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    Default Stephenie Meyer

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    The type that should NEVER, EVER write any more novels :'(

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    The type that should NEVER, EVER write any more novels :'(
    oh no, why do you say that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    The type that should NEVER, EVER write any more novels :'(
    LOL... leave it to the beta NFs (seriously). Her stuff is some garbage.

    I once thought that Twilight may have been partially brought about by her stilted high-school experience -- you know, sitting alone at a lunch table, gazing across the room at the cute guy, etc. Anyway, she says the inspiration came from a dream -- more like a DAY DREAM (in school), lol. Sigh. I won't be presumptuous; I just think she's annoyingly complacent. And books that facilitate the entertainment of washed-up romance fantasies add -nothing- to human society -- both materially and spiritually -- instead polluting us and exacerbating the already-festering wound of imagination > work. The fact that someone can get rich off of this shit doesn't exactly bode well, in regards to what we as Americans have come to value. Yeah. Fuck off, meyer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    some sort of NF? not sure.
    Actually, I'm beginning to think once again that Ne-INFj is very likely. This is mostly based on her demeanor in the interview: a combination of complacence and seriousness that seemed very delta overall. Plus, she comes across as much more controlled in her overall disposition than most ISFps I've seen.

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    LOL @ the beta hate towards Meyer. I don't even wanna watch that youtube vid of her, guhhh she's just irritating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    LOL @ the beta hate towards Meyer. I don't even wanna watch that youtube vid of her, guhhh she's just irritating.
    I don't read novel at all, the only one i remember reading are by James perterson, what type is he? Beta NF? most novel author who are popular, I would asumme has Beta NF drama in them, I can see INFj having a bit of that as well, if they are a E-4 as well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    I don't read novel at all, the only one i remember reading are by James perterson, what type is he? Beta NF? most novel author who are popular, I would asumme has Beta NF drama in them, I can see INFj having a bit of that as well, if they are a E-4 as well.
    Dude, I love Patterson. And yes, he's Ni-INFp 4w5 sp/sx. That is a real writer. The Alex Cross Series -- that is what fiction is supposed to be.

    And I don't think delta NF writers have the same *spark* that beta NFs do. Sorry

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    I'm going to tentatively type her ENTj.

    I agree that she seems "serious". she's independent-minded and has a positive, engaging attitude. she's not really emotionally warm, but she seems to try to look like she is anyway. in a few interviews I watched of her, she always mentions how much she likes to experiment, test the boundaries, play around and mess around with the "rules" in her writing. this sort of enjoyment she gets from risk-taking I think is consistent with the "enterprising" LIE.
    Heed the bolded. She likes to test boundaries and takes risks in her writing? What does that prove? That she has an active imagination? That she entertains fantasies in her writing that she would never dare carry out in real life? That doesn't sound like an ENTj to me (especially if they're such entrepreneurial risk-takers and all). And I don't see how she VIs as EJ or Se-valuing in the slightest, but whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Heed the bolded. She likes to test boundaries and takes risks in her writing? What does that prove? That she has an active imagination? That she entertains fantasies in her writing that she would never dare carry out in real life? That doesn't sound like an ENTj to me (especially if they're such entrepreneurial risk-takers and all). And I don't see how she VIs as EJ or Se-valuing in the slightest, but whatever.

    I see lots of Si, actually.
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    I think she could be Delta NF, Fi-ENFp. She seems extraverted but in a subdued manner imo.

    On a other hand, her portrayal of Edward Cullen, who could be a representation of her ideal partner, seem rather ISTp to me - strong and silent, traditional mindset, liking supposedly Si-like hobbies eg. collecting cars, caregiving and always looking out for Bella etc.

    Moreover, she seems to have a very high opinion on the actor Robert Pattison and got on quite well with him. He seems like an introverted Delta type to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    I'm going to tentatively type her ENTj.

    I agree that she seems "serious". she's independent-minded and has a positive, engaging attitude. she's not really emotionally warm, but she seems to try to look like she is anyway. in a few interviews I watched of her, she always mentions how much she likes to experiment, test the boundaries, play around and mess around with the "rules" in her writing. this sort of enjoyment she gets from risk-taking I think is consistent with the "enterprising" LIE.
    I could say the same thing about my writing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    who said the bolded was true? we don't know that (unless she said something in an interview somewhere.) and even if what I said isn't "proof" of her being ENTj, I don't see how it isn't compatible with that type, seriously. but whatever, I'm pretty sure we have totally different ideas of what an ENTj is.

    I'm still having a hard time seeing her as an introvert. I could more easily see eunice's suggestion of ENFp.
    I just don't see how the fact that she is so focused on pushing boundaries in fiction writing points to ENTj specifically. She seems very self-contained and complacent overall, with lower energy levels than I would expect from any extrovert. But if you're persisting in this opinion, it's obvious we have completely different ideas of what constitutes an ENTj. And you seem to be completely disregarding her demeanor and mannerisms, in the name of what? Some trait taken out of context and correlated with a type? Just because one specific trait isn't completely incompatible with a given type, does not mean the argument for that type has any more substance. What kind of logic is that? I'm sure that same trait is compatible with other types, so there, the argument for ENTj has been liquidated, based on redundancy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Heed the bolded. She likes to test boundaries and takes risks in her writing? What does that prove? That she has an active imagination? That she entertains fantasies in her writing that she would never dare carry out in real life? That doesn't sound like an ENTj to me (especially if they're such entrepreneurial risk-takers and all). And I don't see how she VIs as EJ or Se-valuing in the slightest, but whatever.
    How many not so gifted writers are able to convincingly evoke a message in their writing different from what they normally see? I wouldn't call the fan girls of Twilight as mostly deltas living out fantasies they would never dare, particularly given the more Se desirous aspect of it all. How many people write about their PoLR being awesome and breathtaking? I can't help but think of the movie as being heavily geared towards Se/Ni and Te/Fi. Those who've actually read the books may disagree with me.

    VI is not my strong suit so I don't have much to share there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    How many not so gifted writers are able to convincingly evoke a message in their writing different from what they normally see?
    Who cares about her skill as a writer? That has nothing to do with her type. The comment about entertaining things she wouldn't do in real life was a speculation, not a definitive claim; regardless, it bore nothing in regards to her type. The trait glam tried to correlate with ENTj is -not- correlated with ENTj -- at least to the exclusion of its correlation with other types.

    I wouldn't call the fan girls of Twilight as mostly deltas living out fantasies they would never dare, particularly given the more Se desirous aspect of it all.
    I don't think there's an Se desirous aspect of any of it. It's just some writer detailing supernatural romantic fantasies; not function-related. Nor do I think that the type of an author will always necessitate a demographic predominantly populated by people of their quadra.

    How many people write about their PoLR being awesome and breathtaking?
    Well, it's not Se-related.

    I can't help but think of the movie as being heavily geared towards Se/Ni and Te/Fi. Those who've actually read the books may disagree with me.
    I haven't seen the movie, and I've read a brief portion of the first book. Nothing about it stood out as especially Se/Ni to me; the writing style itself was overflowing with Si-focused metaphors, imagery and context-building. What I mean is, metaphors would always have some correlation to an impression which could be tied to a sensory experience, not just an abstract interpretation; the imagery was always saturated with details about the physical environment, not the character's internal impressions or whatever (Ni's focus on dynamic descriptions of abstract processes); and the way the book seemed to proceed was very gradational and smooth, as opposed to the more abrupt thematic changes many Ni/Se writers like to utilize, just due to the nature of the functions.

    But, I think VI alone rules out -any- Se-valuing type. I guess most people don't place as much emphasis on it, though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Who cares about her skill as a writer? That has nothing to do with her type. The comment about entertaining things she wouldn't do in real life was a speculation, not a definitive claim; regardless, it bore nothing in regards to her type. The trait glam tried to correlate with ENTj is -not- correlated with ENTj -- at least to the exclusion of its correlation with other types.
    Skill of writing is not type related sure, but the ability someone has in conveying aspects more personal or more universal might be. And I think amateurs are more likely to relate from where they stand than looking at people in a more nuanced manner. I get that it isn't a definitive claim, but I think it certainly doesn't preclude ENTj by itself. Plus, and we're in disagreement here since we're talking about different things, but the content and flavor of the material (by this I mean the movie, you by what you've read of the book) does seem all about the guy that sweeps in and puts everything right accordingly to how he privately sees it (which I may rightly or wrongly think is more ISxj oriented). The particular way it's played out in the movie I think is probably more Fi-oriented.

    I don't think there's an Se desirous aspect of any of it. It's just some writer detailing supernatural romantic fantasies; not function-related. Nor do I think that the type of an author will always necessitate a demographic predominantly populated by people of their quadra.
    Well, I disagree according to what I've said above. The supernatural fantasies as they seem to be portrayed I think lend themselves to a particular coloring of things. They don't seem to be just a coloring or gimmick, they play a part themselves in reinforcing what you're supposed to see or feel. I won't disagree that there's overlap and some distortion of what a particular quadra might propose, but I do think there are aspects that are more clearly brought forth out of someone that would be odd if they were not the one's they would normally work out of. Granted, most of this is probably more true of the director perhaps than the writer. I don't know how much input she had, if it was true to or fucked up what the author saw in her head.

    Well, it's not Se-related.
    Um, book vs movie phenomenon still probably.

    I haven't seen the movie, and I've read a brief portion of the first book. Nothing about it stood out as especially Se/Ni to me; the writing style itself was overflowing with Si-focused metaphors, imagery and context-building. What I mean is, metaphors would always have some correlation to an impression which could be tied to a sensory experience, not just an abstract interpretation; the imagery was always saturated with details about the physical environment, not the character's internal impressions or whatever (Ni's focus on dynamic descriptions of abstract processes); and the way the book seemed to proceed was very gradational and smooth, as opposed to the more abrupt thematic changes many Ni/Se writers like to utilize, just due to the nature of the functions.
    Totally can't comment here. I'll agree it doesn't sound like the more Ni writers I've read, like Nora Zeal Hurston or James Baldwin, though those were both INFp I think.

    But, I think VI alone rules out -any- Se-valuing type. I guess most people don't place as much emphasis on it, though.
    Yeah, I leave that to you. I do think you're damn good at it, but I gotta say where I think something may be wrong, whether I'm full of shit or not.

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    Also, I might add that my ability to read and write sentences right now is fucking phenomenal, relatively speaking.

    Which is slightly different than when Ezra said there was some relative lesbian action on Skins. I was thinking relative to whaaa...oh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Skill of writing is not type related sure, but the ability someone has in conveying aspects more personal or more universal might be.
    Maybe. But it's the coloring of the expression of this ability which I think ultimately illustrates functions.

    And I think amateurs are more likely to relate from where they stand than looking at people in a more nuanced manner. I get that it isn't a definitive claim, but I think it certainly doesn't preclude ENTj by itself.
    Well, yeah. But I don't think it precludes any other type.

    Plus, and we're in disagreement here since we're talking about different things, but the content and flavor of the material (by this I mean the movie, you by what you've read of the book) does seem all about the guy that sweeps in and puts everything right accordingly to how he privately sees it (which I may rightly or wrongly think is more ISxj oriented). The particular way it's played out in the movie I think is probably more Fi-oriented.
    Yeah, I haven't seen the movie, so I can't fully interpret what you're referring to. Although, despite not knowing the full extent of the trait you mentioned, I am hesitant to take something behavioral like that and draw a direct correlation to a function.

    Well, I disagree according to what I've said above. The supernatural fantasies as they seem to be portrayed I think lend themselves to a particular coloring of things. They don't seem to be just a coloring or gimmick, they play a part themselves in reinforcing what you're supposed to see or feel. I won't disagree that there's overlap and some distortion of what a particular quadra might propose, but I do think there are aspects that are more clearly brought forth out of someone that would be odd if they were not the one's they would normally work out of. Granted, most of this is probably more true of the director perhaps than the writer. I don't know how much input she had, if it was true to or fucked up what the author saw in her head.
    Hm, good points. I do think there is a certain inevitability to functions, in the sense that no matter what we do, they will always shape the contours, to some degree. So, I suppose when examining certain quadra themes in reference to a specific style implemented by a writer/director, those preferences may be pointed to. On the other hand, that matter seems too detailed to be utilized frequently, and I see little worth in the case of this person.

    Um, book vs movie phenomenon still probably.

    Totally can't comment here. I'll agree it doesn't sound like the more Ni writers I've read, like Nora Zeal Hurston or James Baldwin, though those were both INFp I think.

    Yeah, I leave that to you. I do think you're damn good at it, but I gotta say where I think something may be wrong, whether I'm full of shit or not.
    Yeah, ok. Thanks. And I appreciate the honesty.

    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Also, I might add that my ability to read and write sentences right now is fucking phenomenal, relatively speaking.

    Which is slightly different than when Ezra said there was some relative lesbian action on Skins. I was thinking relative to whaaa...oh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Glamourama
    interesting. I like to write too (fictional short stories) and I wouldn't say the same.

    out of curiosity, what would you consider your main goal when you write, Kam (if there is one)?
    I would say that my goal in writing is to make the reader feel how I feel when I write, to live through my eyes. This might sound a little feminine, but I love writing doomed romance stories, and of course, one could say that everything romantic has been written already, in one form or another. So I try to experiment and push the limits, test what sounds new and hasn't been done over again and again. Every story needs to have romance in it when I write stories, it just plain has to. I want them to hold the paper to their chest and sigh longingly. Therefore, you must push the limit, because you are nothing if you're just another.
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    Man, Kam! It's eerie how much that sounds like me, especially when I was younger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    I would say that my goal in writing is to make the reader feel how I feel when I write, to live through my eyes. This might sound a little feminine, but I love writing doomed romance stories, and of course, one could say that everything romantic has been written already, in one form or another. So I try to experiment and push the limits, test what sounds new and hasn't been done over again and again. Every story needs to have romance in it when I write stories, it just plain has to. I want them to hold the paper to their chest and sigh longingly. Therefore, you must push the limit, because you are nothing if you're just another.
    This is interesting, but I can't say I really relate. Mainly just that I would not want to make the reader feel how I felt, or see it through my eyes; that, to me, would detract from the essential quality of the writing. I'd rather produce something that had the same effect, regardless of the readers' interpretations of my feelings or perspective or whatever. Because when there's that fundamental consistency in the message it communicates and the feelings it engenders, to me, that epitomizes "true" quality.

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    I have noticed irl that Twilight's following is composed of Alpha's mainly and also Delta's.

    I cannot fathom a gamma enjoying that atmosphere, and I think Beta's also would not be keen on it.

    I have neither read the stories nor seen the movie, but I get a general Alpha/Delta impression from the fans.

    *edit: Maybe a good thread would be "goals in writing"?
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    This is interesting, but I can't say I really relate. Mainly just that I would not want to make the reader feel how I felt, or see it through my eyes; that, to me, would detract from the essential quality of the writing. I'd rather produce something that had the same effect, regardless of the readers' interpretations of my feelings or perspective or whatever. Because when there's that fundamental consistency in the message it communicates and the feelings it engenders, to me, that epitomizes "true" quality.
    Maybe I exaggerated a little bit in what I said. I don't believe that it would be possible for someone to feel how I felt when I wrote it when they read the story. I meant more of the superficial, "This is good writing/This is a cute story." thing. To reach into my reasons for writing the story or to get someone to feel the same exact way I do, it'd be nice, but I don't think it is possible nor would I want it to be possible. Once again, it was more of the "cute story, how nice" emotions.

    Anyway, I think we need to ask meyers what her goal is.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    Maybe I exaggerated a little bit in what I said. I don't believe that it would be possible for someone to feel how I felt when I wrote it when they read the story. I meant more of the superficial, "This is good writing/This is a cute story." thing. To reach into my reasons for writing the story or to get someone to feel the same exact way I do, it'd be nice, but I don't think it is possible nor would I want it to be possible. Once again, it was more of the "cute story, how nice" emotions.
    Ok, that makes sense.

    Anyway, I think we need to ask meyers what her goal is.
    Apparently she just writes for herself. I think she said that like three times in the first half of the interview. It was really annoying to me, and it conjured the image of her gorging herself with pages of text -- which, when viewed in light of her general personality, is quite appropriate IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Apparently she just writes for herself. I think she said that like three times in the first half of the interview. It was really annoying to me, and it conjured the image of her gorging herself with pages of text -- which, when viewed in light of her general personality, is quite appropriate IMO.
    That makes a little sense for me, I see writing as a personal thing, so if she writes for herself, that's cool. And if legions of girls want to read it, that's cool too.
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    I agree with ENTj.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    I have noticed irl that Twilight's following is composed of Alpha's mainly and also Delta's.

    I cannot fathom a gamma enjoying that atmosphere, and I think Beta's also would not be keen on it.
    Really? Because I have noticed, in real life, that Twilight's following is composed mainly of Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas.

    Strangely, I have also noticed, in real life, that Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas dislike it.

    We must be on to something.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by The Greeter View Post
    Really? Because I have noticed, in real life, that Twilight's following is composed mainly of Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas.

    Strangely, I have also noticed, in real life, that Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas dislike it.

    We must be on to something.
    You need to post more

    I think, though, that external circumstances aside (such as hype backlash), certain types are going to like certain things about Twilight; and that might well lead to certain types being more present in the fandom than others. I think this was Jake's point. Or rather, Jake's point was about Quadras--I think it could be more about ego elements. But I refuse to say anything conclusively one way or the other on that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    I agree, I can't see LIE or Si-devaluing at all. She keeps going on about what clothes people wear, it drives me nuts, because dude, you're writing about BLOODSUCKING IMMORTALS and all you care about are clothes, and boring clothes at that? Ugh. I can't stand her writing style. I do like how Edward keeps shoving Bella around though.

    I also don't understand what boundaries she's pushing in her writing. Not using good editors?
    Yeah. It's a bunch of bland, distended pseudo-sensory descriptions with all of the most irrelevant details piled into one garbage heap.

    And lol @ whoever suggested she pushes boundaries in her writing.

    Quote Originally Posted by krae View Post
    Wo, she is such garbage

    Anyone who likes her will most likely fail at life

    People who like Twilight no matter their age, quadra and sex - please don't explain yourself - you suck. Stay away from me - thx (and die)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    You need to post more

    I think, though, that external circumstances aside (such as hype backlash), certain types are going to like certain things about Twilight; and that might well lead to certain types being more present in the fandom than others. I think this was Jake's point. Or rather, Jake's point was about Quadras--I think it could be more about ego elements.
    I understand what ArchonAlarion is saying, I just happen to disagree.

    Just because, in this particular forum, the Betas are the most vocal about their loathing for this novel, does not necessarily mean that it is mainly Betas who dislike it nor does it imply that Deltas (or Alphas) will make up most of the fan base.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    But I refuse to say anything conclusively one way or the other on that.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by The Greeter View Post
    Oh, fine :tongue:

    Types of people I know that are instantly interested in any fiction as soon as you mention the world "relationships":

    EII, ESI, IEE. The EII has read Twilight. I will confess to being interested in it

    Types of people I know that instantly recoil:

    SLI, SLI, SLI. (Though to be fair, one of those SLIs otherwise seems to enjoy immersing himself in heartbreak.)

    Conclusion: inconclusive? I think Fi egos are naturally drawn to things with Fi in it, though. There's any number of personal things that could contradict this, however.

    I'd like to hear what Cyrano and you have to say about this, though

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    From her video, I think she's EII. She came off as introverted, didn't move a lot, probably IJ. I also got a delta vibe from her. Definitely more Fi than Fe.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  34. #34

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    Fe ego

  35. #35
    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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  36. #36

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    At first glance I would think Alpha introvert but might lean more towards LII over SEI.
    Would need to take a further look when free if I remember.

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