No description is offensive enough to describe ILI’s.

You know, it’s like… a Nazi pedophile would be a thousand times cooler than an ILI.

It’s like ILI’s are bound to SEE’s because however, that’s the only type who’s retarded enough to have some affection for ILI’s.

I bet SEE’s don’t even like ILI’s. They just feel sorry for them.

You know Stalin? That moody asocial bureaucrat, who sees everyone as a traitor? He’s way, way, way cooler than ILI’s.

You know Nietzsche? That autistic zombie who believes in retarded concepts such as the Eternal Return? He’s way, way… No. Wait. He’s actually ILI.

ILI’s look like dead people. I don’t know SEE’s motivation to hang out with ILI’s.

ILI’s are worthless. They aren’t even physically attractive like IEI’s or SEI’s. I don’t know how can SEE’s can be attracted by them.

And, ILI’s are autistic. All Gammas are autistic, except SEE’s (but SEE’s aren’t really Gammas, they’re just here to decorate, because that’s how Gammas think).

LIE’s are autistic too, but at least, they’re productive and efficient. They get things done. ILI’s don’t. They’re just a bunch of slackers.

ESI’s are autistic too, but at least, they’re aware of informal rules, and know how to behave with others, except that they won’t, because they’re autistic. They know how to be affectionate, but again, they won’t, because they’re autistic. ILI’s just don’t know how to cope with people, because they’re not autistic, they’re super-autistic.

Assume that 1/16 of people support death penalty, and 15/16 of people don’t. I’ve got a compromise. Let’s restore death penalty. Just for ILI’s.

Just avoid ILI’s at all costs. They all look so sad, and will make you feel wanna kill yourself.

You know why KKKers hate black people? Because they think all black people are ILI’s.

You know, there is a reason not to be racist. There is 1/16 of ILI’s in each race. Not all black people are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are. Not all Jews are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are. Not all Arabs are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are. Not all Mexicans are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are. Not all French people are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are.

And if you’re actually a black supremacist who hates white people: not all white people are ILI’s. Just 1/16 of them are. And, you know, I hate black supremacists less than ILI’s.

Sorry, SEE’s, but ILI’s are just not for you. You will never get along with them. I know you like them, but they don’t like you. You’ll have better chances to get along with any stranger in the street, including LSI’s. At least, LSI’s will have some very little affection for those who act like slaves over a long time. And of course, you SEE’s are skilled for that. But “affection” is an alien concept to ILI’s.

If you just seek for a substitute for ILI’s, just go for a LII. They may look like rigid nerds or something, they may have a “nerdy” conception of affection, but at least, they’re still more affectionate and empathetic than ILI’s. Just forget about ILI’s. They’re useless.

I’d rather drink dog diarrhea rather than hanging out with an ILI.

ILI’s are just plain waste.