Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
ESTps have that hunter look in their eyes. They look directly into your eyes. They sort of dominate a physical space without trying to. They size up other people without realizing they are doing it. A constant focus on who has the upper hand. They like to use examples where they write something on a piece of paper, even if what they write is just a scribble, it makes them feel they are "showing" it. Their examples are very concrete "so, if I had 50 dollars and I put half of it in a bond and then..etc." They also start sentences with "so" a lot. I also notice INFps starting sentences with "so..." Or maybe all betas do that? But they also are very nice and considerate and so can come across like feelers a lot of the time. They will mention emotions easily too, without thinking twice. Like "I can be so stubborn, and I need to instead be open minded, so now I'm going to really attack this goal and keep my eye on the prize."

ENFjs show emotion, especially worry, excitement, energy. Their energy flies all over the place when excited or angry, but they can also be super focused. They are usually either high or low, not a lot of in between (and they share their mood). They have an expression of contemplation or almost a pained look (as they worry a lot), but it isn't an S thing...it's a Ni look. They want to be grounded (despite their own emotions pulling them in five directions at once) and they want to do things the "right" way. They want to please everyone while also sticking to the rules (which is impossible right?)

They like discussing theory, but in a Ni past tense way, like how historically something has blah blah, or how all baroque artists tended to blah blah...They like to categorize what has already happened in the past and then apply that to the future basically. "Historically psychiatrists in the united states tended to blah blah, and so we see that all of them are basically blah blah, and this happens every time."
Jewel, you know both types very very well. I could not describe myself anymore better than you did about me. Also, on this subject, I think when an EIE becomes super focus they can look like and be seen like an SLE but not for long. SLE rarely looks like an EIE unless when their hidden agenda is at its highest they can laugh and joke alot, totally ignoring their present dominance, I see that in alot of SLE female. But there is a clear differences if you spend longer duration of time with both type.