." etc. (and then, ideally, an IEE bursts into the room carrying a handful of waterguns to ask us to drive some people to ... OK, that's as far as I got; need a real IEE to finish it)
    Thanks! For the record, I honestly think the exact same thing, we'd just be too comfortable being slackers. You'd kill what little motivation to do anything socially "productive" i already have!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Louis, LokiV, omniorb etc, I think (from what I know) if I had similar circumstance (same town etc) I could see myself living a similar life to you quite easily. Which I think's got to be related to us being of same type. I think you're SLI.
    Heh, thanks. I wonder if It'd be the same way if I was in whatever part of the world you're from, Jordie!

    And with cracka it doesn't count... he's incredibly easy to be social with.. for me anyways.

    Sorry I couldn't write more but i'm tired. I'll officially declare myself SLI =]

    Unless Allie's gonna snark at it.

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